/** * Copyright (c) 2006-2012, JGraph Ltd */ /** * Construcs a new sidebar for the given editor. */ function Sidebar(editorUi, container) { this.editorUi = editorUi; this.container = container; this.palettes = new Object(); this.taglist = new Object(); this.lastCreated = 0; this.showTooltips = true; this.graph = editorUi.createTemporaryGraph(this.editorUi.editor.graph.getStylesheet()); this.graph.cellRenderer.minSvgStrokeWidth = this.minThumbStrokeWidth; this.graph.cellRenderer.antiAlias = this.thumbAntiAlias; this.graph.container.style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.graph.shapeBackgroundColor = 'transparent'; this.graph.foldingEnabled = false; // Wrapper for entries and footer this.container.style.overflow = 'visible'; this.wrapper = document.createElement('div'); this.wrapper.style.position = 'relative'; this.wrapper.style.overflowX = 'hidden'; this.wrapper.style.overflowY = 'auto'; this.wrapper.style.left = '0px'; this.wrapper.style.top = '0px'; this.wrapper.style.right = '0px'; this.wrapper.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; this.wrapper.style.maxHeight = 'calc(100% - ' + this.moreShapesHeight + 'px)'; this.container.appendChild(this.wrapper); //var title = this.createMoreShapes(); //this.container.appendChild(title); document.body.appendChild(this.graph.container); this.pointerUpHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (this.tooltipCloseImage == null || this.tooltipCloseImage.style.display == 'none') { this.showTooltips = true; this.hideTooltip(); } }); mxEvent.addListener(document, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerup' : 'mouseup', this.pointerUpHandler); this.pointerDownHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (this.tooltipCloseImage == null || this.tooltipCloseImage.style.display == 'none') { this.showTooltips = false; this.hideTooltip(); } }); mxEvent.addListener(document, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', this.pointerDownHandler); this.pointerMoveHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { if (Date.now() - this.lastCreated > 300 && (this.tooltipCloseImage == null || this.tooltipCloseImage.style.display == 'none')) { var src = mxEvent.getSource(evt); while (src != null) { if (src == this.currentElt) { return; } src = src.parentNode; } this.hideTooltip(); } }); mxEvent.addListener(document, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove', this.pointerMoveHandler); // Handles mouse leaving the window this.pointerOutHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { if (evt.toElement == null && evt.relatedTarget == null) { this.hideTooltip(); } }); mxEvent.addListener(document, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerout' : 'mouseout', this.pointerOutHandler); // Enables tooltips after scroll mxEvent.addListener(container, 'scroll', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.showTooltips = true; this.hideTooltip(); })); this.init(); }; /** * Adds all palettes to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.init = function() { var dir = STENCIL_PATH; this.addSearchPalette(true); this.addGeneralPalette(true); this.addMiscPalette(false); this.addAdvancedPalette(false); this.addBasicPalette(dir); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('arrows'); this.addStencilPalette('arrows', mxResources.get('arrows'), dir + '/arrows.xml', ';whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#ffffff;strokeColor=#000000;strokeWidth=2'); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); this.addUmlPalette(false); if(this['addBpmnPalette'] !== undefined){ this.addBpmnPalette(dir, false); } this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('flowchart'); this.addStencilPalette('flowchart', 'Flowchart', dir + '/flowchart.xml', ';whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#ffffff;strokeColor=#000000;strokeWidth=2'); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('clipart'); this.addImagePalette('clipart', mxResources.get('clipart'), dir + '/clipart/', '_128x128.png', ['Earth_globe', 'Empty_Folder', 'Full_Folder', 'Gear', 'Lock', 'Software', 'Virus', 'Email', 'Database', 'Router_Icon', 'iPad', 'iMac', 'Laptop', 'MacBook', 'Monitor_Tower', 'Printer', 'Server_Tower', 'Workstation', 'Firewall_02', 'Wireless_Router_N', 'Credit_Card', 'Piggy_Bank', 'Graph', 'Safe', 'Shopping_Cart', 'Suit1', 'Suit2', 'Suit3', 'Pilot1', 'Worker1', 'Soldier1', 'Doctor1', 'Tech1', 'Security1', 'Telesales1'], null, {'Wireless_Router_N': 'wireless router switch wap wifi access point wlan', 'Router_Icon': 'router switch'}); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); }; /** * Sets the default font size. */ Sidebar.prototype.collapsedImage = (!mxClient.IS_SVG) ? IMAGE_PATH + '/collapsed.gif' : ''; /** * Sets the default font size. */ Sidebar.prototype.expandedImage = (!mxClient.IS_SVG) ? IMAGE_PATH + '/expanded.gif' : ''; /** * */ Sidebar.prototype.searchImage = (!mxClient.IS_SVG) ? IMAGE_PATH + '/search.png' : ''; /** * Specifies if tooltips should be visible. Default is true. */ Sidebar.prototype.enableTooltips = true; /** * Specifies the delay for the tooltip. Default is 16 px. */ Sidebar.prototype.tooltipBorder = 16; /** * Specifies the delay for the tooltip. Default is 300 ms. */ Sidebar.prototype.tooltipDelay = 300; /** * Specifies the delay for the drop target icons. Default is 200 ms. */ Sidebar.prototype.dropTargetDelay = 200; /** * Specifies the URL of the gear image. */ Sidebar.prototype.gearImage = STENCIL_PATH + '/clipart/Gear_128x128.png'; /** * Specifies the width of the thumbnails. */ Sidebar.prototype.thumbWidth = 42; /** * Specifies the height of the thumbnails. */ Sidebar.prototype.thumbHeight = 42; /** * Specifies the width of the thumbnails. */ Sidebar.prototype.minThumbStrokeWidth = 1; /** * Specifies the width of the thumbnails. */ Sidebar.prototype.thumbAntiAlias = false; /** * Specifies the padding for the thumbnails. Default is 3. */ Sidebar.prototype.thumbPadding = (document.documentMode >= 5) ? 2 : 3; /** * Specifies the delay for the tooltip. Default is 2 px. */ Sidebar.prototype.thumbBorder = 2; /** * Allows for two buttons in the sidebar footer. */ Sidebar.prototype.moreShapesHeight = 52; /** * Whether live preview should be enabled. Default is true. */ Sidebar.prototype.livePreview = true; /* * Experimental smaller sidebar entries */ if (urlParams['sidebar-entries'] != 'large') { Sidebar.prototype.thumbPadding = (document.documentMode >= 5) ? 0 : 1; Sidebar.prototype.thumbBorder = 1; Sidebar.prototype.thumbWidth = 32; Sidebar.prototype.thumbHeight = 30; Sidebar.prototype.minThumbStrokeWidth = 1.3; Sidebar.prototype.thumbAntiAlias = true; } /** * Specifies the size of the sidebar titles. */ Sidebar.prototype.sidebarTitleSize = 8; /** * Specifies if titles in the sidebar should be enabled. */ Sidebar.prototype.sidebarTitles = false; /** * Specifies if titles in the tooltips should be enabled. */ Sidebar.prototype.tooltipTitles = true; /** * Specifies if titles in the tooltips should be enabled. */ Sidebar.prototype.maxTooltipWidth = 400; /** * Specifies if titles in the tooltips should be enabled. */ Sidebar.prototype.maxTooltipHeight = 400; /** * Specifies if stencil files should be loaded and added to the search index * when stencil palettes are added. If this is false then the stencil files * are lazy-loaded when the palette is shown. */ Sidebar.prototype.addStencilsToIndex = true; /** * Specifies the width for clipart images. Default is 80. */ Sidebar.prototype.defaultImageWidth = 80; /** * Specifies the height for clipart images. Default is 80. */ Sidebar.prototype.defaultImageHeight = 80; /** * Specifies the height for clipart images. Default is 80. */ Sidebar.prototype.tooltipMouseDown = null; /** * Reloads the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.refresh = function() { var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; this.graph.stylesheet.styles = mxUtils.clone( graph.getDefaultStylesheet().styles); var scrollTop = this.wrapper.scrollTop; this.wrapper.innerText = ''; var temp = this.palettes; this.palettes = new Object(); // Overrides addPalette to restore expanded state var addPalette = this.addPalette; this.addPalette = function(id, title, expanded, onInit) { expanded = this.wasPaletteExpanded(temp, id, expanded); return addPalette.apply(this, arguments); }; this.init(temp); // Restores previous implementation this.addPalette = addPalette; // Restores scrollbar position window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.wrapper.scrollTop = scrollTop; }), 0); }; /** * Overrides the sidebar init. */ Sidebar.prototype.wasPaletteExpanded = function(paletteStates, id, defaultExpanded) { var elts = (paletteStates != null && id != null) ? paletteStates[id] : null; var result = defaultExpanded if (elts != null && elts.length == 2 && elts[1].firstChild != null) { result = elts[1].firstChild.style.display != 'none'; } return result; }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.getEntryContainer = function() { return this.wrapper; }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.appendChild = function(child) { this.wrapper.appendChild(child); }; /** * Adds all palettes to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.getTooltipOffset = function(elt, bounds) { var b = document.body; var d = document.documentElement; var bottom = Math.max(b.clientHeight || 0, d.clientHeight); var height = bounds.height + 2 * this.tooltipBorder; return new mxPoint(this.container.offsetWidth + 2 + this.editorUi.container.offsetLeft, Math.min(bottom - height - 20 /*status bar*/, Math.max(0, (this.editorUi.container.offsetTop + this.container.offsetTop + elt.offsetTop - this.wrapper.scrollTop - height / 2 + 16)))); }; /** * Adds all palettes to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.createMoreShapes = function() { var div = this.editorUi.createDiv('geSidebarFooter'); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.overflow = 'hidden'; div.style.display = 'inline-flex'; div.style.alignItems = 'center'; div.style.justifyContent = 'center'; div.style.width = '100%'; div.style.marginTop = '-1px'; div.style.height = this.moreShapesHeight+ 'px'; var title = document.createElement('button'); title.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; title.style.display = 'inline-flex'; title.style.alignItems = 'center'; title.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; title.style.padding = '8px'; title.style.margin = '0px'; title.innerHTML = '+'; var span = title.getElementsByTagName('span')[0]; span.style.fontSize = '18px'; span.style.marginRight = '5px'; mxUtils.write(title, mxResources.get('moreShapes')); // Prevents focus mxEvent.addListener(title, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); })); mxEvent.addListener(title, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.editorUi.actions.get('shapes').funct(); mxEvent.consume(evt); })); div.appendChild(title); return div; }; /** * Adds all palettes to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.createTooltip = function(elt, cells, w, h, title, showLabel, off, maxSize, mouseDown, closable, applyAllStyles) { applyAllStyles = (applyAllStyles != null) ? applyAllStyles : true; this.tooltipMouseDown = mouseDown; // Lazy creation of the DOM nodes and graph instance if (this.tooltip == null) { this.tooltip = document.createElement('div'); this.tooltip.className = 'geSidebarTooltip'; this.tooltip.style.userSelect = 'none'; this.tooltip.style.zIndex = mxPopupMenu.prototype.zIndex - 1; document.body.appendChild(this.tooltip); mxEvent.addMouseWheelListener(mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.hideTooltip(); }), this.tooltip); this.graph2 = new Graph(this.tooltip, null, null, this.editorUi.editor.graph.getStylesheet()); this.graph2.shapeBackgroundColor = 'transparent'; this.graph2.resetViewOnRootChange = false; this.graph2.foldingEnabled = false; this.graph2.gridEnabled = false; this.graph2.autoScroll = false; this.graph2.setTooltips(false); this.graph2.setConnectable(false); this.graph2.setPanning(false); this.graph2.setEnabled(false); // Blocks all links this.graph2.openLink = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.hideTooltip(); }); mxEvent.addGestureListeners(this.tooltip, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { if (this.tooltipMouseDown != null) { this.tooltipMouseDown(evt); } window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (this.tooltipCloseImage == null || this.tooltipCloseImage.style.display == 'none') { this.hideTooltip(); } }), 0); }), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.hideTooltip(); })); if (!mxClient.IS_SVG) { this.graph2.view.canvas.style.position = 'relative'; } var close = document.createElement('img'); close.setAttribute('src', Dialog.prototype.closeImage); close.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('close')); close.style.position = 'absolute'; close.style.cursor = 'default'; close.style.padding = '8px'; close.style.right = '2px'; close.style.top = '2px'; this.tooltip.appendChild(close); this.tooltipCloseImage = close; mxEvent.addListener(close, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.hideTooltip(); mxEvent.consume(evt); })); } this.tooltipCloseImage.style.display = (closable) ? '' : 'none'; this.graph2.model.clear(); this.graph2.view.setTranslate(this.tooltipBorder, this.tooltipBorder); if (!maxSize && (w > this.maxTooltipWidth || h > this.maxTooltipHeight)) { this.graph2.view.scale = Math.round(Math.min(this.maxTooltipWidth / w, this.maxTooltipHeight / h) * 100) / 100; } else { this.graph2.view.scale = 1; } this.tooltip.style.display = 'block'; this.graph2.labelsVisible = (showLabel == null || showLabel); var fo = mxClient.NO_FO; mxClient.NO_FO = Editor.prototype.originalNoForeignObject; // Ensures opaque background for edge labels var style = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(this.tooltip); this.graph2.shapeBackgroundColor = style.backgroundColor; // Applies current style for preview var temp = this.graph2.cloneCells(cells); this.editorUi.insertHandler(temp, null, this.graph2.model, (!applyAllStyles) ? this.editorUi.editor.graph.defaultVertexStyle : null, (!applyAllStyles) ? this.editorUi.editor.graph.defaultEdgeStyle : null, applyAllStyles, true); this.graph2.addCells(temp); mxClient.NO_FO = fo; var bounds = this.graph2.getGraphBounds(); // Maximum size applied with transform for faster repaint if (maxSize && w > 0 && h > 0 && (bounds.width > w || bounds.height > h)) { var s = Math.round(Math.min(w / bounds.width, h / bounds.height) * 100) / 100; if (!mxClient.NO_FO) { this.graph2.view.getDrawPane().ownerSVGElement.style.transform = 'scale(' + s + ')'; this.graph2.view.getDrawPane().ownerSVGElement.style.transformOrigin = '0 0'; bounds.width *= s; bounds.height *= s; } else { this.graph2.view.setScale(Math.round(Math.min( this.maxTooltipWidth / bounds.width, this.maxTooltipHeight / bounds.height) * 100) / 100); bounds = this.graph2.getGraphBounds(); } } else if (!mxClient.NO_FO) { this.graph2.view.getDrawPane().ownerSVGElement.style.transform = ''; } var width = bounds.width + 2 * this.tooltipBorder + 4; var height = bounds.height + 2 * this.tooltipBorder; this.tooltip.style.overflow = 'visible'; this.tooltip.style.width = width + 'px'; var w2 = width; // Adds title for entry if (this.tooltipTitles && title != null && title.length > 0) { if (this.tooltipTitle == null) { this.tooltipTitle = document.createElement('div'); this.tooltipTitle.style.borderTop = '1px solid gray'; this.tooltipTitle.style.textAlign = 'center'; this.tooltipTitle.style.width = '100%'; this.tooltipTitle.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this.tooltipTitle.style.position = 'absolute'; this.tooltipTitle.style.paddingTop = '6px'; this.tooltipTitle.style.bottom = '6px'; this.tooltip.appendChild(this.tooltipTitle); } else { this.tooltipTitle.innerText = ''; } this.tooltipTitle.style.display = ''; mxUtils.write(this.tooltipTitle, title); // Allows for wider labels w2 = Math.min(this.maxTooltipWidth, Math.max(width, this.tooltipTitle.scrollWidth + 4)); var ddy = this.tooltipTitle.offsetHeight + 10; height += ddy; if (mxClient.IS_SVG) { this.tooltipTitle.style.marginTop = (2 - ddy) + 'px'; } else { height -= 6; this.tooltipTitle.style.top = (height - ddy) + 'px'; } } else if (this.tooltipTitle != null && this.tooltipTitle.parentNode != null) { this.tooltipTitle.style.display = 'none'; } // Updates width if label is wider if (w2 > width) { this.tooltip.style.width = w2 + 'px'; } this.tooltip.style.height = height + 'px'; var x0 = -Math.round(bounds.x - this.tooltipBorder) + ((w2 > width) ? (w2 - width) / 2 : 0); var y0 = -Math.round(bounds.y - this.tooltipBorder); off = (off != null) ? off : this.getTooltipOffset(elt, bounds); var left = off.x; var top = off.y; if (mxClient.IS_SVG) { if (x0 != 0 || y0 != 0) { this.graph2.view.canvas.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + x0 + ',' + y0 + ')'); } else { this.graph2.view.canvas.removeAttribute('transform'); } } else { this.graph2.view.drawPane.style.left = x0 + 'px'; this.graph2.view.drawPane.style.top = y0 + 'px'; } // Workaround for ignored position CSS style in IE9 // (changes to relative without the following line) this.tooltip.style.position = 'absolute'; this.tooltip.style.left = left + 'px'; this.tooltip.style.top = top + 'px'; mxUtils.fit(this.tooltip); this.lastCreated = Date.now(); }; /** * Adds all palettes to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.showTooltip = function(elt, cells, w, h, title, showLabel) { if (this.enableTooltips && this.showTooltips) { if (this.currentElt != elt) { if (this.thread != null) { window.clearTimeout(this.thread); this.thread = null; } var show = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.createTooltip(elt, cells, w, h, title, showLabel); }); if (this.tooltip != null && this.tooltip.style.display != 'none') { show(); } else { this.thread = window.setTimeout(show, this.tooltipDelay); } this.currentElt = elt; } } }; /** * Hides the current tooltip. */ Sidebar.prototype.hideTooltip = function() { if (this.thread != null) { window.clearTimeout(this.thread); this.thread = null; } if (this.tooltip != null) { this.tooltip.style.display = 'none'; this.currentElt = null; } this.tooltipMouseDown = null; }; /** * Hides the current tooltip. */ Sidebar.prototype.addDataEntry = function(tags, width, height, title, data) { if (tags == null) { tags = ''; } if (title != null) { tags += ' ' + title; } return this.addEntry(tags, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { return this.createVertexTemplateFromData(data, width, height, title); })); }; /** * Adds the give entries to the search index. */ Sidebar.prototype.addEntries = function(images) { for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function(img) { var data = img.data; var tags = (img.title != null) ? img.title : ''; if (img.tags != null) { tags += ' ' + img.tags; } if (data != null && tags.length > 0) { this.addEntry(tags, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { data = this.editorUi.convertDataUri(data); var s = 'shape=image;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;imageAspect=0;'; if (img.aspect == 'fixed') { s += 'aspect=fixed;' } return this.createVertexTemplate(s + 'image=' + data, img.w, img.h, '', img.title || '', false, false, true) })); } else if (img.xml != null && tags.length > 0) { this.addEntry(tags, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var cells = this.editorUi.stringToCells(Graph.decompress(img.xml)); return this.createVertexTemplateFromCells( cells, img.w, img.h, img.title || '', true, false, true); })); } }))(images[i]); } }; /** * Hides the current tooltip. */ Sidebar.prototype.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary = function(id, lib) { this.currentSearchEntryLibrary = (id != null) ? {id: id, lib: lib} : null; }; /** * Hides the current tooltip. */ Sidebar.prototype.addEntry = function(tags, fn) { if (this.taglist != null && tags != null && tags.length > 0) { if (this.currentSearchEntryLibrary != null) { fn.parentLibraries = [this.currentSearchEntryLibrary]; } // Replaces special characters var tmp = tags.toLowerCase().replace(/[\/\,\(\)]/g, ' ').split(' '); var tagList = []; var hash = {}; // Finds unique tags for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { if (hash[tmp[i]] == null) { hash[tmp[i]] = true; tagList.push(tmp[i]); } // Adds additional entry with removed trailing numbers var normalized = Editor.soundex(tmp[i].replace(/\.*\d*$/, '')); if (normalized != tmp[i]) { if (hash[normalized] == null) { hash[normalized] = true; tagList.push(normalized); } } } for (var i = 0; i < tagList.length; i++) { this.addEntryForTag(tagList[i], fn); } } return fn; }; /** * Hides the current tooltip. */ Sidebar.prototype.addEntryForTag = function(tag, fn) { if (tag != null && tag.length > 1) { var entry = this.taglist[tag]; if (typeof entry !== 'object') { entry = {entries: []}; this.taglist[tag] = entry; } entry.entries.push(fn); } }; /** * Adds shape search UI. */ Sidebar.prototype.searchEntries = function(searchTerms, count, page, success, error) { if (this.taglist != null && searchTerms != null) { var tmp = searchTerms.toLowerCase().split(' '); var dict = new mxDictionary(); var max = (page + 1) * count; var results = []; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { var normalized = Editor.soundex(tmp[i].replace(/\.*\d*$/, '')); if (normalized.length > 0) { var entry = this.taglist[normalized]; var tmpDict = new mxDictionary(); if (entry != null) { var arr = entry.entries; results = []; for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { var entry = arr[j]; // NOTE Array does not contain duplicates if ((index == 0) == (dict.get(entry) == null)) { tmpDict.put(entry, entry); results.push(entry); if (i == tmp.length - 1 && results.length == max) { success(results.slice(page * count, max), max, true, tmp); return; } } } } else { results = []; } dict = tmpDict; index++; } } var len = results.length; success(results.slice(page * count, (page + 1) * count), len, false, tmp); } else { success([], null, null, tmp); } }; /** * Adds shape search UI. */ Sidebar.prototype.filterTags = function(tags) { if (tags != null) { var arr = tags.split(' '); var result = []; var hash = {}; // Ignores tags with leading numbers, strips trailing numbers for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { // Removes duplicates if (hash[arr[i]] == null) { hash[arr[i]] = '1'; result.push(arr[i]); } } return result.join(' '); } return null; }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.cloneCell = function(cell, value) { var clone = cell.clone(); if (value != null) { clone.value = value; } return clone; }; /** * Adds shape search UI. */ Sidebar.prototype.showPopupMenuForEntry = function(elt, libs, evt) { // Hook for subclassers }; /** * Adds shape search UI. */ Sidebar.prototype.addSearchPalette = function(expand) { var elt = document.createElement('div'); elt.style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.appendChild(elt); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'geSidebar geSearchSidebar'; if (!expand) { div.style.display = 'none'; } var inner = document.createElement('div'); inner.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; inner.style.textOverflow = 'clip'; inner.style.paddingBottom = '8px'; inner.style.cursor = 'default'; var input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('placeholder', mxResources.get('searchShapes')); input.setAttribute('type', 'text'); inner.appendChild(input); var cross = document.createElement('img'); cross.setAttribute('src', Sidebar.prototype.searchImage); cross.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('search')); cross.style.position = 'relative'; cross.style.left = '-18px'; cross.style.top = '1px'; // Needed to block event transparency in IE cross.style.background = 'url(\'' + this.editorUi.editor.transparentImage + '\')'; var find; inner.appendChild(cross); div.appendChild(inner); var center = document.createElement('center'); var button = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('moreResults'), function() { find(); }); button.style.display = 'none'; // Workaround for inherited line-height in quirks mode button.style.lineHeight = 'normal'; button.style.fontSize = '12px'; button.style.padding = '6px 12px 6px 12px'; button.style.marginTop = '4px'; button.style.marginBottom = '8px'; center.style.paddingTop = '4px'; center.style.paddingBottom = '4px'; center.appendChild(button); div.appendChild(center); var searchTerm = ''; var active = false; var complete = false; var page = 0; var hash = new Object(); // Count is dynamically updated below var count = 12; var clearDiv = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { active = false; this.currentSearch = null; var child = div.firstChild; while (child != null) { var next = child.nextSibling; if (child != inner && child != center) { child.parentNode.removeChild(child); } child = next; } }); mxEvent.addListener(cross, 'click', function() { if (cross.getAttribute('src') == Dialog.prototype.closeImage) { cross.setAttribute('src', Sidebar.prototype.searchImage); cross.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('search')); button.style.display = 'none'; input.value = ''; searchTerm = ''; clearDiv(); } input.focus(); }); find = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { // Shows 4 rows (minimum 4 results) count = 4 * Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.container.clientWidth / (this.thumbWidth + 10))); this.hideTooltip(); if (input.value != '') { if (center.parentNode != null) { if (searchTerm != input.value) { clearDiv(); searchTerm = input.value; hash = new Object(); complete = false; page = 0; } if (!active && !complete) { button.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); button.style.display = ''; button.style.cursor = 'wait'; button.innerHTML = mxResources.get('loading') + '...'; active = true; // Ignores old results var current = new Object(); this.currentSearch = current; this.searchEntries(searchTerm, count, page, mxUtils.bind(this, function(results, len, more, terms) { if (this.currentSearch == current) { results = (results != null) ? results : []; active = false; page++; this.insertSearchHint(div, searchTerm, count, page, results, len, more, terms); // Allows to repeat the search if (results.length == 0 && page == 1) { searchTerm = ''; } if (center.parentNode != null) { center.parentNode.removeChild(center); } for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function(result) { try { var elt = result(); // Avoids duplicates in results if (hash[elt.innerHTML] == null) { hash[elt.innerHTML] = (result.parentLibraries != null) ? result.parentLibraries.slice() : []; div.appendChild(elt); } else if (result.parentLibraries != null) { hash[elt.innerHTML] = hash[elt.innerHTML].concat(result.parentLibraries); } mxEvent.addGestureListeners(elt, null, null, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { var libs = hash[elt.innerHTML]; if (mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(evt)) { this.showPopupMenuForEntry(elt, libs, evt); } })); // Disables the built-in context menu mxEvent.disableContextMenu(elt); } catch (e) { // ignore } }))(results[i]); } if (more) { button.removeAttribute('disabled'); button.innerHTML = mxResources.get('moreResults'); } else { button.innerHTML = mxResources.get('reset'); button.style.display = 'none'; complete = true; } button.style.cursor = ''; div.appendChild(center); } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function() { // TODO: Error handling button.style.cursor = ''; })); } } } else { clearDiv(); input.value = ''; searchTerm = ''; hash = new Object(); button.style.display = 'none'; complete = false; input.focus(); } }); this.searchShapes = function(value) { input.value = value; find(); }; mxEvent.addListener(input, 'keydown', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 13 /* Enter */) { find(); mxEvent.consume(evt); } })); var searchChanged = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (input.value == '') { cross.setAttribute('src', Sidebar.prototype.searchImage); cross.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('search')); } else { cross.setAttribute('src', Dialog.prototype.closeImage); cross.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('reset')); } if (input.value == '') { complete = true; button.style.display = 'none'; } else if (input.value != searchTerm) { button.style.display = 'none'; complete = false; } else if (!active) { if (complete) { button.style.display = 'none'; } else { button.style.display = ''; } } }), 0); }); mxEvent.addListener(input, 'keyup', searchChanged); mxEvent.addListener(input, 'paste', searchChanged); mxEvent.addListener(input, 'cut', searchChanged); // Workaround for blocked text selection in Editor mxEvent.addListener(input, 'mousedown', function(evt) { if (evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); } evt.cancelBubble = true; }); // Workaround for blocked text selection in Editor mxEvent.addListener(input, 'selectstart', function(evt) { if (evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); } evt.cancelBubble = true; }); var outer = document.createElement('div'); outer.appendChild(div); this.appendChild(outer); // Keeps references to the DOM nodes this.palettes['search'] = [elt, outer]; }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.insertSearchHint = function(div, searchTerm, count, page, results, len, more, terms) { if (results.length == 0 && page == 1) { var err = document.createElement('div'); err.className = 'geTitle'; err.style.cssText = 'background-color:transparent;border-color:transparent;' + 'padding:6px 0px 0px 0px !important;margin:4px 8px 4px 8px;text-align:center;' + 'cursor:default !important;font-size:11px;font-weight:normal;'; mxUtils.write(err, mxResources.get('noResultsFor', [searchTerm])); div.appendChild(err); } }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.addGeneralPalette = function(expand) { var lineTags = 'line lines connector connectors connection connections arrow arrows '; this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('general', 'general'); var sb = this; var temp = parseInt(this.editorUi.editor.graph.defaultVertexStyle['fontSize']); var fontSize = !isNaN(temp) ? 'fontSize=' + Math.min(16, temp) + ';' : ''; // Reusable cells var field = new mxCell('List Item', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 80, 30), 'text;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;' + 'spacingLeft=4;spacingRight=4;overflow=hidden;points=[[0,0.5],[1,0.5]];' + 'portConstraint=eastwest;rotatable=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;' + fontSize); field.vertex = true; var fns = [ this.createVertexTemplateEntry('rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Rectangle', null, null, 'rect rectangle box'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Rounded Rectangle', null, null, 'rounded rect rectangle box'), // Explicit strokecolor/fillcolor=none is a workaround to maintain transparent background regardless of current style this.createVertexTemplateEntry('text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;whiteSpace=wrap;rounded=0;', 60, 30, 'Text', 'Text', null, null, 'text textbox textarea label'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;spacing=5;spacingTop=-20;whiteSpace=wrap;overflow=hidden;rounded=0;', 190, 120, '


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

', 'Textbox', null, null, 'text textbox textarea'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Ellipse', null, null, 'oval ellipse state'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;aspect=fixed;', 80, 80, '', 'Square', null, null, 'square'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;aspect=fixed;', 80, 80, '', 'Circle', null, null, 'circle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=process;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;backgroundOutline=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Process', null, null, 'process task'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('rhombus;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Diamond', null, null, 'diamond rhombus if condition decision conditional question test'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=parallelogram;perimeter=parallelogramPerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Parallelogram'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=hexagon;perimeter=hexagonPerimeter2;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Hexagon', null, null, 'hexagon preparation'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('triangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 80, '', 'Triangle', null, null, 'triangle logic inverter buffer'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=cylinder3;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;boundedLbl=1;backgroundOutline=1;size=15;', 60, 80, '', 'Cylinder', null, null, 'cylinder data database'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;shape=cloud;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Cloud', null, null, 'cloud network'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=document;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;boundedLbl=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Document'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=internalStorage;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;backgroundOutline=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Internal Storage'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=cube;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;boundedLbl=1;backgroundOutline=1;darkOpacity=0.05;darkOpacity2=0.1;', 120, 80, '', 'Cube'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=step;perimeter=stepPerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Step'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=trapezoid;perimeter=trapezoidPerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Trapezoid'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=tape;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 100, '', 'Tape'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=note;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;backgroundOutline=1;darkOpacity=0.05;', 80, 100, '', 'Note'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=card;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 100, '', 'Card'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=callout;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;perimeter=calloutPerimeter;', 120, 80, '', 'Callout', null, null, 'bubble chat thought speech message'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=umlActor;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;html=1;outlineConnect=0;', 30, 60, 'Actor', 'Actor', false, null, 'user person human stickman'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=xor;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 80, '', 'Or', null, null, 'logic or'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=or;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 80, '', 'And', null, null, 'logic and'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=dataStorage;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;', 100, 80, '', 'Data Storage'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('swimlane;startSize=0;', 200, 200, '', 'Container', null, null, 'container swimlane lane pool group'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('swimlane;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 200, 200, 'Vertical Container', 'Container', null, null, 'container swimlane lane pool group'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('swimlane;horizontal=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 200, 200, 'Horizontal Container', 'Horizontal Container', null, null, 'container swimlane lane pool group'), this.addEntry('list group erd table', function() { var cell = new mxCell('List', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 140, 120), 'swimlane;fontStyle=0;childLayout=stackLayout;horizontal=1;startSize=30;horizontalStack=0;' + 'resizeParent=1;resizeParentMax=0;resizeLast=0;collapsible=1;marginBottom=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;'); cell.vertex = true; cell.insert(sb.cloneCell(field, 'Item 1')); cell.insert(sb.cloneCell(field, 'Item 2')); cell.insert(sb.cloneCell(field, 'Item 3')); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'List'); }), this.addEntry('list item entry value group erd table', function() { return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([sb.cloneCell(field, 'List Item')], field.geometry.width, field.geometry.height, 'List Item'); }), this.addEntry('curve', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 50, 50), 'curved=1;endArrow=classic;html=1;'); cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 50), true); cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(50, 0), false); cell.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(50, 50), new mxPoint(0, 0)]; cell.geometry.relative = true; cell.edge = true; return this.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Curve'); })), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('shape=flexArrow;endArrow=classic;startArrow=classic;html=1;', 100, 100, '', 'Bidirectional Arrow', null, lineTags + 'bidirectional'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('shape=flexArrow;endArrow=classic;html=1;', 50, 50, '', 'Arrow', null, lineTags + 'directional directed'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=none;dashed=1;html=1;', 50, 50, '', 'Dashed Line', null, lineTags + 'dashed undirected no'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=none;dashed=1;html=1;dashPattern=1 3;strokeWidth=2;', 50, 50, '', 'Dotted Line', null, lineTags + 'dotted undirected no'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=none;html=1;', 50, 50, '', 'Line', null, lineTags + 'simple undirected plain blank no'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=classic;startArrow=classic;html=1;', 50, 50, '', 'Bidirectional Connector', null, lineTags + 'bidirectional'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=classic;html=1;', 50, 50, '', 'Directional Connector', null, lineTags + 'directional directed'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('shape=link;html=1;', 100, 0, '', 'Link', null, lineTags + 'link'), this.addEntry(lineTags + 'edge title', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=classic;html=1;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(100, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; var cell0 = new mxCell('Label', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;'); cell0.geometry.relative = true; cell0.setConnectable(false); cell0.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell0); return this.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 100, 0, 'Connector with Label'); })), this.addEntry(lineTags + 'edge title multiplicity', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=classic;html=1;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(160, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; var cell0 = new mxCell('Label', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;'); cell0.geometry.relative = true; cell0.setConnectable(false); cell0.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell0); var cell1 = new mxCell('Source', new mxGeometry(-1, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;'); cell1.geometry.relative = true; cell1.setConnectable(false); cell1.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell1); return this.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 160, 0, 'Connector with 2 Labels'); })), this.addEntry(lineTags + 'edge title multiplicity', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=classic;html=1;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(160, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; var cell0 = new mxCell('Label', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;'); cell0.geometry.relative = true; cell0.setConnectable(false); cell0.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell0); var cell1 = new mxCell('Source', new mxGeometry(-1, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;'); cell1.geometry.relative = true; cell1.setConnectable(false); cell1.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell1); var cell2 = new mxCell('Target', new mxGeometry(1, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=right;verticalAlign=bottom;'); cell2.geometry.relative = true; cell2.setConnectable(false); cell2.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell2); return this.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 160, 0, 'Connector with 3 Labels'); })), this.addEntry(lineTags + 'edge shape symbol message mail email', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=classic;html=1;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(100, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 20, 14), 'shape=message;html=1;outlineConnect=0;'); cell.geometry.relative = true; cell.vertex = true; cell.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-10, -7); edge.insert(cell); return this.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 100, 0, 'Connector with Symbol'); })) ]; this.addPaletteFunctions('general', mxResources.get('general'), (expand != null) ? expand : true, fns); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.addMiscPalette = function(expand) { var sb = this; var lineTags = 'line lines connector connectors connection connections arrow arrows ' this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('general', 'misc'); var fns = [ this.createVertexTemplateEntry('text;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;html=1;fontSize=24;fontStyle=1;verticalAlign=middle;align=center;', 100, 40, 'Title', 'Title', null, null, 'text heading title'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('text;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;verticalAlign=middle;overflow=hidden;', 100, 80, '', 'Unordered List'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('text;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;verticalAlign=middle;overflow=hidden;', 100, 80, '
  1. Value 1
  2. Value 2
  3. Value 3
', 'Ordered List'), this.addDataEntry('table', 180, 120, 'Table 1', '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'), this.addDataEntry('table', 180, 120, 'Table 2', '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'), this.addDataEntry('table title', 180, 150, 'Table with Title 1', '7VnbbtswDP0avw6WXSfda5yue9he2v6AGjGRMFkyZKZO+vWjbOWyJVluQ9G6BmxApChaOudIIOQozYvFveOl/GkF6Ci9i9LcWYttq1jkoHWUxEpE6ThKkpjeKPl2oJc1vXHJHRg8ZUDSDnjheg6t54k/a2i9FS518FaSl76JTW86qpA7fFSv3pfG5JhYg1wZcORgja01LyvVhI+bCKm0+MGXdo6rRCuL0jn7C3KrrR8vYMrn2vunlDV8hQ3IDrMFh7A4uOLGFZZ7D7YAdEsKqZVAGSJuW1RiCWomV8Oy4ORV65itx24ApEbAcD+e6Q6e/4bywda0LGmdevUA6oDVNryNXatCcwPfgYu/XCMrlutR2ygqI8EpjyLaMkRomGJoPltEWwTDBRjivcwJZ8sn7mawCpkqrVefMdZ4QZRWGWyAy0b0EJR5/CWLMlpxTjbb2PT4cIe5NTRjEo1PC7zCGqqLSU/2k74MtARqj2ng5j9I4OZ0CdACUHH9ABPkZtZsLImFDluolgrhseQTH1rTEdFuM+OjN+QcIt0SYFPt5TWWSggw+3k7TxsNy+DuXqAlm11KV3p0jw7OpCck22B5djauaWmGI22puRHVDufreZ4kg6yXwcUyWPxJWodUMehVca0qWNI9WQz7suE9lg3DNywbbvuT4Thdw86XDV97GVwsg+6WDSzuZXGtLLpYNzDWFw7vsXBg7A0rB7Z7idcfDru3gsevBT/8aXDG7WMvhE9UPfRXktfrogPlA5mbP0tt+PaPp98='), this.addDataEntry('table title', 180, 120, 'Table with Title 2', '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'), this.addDataEntry('crossfunctional cross-functional cross functional flowchart swimlane table', 400, 400, 'Cross-Functional Flowchart', 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'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'), this.addDataEntry('table', 180, 140, 'Table', '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'), this.addDataEntry('table', 180, 140, 'Table', '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'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('text;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;overflow=fill;', 180, 180, '' + '' + '' + '
Section 1.1\nSection 1.2\nSection 1.3
Section 2.1\nSection 2.2\nSection 2.3
', 'HTML Table 4'), this.addEntry('link hyperlink', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var cell = new mxCell('Link', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 60, 40), 'text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;whiteSpace=wrap;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;fontColor=#0000EE;fontStyle=4;'); cell.vertex = true; this.graph.setLinkForCell(cell, 'https://www.draw.io'); return this.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Link'); })), this.addEntry('timestamp date time text label', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var cell = new mxCell('%date{ddd mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:ss}%', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 160, 20), 'text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;whiteSpace=wrap;overflow=hidden;'); cell.vertex = true; this.graph.setAttributeForCell(cell, 'placeholders', '1'); return this.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Timestamp'); })), this.addEntry('variable placeholder metadata hello world text label', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var cell = new mxCell('%name% Text', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 80, 20), 'text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;whiteSpace=wrap;overflow=hidden;'); cell.vertex = true; this.graph.setAttributeForCell(cell, 'placeholders', '1'); this.graph.setAttributeForCell(cell, 'name', 'Variable'); return this.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Variable'); })), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=ext;double=1;rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Double Rectangle', null, null, 'rect rectangle box double'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=ext;double=1;rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Double Rounded Rectangle', null, null, 'rounded rect rectangle box double'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;shape=doubleEllipse;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 100, 60, '', 'Double Ellipse', null, null, 'oval ellipse start end state double'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=ext;double=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;aspect=fixed;', 80, 80, '', 'Double Square', null, null, 'double square'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;shape=doubleEllipse;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;aspect=fixed;', 80, 80, '', 'Double Circle', null, null, 'double circle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;strokeWidth=2;fillWeight=4;hachureGap=8;hachureAngle=45;fillColor=#1ba1e2;sketch=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Rectangle Sketch', true, null, 'rectangle rect box text sketch comic retro'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;strokeWidth=2;fillWeight=2;hachureGap=8;fillColor=#990000;fillStyle=dots;sketch=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Ellipse Sketch', true, null, 'ellipse oval sketch comic retro'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('rhombus;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;strokeWidth=2;fillWeight=-1;hachureGap=8;fillStyle=cross-hatch;fillColor=#006600;sketch=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Diamond Sketch', true, null, 'diamond sketch comic retro'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;shape=isoCube2;backgroundOutline=1;isoAngle=15;', 90, 100, '', 'Isometric Cube', true, null, 'cube box iso isometric'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;aspect=fixed;shape=isoRectangle;', 150, 90, '', 'Isometric Square', true, null, 'rectangle rect box iso isometric'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('edgeStyle=isometricEdgeStyle;endArrow=none;html=1;', 50, 100, '', 'Isometric Edge 1'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('edgeStyle=isometricEdgeStyle;endArrow=none;html=1;elbow=vertical;', 50, 100, '', 'Isometric Edge 2'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=curlyBracket;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rounded=1;labelPosition=left;verticalLabelPosition=middle;align=right;verticalAlign=middle;', 20, 120, '', 'Left Curly Bracket'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=curlyBracket;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rounded=1;flipH=1;labelPosition=right;verticalLabelPosition=middle;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;', 20, 120, '', 'Right Curly Bracket'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('line;strokeWidth=2;html=1;', 160, 10, '', 'Horizontal Line'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('line;strokeWidth=2;direction=south;html=1;', 10, 160, '', 'Vertical Line'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('line;strokeWidth=4;html=1;perimeter=backbonePerimeter;points=[];outlineConnect=0;', 160, 10, '', 'Horizontal Backbone', false, null, 'backbone bus network'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('line;strokeWidth=4;direction=south;html=1;perimeter=backbonePerimeter;points=[];outlineConnect=0;', 10, 160, '', 'Vertical Backbone', false, null, 'backbone bus network'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=crossbar;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rounded=1;', 120, 20, '', 'Horizontal Crossbar', false, null, 'crossbar distance measure dimension unit'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=crossbar;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rounded=1;direction=south;', 20, 120, '', 'Vertical Crossbar', false, null, 'crossbar distance measure dimension unit'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=image;html=1;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;imageAspect=1;aspect=fixed;image=' + this.gearImage, 52, 61, '', 'Image (Fixed Aspect)', false, null, 'fixed image icon symbol'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=image;html=1;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;imageAspect=0;image=' + this.gearImage, 50, 60, '', 'Image (Variable Aspect)', false, null, 'strechted image icon symbol'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('icon;html=1;image=' + this.gearImage, 60, 60, 'Icon', 'Icon', false, null, 'icon image symbol'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('label;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;image=' + this.gearImage, 140, 60, 'Label', 'Label 1', null, null, 'label image icon symbol'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('label;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=bottom;spacingLeft=0;spacingBottom=4;imageAlign=center;imageVerticalAlign=top;image=' + this.gearImage, 120, 80, 'Label', 'Label 2', null, null, 'label image icon symbol'), this.addEntry('shape group container', function() { var cell = new mxCell('Label', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 160, 70), 'html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;container=1;recursiveResize=0;collapsible=0;'); cell.vertex = true; var symbol = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(20, 20, 20, 30), 'triangle;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;'); symbol.vertex = true; cell.insert(symbol); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Shape Group'); }), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;left=0;right=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;bottom=0;top=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;bottom=0;right=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;bottom=1;right=1;left=1;top=0;fillColor=none;routingCenterX=-0.5;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=waypoint;sketch=0;fillStyle=solid;size=6;pointerEvents=1;points=[];fillColor=none;resizable=0;rotatable=0;perimeter=centerPerimeter;snapToPoint=1;', 20, 20, '', 'Waypoint'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('edgeStyle=segmentEdgeStyle;endArrow=classic;html=1;curved=0;rounded=0;endSize=8;startSize=8;', 50, 50, '', 'Manual Line', null, lineTags + 'manual'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('shape=filledEdge;curved=0;rounded=0;fixDash=1;endArrow=none;strokeWidth=10;fillColor=#ffffff;edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;html=1;', 60, 40, '', 'Filled Edge'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=horizontal;endArrow=classic;html=1;curved=0;rounded=0;endSize=8;startSize=8;', 50, 50, '', 'Horizontal Elbow', null, lineTags + 'elbow horizontal'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;endArrow=classic;html=1;curved=0;rounded=0;endSize=8;startSize=8;', 50, 50, '', 'Vertical Elbow', null, lineTags + 'elbow vertical') ]; this.addPaletteFunctions('misc', mxResources.get('misc'), (expand != null) ? expand : true, fns); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); }; /** * Adds the container palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.addAdvancedPalette = function(expand) { this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('general', 'advanced'); this.addPaletteFunctions('advanced', mxResources.get('advanced'), (expand != null) ? expand : false, this.createAdvancedShapes()); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.addBasicPalette = function(dir) { this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('basic'); this.addStencilPalette('basic', mxResources.get('basic'), dir + '/basic.xml', ';whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#ffffff;strokeColor=#000000;strokeWidth=2', null, null, null, null, [ this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;top=0;bottom=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;right=0;top=0;bottom=0;fillColor=none;routingCenterX=-0.5;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;bottom=0;right=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;top=0;left=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle') ]); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); }; /** * Adds the container palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.createAdvancedShapes = function() { // Avoids having to bind all functions to "this" var sb = this; // Reusable cells var field = new mxCell('List Item', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 60, 26), 'text;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=left;verticalAlign=top;spacingLeft=4;spacingRight=4;overflow=hidden;rotatable=0;points=[[0,0.5],[1,0.5]];portConstraint=eastwest;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;'); field.vertex = true; return [ this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=tapeData;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;perimeter=ellipsePerimeter;', 80, 80, '', 'Tape Data'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=manualInput;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Manual Input'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=loopLimit;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 100, 80, '', 'Loop Limit'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=offPageConnector;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Off Page Connector'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=delay;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 40, '', 'Delay'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=display;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 40, '', 'Display'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=singleArrow;direction=west;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 100, 60, '', 'Arrow Left'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=singleArrow;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 100, 60, '', 'Arrow Right'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=singleArrow;direction=north;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 100, '', 'Arrow Up'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=singleArrow;direction=south;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 100, '', 'Arrow Down'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=doubleArrow;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 100, 60, '', 'Double Arrow'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=doubleArrow;direction=south;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 100, '', 'Double Arrow Vertical', null, null, 'double arrow'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=actor;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 40, 60, '', 'User', null, null, 'user person human'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=cross;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Cross'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=corner;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Corner'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=tee;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Tee'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=datastore;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 60, '', 'Data Store', null, null, 'data store cylinder database'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=orEllipse;perimeter=ellipsePerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;backgroundOutline=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Or', null, null, 'or circle oval ellipse'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=sumEllipse;perimeter=ellipsePerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;backgroundOutline=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Sum', null, null, 'sum circle oval ellipse'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=lineEllipse;perimeter=ellipsePerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;backgroundOutline=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Ellipse with horizontal divider', null, null, 'circle oval ellipse'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=lineEllipse;line=vertical;perimeter=ellipsePerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;backgroundOutline=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Ellipse with vertical divider', null, null, 'circle oval ellipse'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=sortShape;perimeter=rhombusPerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Sort', null, null, 'sort'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=collate;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, '', 'Collate', null, null, 'collate'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=switch;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 60, '', 'Switch', null, null, 'switch router'), this.addEntry('process bar', function() { return sb.createVertexTemplateFromData('1ZVNboMwEIVP42UlfkqabCFtNokUiRO4MAWrBiPbKZDTd2xMSJMgVaraKgskzxs/e+YbS5AwqbqNpE25EzlwEj6TMJFC6GFVdQlwTgKP5SRckyDw8CPBy0zWt1mvoRJq/R1DMBg+KD/AoOylyEApFGMqh6zSPXdZ1bKK0xqjOCsZz7e0Fwdzk9I0ex+juBSSHUWtKTa09lF4Y5wngguJcS2sf9qTGq/bKEGxI+zHBi6lHe1Q9U7qlirthExwThvFXm2tRlFaine4uNYWGguZgxF9b5TShmasLlB78IPxfDocZqqgnBU1rjOswljjRrBaK4Mlikm0RqUtmQZzjvG0OFPTpa5GBg41SA3d7Lis5Ga1AVGBlj1uaVmuSzey1WKwlcCKcrR5w5w9qgahOHmn6ePCPYDbjyG8egyphgYV//odlLQBO3YwXTYgGV5nkRppP8U4+g7yFGflMPwOt+A2t9Hg6PSuUdfpGdUTwHOq0dPPoT7OQQ3uHepq+W9Qozmo4b1D9ZeLv6KK4fSjsbkv/6FP', 296, 100, 'Process Bar'); }), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('swimlane;', 200, 200, 'Container', 'Container', null, null, 'container swimlane lane pool group'), this.addEntry('list group erd table', function() { var cell = new mxCell('List', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 140, 110), 'swimlane;fontStyle=0;childLayout=stackLayout;horizontal=1;startSize=26;fillColor=none;horizontalStack=0;' + 'resizeParent=1;resizeParentMax=0;resizeLast=0;collapsible=1;marginBottom=0;html=1;'); cell.vertex = true; cell.insert(sb.cloneCell(field, 'Item 1')); cell.insert(sb.cloneCell(field, 'Item 2')); cell.insert(sb.cloneCell(field, 'Item 3')); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'List'); }), this.addEntry('list item entry value group erd table', function() { return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([sb.cloneCell(field, 'List Item')], field.geometry.width, field.geometry.height, 'List Item'); }) ]; }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.addBasicPalette = function(dir) { this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('basic'); this.addStencilPalette('basic', mxResources.get('basic'), dir + '/basic.xml', ';whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#ffffff;strokeColor=#000000;strokeWidth=2', null, null, null, null, [ this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;top=0;bottom=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;right=0;top=0;bottom=0;fillColor=none;routingCenterX=-0.5;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;bottom=0;right=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=partialRectangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;top=0;left=0;fillColor=none;', 120, 60, '', 'Partial Rectangle') ]); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); }; /** * Adds the general palette to the sidebar. */ Sidebar.prototype.addUmlPalette = function(expand) { // Avoids having to bind all functions to "this" var sb = this; // Reusable cells var field = new mxCell('+ field: type', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 100, 26), 'text;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=left;verticalAlign=top;spacingLeft=4;spacingRight=4;overflow=hidden;rotatable=0;points=[[0,0.5],[1,0.5]];portConstraint=eastwest;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;'); field.vertex = true; var divider = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 40, 8), 'line;strokeWidth=1;fillColor=none;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;spacingTop=-1;spacingLeft=3;spacingRight=3;rotatable=0;labelPosition=right;points=[];portConstraint=eastwest;strokeColor=inherit;'); divider.vertex = true; var sequenceEdgeStyle = 'newEdgeStyle={"edgeStyle":"elbowEdgeStyle","elbow":"vertical","curved":0,"rounded":0};'; var lifelineStyle = 'shape=umlLifeline;perimeter=lifelinePerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;container=1;dropTarget=0;' + 'collapsible=0;recursiveResize=0;outlineConnect=0;portConstraint=eastwest;' + sequenceEdgeStyle; var activationStyle = 'html=1;points=[];perimeter=orthogonalPerimeter;outlineConnect=0;' + 'targetShapes=umlLifeline;portConstraint=eastwest;' + sequenceEdgeStyle; // Default tags var dt = 'uml static class '; this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary('uml'); var fns = [ this.createVertexTemplateEntry('html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;', 110, 50, 'Object', 'Object', null, null, dt + 'object instance'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;', 110, 50, '«interface»
Name', 'Interface', null, null, dt + 'interface object instance annotated annotation'), this.addEntry(dt + 'object instance', function() { var cell = new mxCell('Classname', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 160, 90), 'swimlane;fontStyle=1;align=center;verticalAlign=top;childLayout=stackLayout;horizontal=1;startSize=26;horizontalStack=0;resizeParent=1;resizeParentMax=0;resizeLast=0;collapsible=1;marginBottom=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;'); cell.vertex = true; cell.insert(field.clone()); cell.insert(divider.clone()); cell.insert(sb.cloneCell(field, '+ method(type): type')); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Class'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'section subsection', function() { var cell = new mxCell('Classname', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 140, 110), 'swimlane;fontStyle=0;childLayout=stackLayout;horizontal=1;startSize=26;fillColor=none;horizontalStack=0;resizeParent=1;resizeParentMax=0;resizeLast=0;collapsible=1;marginBottom=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;'); cell.vertex = true; cell.insert(field.clone()); cell.insert(field.clone()); cell.insert(field.clone()); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Class 2'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'item member method function variable field attribute label', function() { return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([sb.cloneCell(field, '+ item: attribute')], field.geometry.width, field.geometry.height, 'Item 1'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'item member method function variable field attribute label', function() { var cell = new mxCell('item: attribute', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 120, field.geometry.height), 'label;fontStyle=0;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=left;verticalAlign=top;overflow=hidden;' + 'spacingLeft=28;spacingRight=4;rotatable=0;points=[[0,0.5],[1,0.5]];portConstraint=eastwest;imageWidth=16;imageHeight=16;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;image=' + sb.gearImage); cell.vertex = true; return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Item 2'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'divider hline line separator', function() { return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([divider.clone()], divider.geometry.width, divider.geometry.height, 'Divider'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'spacer space gap separator', function() { var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 20, 14), 'text;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;spacingTop=-1;spacingLeft=4;spacingRight=4;rotatable=0;labelPosition=right;points=[];portConstraint=eastwest;'); cell.vertex = true; return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell.clone()], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Spacer'); }), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('text;align=center;fontStyle=1;verticalAlign=middle;spacingLeft=3;spacingRight=3;strokeColor=none;rotatable=0;points=[[0,0.5],[1,0.5]];portConstraint=eastwest;html=1;', 80, 26, 'Title', 'Title', null, null, dt + 'title label'), this.addEntry(dt + 'component', function() { var cell = new mxCell('«Annotation»
Component', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 180, 90), 'html=1;dropTarget=0;whiteSpace=wrap;'); cell.vertex = true; var symbol = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(1, 0, 20, 20), 'shape=module;jettyWidth=8;jettyHeight=4;'); symbol.vertex = true; symbol.geometry.relative = true; symbol.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-27, 7); cell.insert(symbol); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Component'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'component', function() { var cell = new mxCell('


' + '

+ Attribute1: Type
+ Attribute2: Type

', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 180, 90), 'align=left;overflow=fill;html=1;dropTarget=0;whiteSpace=wrap;'); cell.vertex = true; var symbol = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(1, 0, 20, 20), 'shape=component;jettyWidth=8;jettyHeight=4;'); symbol.vertex = true; symbol.geometry.relative = true; symbol.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-24, 4); cell.insert(symbol); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Component with Attributes'); }), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('verticalAlign=top;align=left;spacingTop=8;spacingLeft=2;spacingRight=12;shape=cube;size=10;direction=south;fontStyle=4;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;', 180, 120, 'Block', 'Block', null, null, dt + 'block'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=module;align=left;spacingLeft=20;align=center;verticalAlign=top;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 100, 50, 'Module', 'Module', null, null, dt + 'module component'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=folder;fontStyle=1;spacingTop=10;tabWidth=40;tabHeight=14;tabPosition=left;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;', 70, 50, 'package', 'Package', null, null, dt + 'package'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('verticalAlign=top;align=left;overflow=fill;fontSize=12;fontFamily=Helvetica;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;', 160, 90, '


' + '

field1 = value1
field2 = value2
field3 = value3

', 'Object', null, null, dt + 'object instance'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('verticalAlign=top;align=left;overflow=fill;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;',180, 90, '
' + '' + '
FK1' + 'foreignKey
', 'Entity', null, null, 'er entity table'), this.addEntry(dt + 'object instance', function() { var cell = new mxCell('

' + 'Class

' + '
', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 140, 60), 'verticalAlign=top;align=left;overflow=fill;fontSize=12;fontFamily=Helvetica;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;'); cell.vertex = true; return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell.clone()], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Class 3'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'object instance', function() { var cell = new mxCell('

' + 'Class

' + '

', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 140, 60), 'verticalAlign=top;align=left;overflow=fill;fontSize=12;fontFamily=Helvetica;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;'); cell.vertex = true; return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell.clone()], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Class 4'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'object instance', function() { var cell = new mxCell('

' + 'Class

' + '

+ field: Type

' + '

+ method(): Type

', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 160, 90), 'verticalAlign=top;align=left;overflow=fill;fontSize=12;fontFamily=Helvetica;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;'); cell.vertex = true; return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell.clone()], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Class 5'); }), this.addEntry(dt + 'object instance', function() { var cell = new mxCell('

' + '<<Interface>>

' + '

+ field1: Type
' + '+ field2: Type

' + '

' + '+ method1(Type): Type
' + '+ method2(Type, Type): Type

', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 190, 140), 'verticalAlign=top;align=left;overflow=fill;fontSize=12;fontFamily=Helvetica;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;'); cell.vertex = true; return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell.clone()], cell.geometry.width, cell.geometry.height, 'Interface 2'); }), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=providedRequiredInterface;html=1;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;sketch=0;', 20, 20, '', 'Provided/Required Interface', null, null, 'uml provided required interface lollipop notation'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=requiredInterface;html=1;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;sketch=0;', 10, 20, '', 'Required Interface', null, null, 'uml required interface lollipop notation'), this.addDataEntry('uml lollipop notation provided required interface', 20, 20, 'Required Interface', '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'), this.addEntry('uml lollipop notation provided required interface', function() { return sb.createVertexTemplateFromData('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', 40, 10, 'Lollipop Notation'); }), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=umlBoundary;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 100, 80, 'Boundary Object', 'Boundary Object', null, null, 'uml boundary object'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;shape=umlEntity;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80, 'Entity Object', 'Entity Object', null, null, 'uml entity object'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;shape=umlControl;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 70, 80, 'Control Object', 'Control Object', null, null, 'uml control object'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=umlActor;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;html=1;', 30, 60, 'Actor', 'Actor', false, null, 'uml actor'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 140, 70, 'Use Case', 'Use Case', null, null, 'uml use case usecase'), this.addEntry('uml activity state start', function() { var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 30, 30), 'ellipse;html=1;shape=startState;fillColor=#000000;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); cell.vertex = true; var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=open;endSize=8;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(15, 90), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge, true); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge], 30, 90, 'Start'); }), this.addEntry('uml activity state', function() { var cell = new mxCell('Activity', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 120, 40), 'rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;arcSize=40;fontColor=#000000;fillColor=#ffffc0;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); cell.vertex = true; var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=open;endSize=8;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(60, 100), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge, true); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge], 120, 100, 'Activity'); }), this.addEntry('uml activity composite state', function() { var cell = new mxCell('Composite State', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 160, 60), 'swimlane;fontStyle=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;childLayout=stackLayout;horizontal=1;startSize=30;horizontalStack=0;resizeParent=0;resizeLast=1;container=0;fontColor=#000000;collapsible=0;rounded=1;arcSize=30;strokeColor=#ff0000;fillColor=#ffffc0;swimlaneFillColor=#ffffc0;dropTarget=0;'); cell.vertex = true; var cell1 = new mxCell('Subtitle', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 200, 26), 'text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;spacingLeft=4;spacingRight=4;whiteSpace=wrap;overflow=hidden;rotatable=0;fontColor=#000000;'); cell1.vertex = true; cell.insert(cell1); var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=open;endSize=8;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(80, 120), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge, true); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge], 160, 120, 'Composite State'); }), this.addEntry('uml activity condition', function() { var cell = new mxCell('Condition', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 80, 40), 'rhombus;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fontColor=#000000;fillColor=#ffffc0;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); cell.vertex = true; var edge1 = new mxCell('no', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=open;endSize=8;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); edge1.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(180, 20), false); edge1.geometry.relative = true; edge1.geometry.x = -1; edge1.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge1, true); var edge2 = new mxCell('yes', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=top;endArrow=open;endSize=8;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); edge2.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(40, 100), false); edge2.geometry.relative = true; edge2.geometry.x = -1; edge2.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge2, true); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge1, edge2], 180, 100, 'Condition'); }), this.addEntry('uml activity fork join', function() { var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 200, 10), 'shape=line;html=1;strokeWidth=6;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); cell.vertex = true; var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=open;endSize=8;strokeColor=#ff0000;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(100, 80), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge, true); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge], 200, 80, 'Fork/Join'); }), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('ellipse;html=1;shape=endState;fillColor=#000000;strokeColor=#ff0000;', 30, 30, '', 'End', null, null, 'uml activity state end'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry(lifelineStyle, 100, 300, ':Object', 'Lifeline', null, null, 'uml sequence participant lifeline'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry(lifelineStyle + 'participant=umlActor;', 20, 300, '', 'Actor Lifeline', null, null, 'uml sequence participant lifeline actor'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry(lifelineStyle + 'participant=umlBoundary;', 50, 300, '', 'Boundary Lifeline', null, null, 'uml sequence participant lifeline boundary'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry(lifelineStyle + 'participant=umlEntity;', 40, 300, '', 'Entity Lifeline', null, null, 'uml sequence participant lifeline entity'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry(lifelineStyle + 'participant=umlControl;', 40, 300, '', 'Control Lifeline', null, null, 'uml sequence participant lifeline control'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=umlFrame;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;pointerEvents=0;', 300, 200, 'frame', 'Frame', null, null, 'uml sequence frame'), this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=umlDestroy;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;strokeWidth=3;targetShapes=umlLifeline;', 30, 30, '', 'Destruction', null, null, 'uml sequence destruction destroy'), this.addEntry('uml sequence invoke invocation call activation bar', function() { var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 10, 80), activationStyle); cell.vertex = true; var edge = new mxCell('dispatch', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;startArrow=oval;endArrow=block;' + 'startSize=8;edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(-60, 0), true); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge, false); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge], 10, 80, 'Found Message'); }), this.addEntry('uml sequence invoke call delegation synchronous invocation activation bar', function() { var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 10, 80), activationStyle); cell.vertex = true; var edge1 = new mxCell('dispatch', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=block;' + 'edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;'); edge1.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(-70, 0), true); edge1.geometry.relative = true; edge1.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge1, false); var edge2 = new mxCell('return', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=open;dashed=1;' + 'endSize=8;edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;'); edge2.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(-70, 75), false); edge2.geometry.relative = true; edge2.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge2, true); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge1, edge2], 10, 80, 'Synchronous Invocation'); }), this.addEntry('uml sequence self call recursion delegation activation bar', function() { var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(-5, 20, 10, 40), activationStyle); cell.vertex = true; var edge = new mxCell('self call', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'html=1;align=left;spacingLeft=2;endArrow=block;' + 'rounded=0;edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;curved=0;rounded=0;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(30, 30)]; edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge, false); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge], 10, 60, 'Self Call'); }), this.addEntry('uml sequence invoke call delegation callback activation bar', function() { var cell = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 10, 80), activationStyle); cell.vertex = true; var edge1 = new mxCell('callback', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=block;' + 'edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;'); edge1.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(80, 0), true); edge1.geometry.relative = true; edge1.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge1, false); var edge2 = new mxCell('return', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=open;dashed=1;' + 'endSize=8;edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;'); edge2.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(80, 75), false); edge2.geometry.relative = true; edge2.edge = true; cell.insertEdge(edge2, true); return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell, edge1, edge2], 10, 80, 'Callback'); }), this.createVertexTemplateEntry(activationStyle, 10, 80, '', 'Activation Bar', null, null, 'uml sequence activation bar'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;startArrow=oval;startFill=1;endArrow=block;startSize=8;' + 'edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;', 60, 0, 'dispatch', 'Found Message 1', null, 'uml sequence message call invoke dispatch'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;startArrow=circle;startFill=1;endArrow=open;startSize=6;endSize=8;' + 'edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;', 80, 0, 'dispatch', 'Found Message 2', null, 'uml sequence message call invoke dispatch'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=block;edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;', 80, 0, 'dispatch', 'Message', null, 'uml sequence message call invoke dispatch'), this.addEntry('uml sequence return message', function() { var edge = new mxCell('return', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'html=1;verticalAlign=bottom;endArrow=open;dashed=1;endSize=8;' + 'edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;curved=0;rounded=0;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(80, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; return sb.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 80, 0, 'Return'); }), this.addEntry('uml relation', function() { var edge = new mxCell('name', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=block;endFill=1;html=1;edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;align=left;verticalAlign=top;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(160, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.geometry.x = -1; edge.edge = true; var cell = new mxCell('1', new mxGeometry(-1, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;'); cell.geometry.relative = true; cell.setConnectable(false); cell.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell); return sb.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 160, 0, 'Relation 1'); }), this.addEntry('uml association', function() { var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=none;html=1;edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(160, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; var cell1 = new mxCell('parent', new mxGeometry(-1, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;'); cell1.geometry.relative = true; cell1.setConnectable(false); cell1.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell1); var cell2 = new mxCell('child', new mxGeometry(1, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=right;verticalAlign=bottom;'); cell2.geometry.relative = true; cell2.setConnectable(false); cell2.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell2); return sb.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 160, 0, 'Association 1'); }), this.addEntry('uml aggregation', function() { var edge = new mxCell('1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=open;html=1;endSize=12;startArrow=diamondThin;startSize=14;startFill=0;edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(160, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.geometry.x = -1; edge.geometry.y = 3; edge.edge = true; return sb.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 160, 0, 'Aggregation 1'); }), this.addEntry('uml composition', function() { var edge = new mxCell('1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=open;html=1;endSize=12;startArrow=diamondThin;startSize=14;startFill=1;edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(160, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.geometry.x = -1; edge.geometry.y = 3; edge.edge = true; return sb.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 160, 0, 'Composition 1'); }), this.addEntry('uml relation', function() { var edge = new mxCell('Relation', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'endArrow=open;html=1;endSize=12;startArrow=diamondThin;startSize=14;startFill=0;edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;'); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(160, 0), false); edge.geometry.relative = true; edge.edge = true; var cell1 = new mxCell('0..n', new mxGeometry(-1, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=top;'); cell1.geometry.relative = true; cell1.setConnectable(false); cell1.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell1); var cell2 = new mxCell('1', new mxGeometry(1, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeLabel;resizable=0;html=1;align=right;verticalAlign=top;'); cell2.geometry.relative = true; cell2.setConnectable(false); cell2.vertex = true; edge.insert(cell2); return sb.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([edge], 160, 0, 'Relation 2'); }), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=open;endSize=12;dashed=1;html=1;', 160, 0, 'Use', 'Dependency', null, 'uml dependency use'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=block;endSize=16;endFill=0;html=1;', 160, 0, 'Extends', 'Generalization', null, 'uml generalization extend'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=block;startArrow=block;endFill=1;startFill=1;html=1;', 160, 0, '', 'Association 2', null, 'uml association'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=open;startArrow=circlePlus;endFill=0;startFill=0;endSize=8;html=1;', 160, 0, '', 'Inner Class', null, 'uml inner class'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=open;startArrow=cross;endFill=0;startFill=0;endSize=8;startSize=10;html=1;', 160, 0, '', 'Terminate', null, 'uml terminate'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=block;dashed=1;endFill=0;endSize=12;html=1;', 160, 0, '', 'Implementation', null, 'uml realization implementation'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=diamondThin;endFill=0;endSize=24;html=1;', 160, 0, '', 'Aggregation 2', null, 'uml aggregation'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=diamondThin;endFill=1;endSize=24;html=1;', 160, 0, '', 'Composition 2', null, 'uml composition'), this.createEdgeTemplateEntry('endArrow=open;endFill=1;endSize=12;html=1;', 160, 0, '', 'Association 3', null, 'uml association') ]; this.addPaletteFunctions('uml', mxResources.get('uml'), expand || false, fns); this.setCurrentSearchEntryLibrary(); }; /** * Creates and returns the given title element. */ Sidebar.prototype.createTitle = function(label) { var elt = document.createElement('a'); elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('sidebarTooltip')); elt.className = 'geTitle'; mxUtils.write(elt, label); return elt; }; /** * Creates a thumbnail for the given cells. */ Sidebar.prototype.createThumb = function(cells, width, height, parent, title, showLabel, showTitle, w, h, bg, border, scale) { this.graph.labelsVisible = (showLabel == null || showLabel); var fo = mxClient.NO_FO; mxClient.NO_FO = Editor.prototype.originalNoForeignObject; // Tries to avoid transparent color but can't use computed // style due to async CSS this.graph.shapeBackgroundColor = (bg != null) ? bg : (Editor.isDarkMode() ? '#2a252f' : '#f1f3f4'); this.graph.view.scaleAndTranslate((scale != null) ? scale : 1, 0, 0); this.graph.addCells(cells); var bounds = this.graph.getGraphBounds(); if (scale == null) { var s = Math.floor(Math.min((width - 2 * this.thumbBorder) / bounds.width, (height - 2 * this.thumbBorder) / bounds.height) * 100) / 100; this.graph.view.scaleAndTranslate(s, Math.floor((width - bounds.width * s) / 2 / s - bounds.x), Math.floor((height - bounds.height * s) / 2 / s - bounds.y)); } var node = null; // For supporting HTML labels in IE9 standards mode the container is cloned instead if (this.graph.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG && !mxClient.NO_FO && this.graph.view.getCanvas().ownerSVGElement != null) { node = this.graph.view.getCanvas().ownerSVGElement.cloneNode(true); } // LATER: Check if deep clone can be used for quirks if container in DOM else { node = this.graph.container.cloneNode(false); node.innerHTML = this.graph.container.innerHTML; } this.graph.getModel().clear(); this.graph.view.scaleAndTranslate(1, 0, 0); this.graph.shapeBackgroundColor = (Editor.isDarkMode() ? '#2a252f' : '#f1f3f4'); mxClient.NO_FO = fo; node.style.position = 'relative'; node.style.overflow = (scale != null) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; node.style.left = ((border != null) ? border : this.thumbBorder) + 'px'; node.style.top = node.style.left; node.style.width = width + 'px'; node.style.height = height + 'px'; node.style.visibility = ''; node.style.minWidth = ''; node.style.minHeight = ''; this.disablePointerEvents(node); parent.appendChild(node); // Adds title for sidebar entries if (this.sidebarTitles && title != null && showTitle != false) { var border = 0; parent.style.height = (this.thumbHeight + border + this.sidebarTitleSize + 8) + 'px'; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.color = Editor.isDarkMode() ? '#A0A0A0' : '#303030'; div.style.fontSize = this.sidebarTitleSize + 'px'; div.style.textAlign = 'center'; div.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; div.style.overflow = 'hidden'; div.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis'; if (mxClient.IS_IE) { div.style.height = (this.sidebarTitleSize + 12) + 'px'; } div.style.paddingTop = '4px'; mxUtils.write(div, title); parent.appendChild(div); } return bounds; }; /** * Returns a function that creates a title. */ Sidebar.prototype.createSection = function(title) { return mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var elt = document.createElement('div'); elt.setAttribute('title', title); elt.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis'; elt.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; elt.style.textAlign = 'center'; elt.style.overflow = 'hidden'; elt.style.width = '100%'; elt.style.padding = '14px 0'; mxUtils.write(elt, title); return elt; }); }; /** * Creates and returns a new palette item for the given image. */ Sidebar.prototype.createItem = function(cells, title, showLabel, showTitle, width, height, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip, clickFn, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, icon, startEditing, sourceCell) { showTooltip = (showTooltip != null) ? showTooltip : true; thumbWidth = (thumbWidth != null) ? thumbWidth : this.thumbWidth; thumbHeight = (thumbHeight != null) ? thumbHeight : this.thumbHeight; var elt = document.createElement('a'); elt.className = 'geItem'; elt.style.overflow = 'hidden'; var border = 2 * this.thumbBorder; elt.style.width = (thumbWidth + border) + 'px'; elt.style.height = (thumbHeight + border) + 'px'; elt.style.padding = this.thumbPadding + 'px'; // Blocks default click action mxEvent.addListener(elt, 'click', function(evt) { mxEvent.consume(evt); }); // Applies default styles var originalCells = cells; cells = this.graph.cloneCells(cells); this.editorUi.insertHandler(originalCells, null, this.graph.model, this.editorUi.editor.graph.defaultVertexStyle, this.editorUi.editor.graph.defaultEdgeStyle, true, true); if (icon != null) { elt.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + icon + ')'; elt.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; elt.style.backgroundPosition = 'center'; elt.style.backgroundSize = '24px 24px'; } else { this.createThumb(originalCells, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, elt, title, showLabel, showTitle, width, height); } var bounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, width, height); if (cells.length > 1 || cells[0].vertex) { var ds = this.createDragSource(elt, this.createDropHandler(cells, true, allowCellsInserted, bounds, startEditing, sourceCell), this.createDragPreview(width, height), cells, bounds, startEditing); this.addClickHandler(elt, ds, cells, clickFn, startEditing); // Uses guides for vertices only if enabled in graph ds.isGuidesEnabled = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { return this.editorUi.editor.graph.graphHandler.guidesEnabled; }); } else if (cells[0] != null && cells[0].edge) { var ds = this.createDragSource(elt, this.createDropHandler(cells, false, allowCellsInserted, bounds, startEditing, sourceCell), this.createDragPreview(width, height), cells, bounds, startEditing); this.addClickHandler(elt, ds, cells, clickFn); } // Shows a tooltip with the rendered cell if (!mxClient.IS_IOS && showTooltip) { mxEvent.addGestureListeners(elt, null, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { if (mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt)) { this.showTooltip(elt, cells, bounds.width, bounds.height, title, showLabel); } })); } return elt; }; /** * Creates a drop handler for inserting the given cells. */ Sidebar.prototype.createDropHandler = function(cells, allowSplit, allowCellsInserted, bounds, startEditing, sourceCell) { allowCellsInserted = (allowCellsInserted != null) ? allowCellsInserted : true; return mxUtils.bind(this, function(graph, evt, target, x, y, force) { var elt = (force) ? null : ((mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt) || mxEvent.isPenEvent(evt)) ? document.elementFromPoint(mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt)) : mxEvent.getSource(evt)); while (elt != null && elt != this.container) { elt = elt.parentNode; } if (elt == null && graph.isEnabled()) { cells = graph.getImportableCells(cells); if (cells.length > 0) { graph.stopEditing(); // Holding alt while mouse is released ignores drop target var validDropTarget = (target != null && !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt)) ? graph.isValidDropTarget(target, cells, evt) : false; var select = null; if (target != null && !validDropTarget) { target = null; } if (!graph.isCellLocked(target || graph.getDefaultParent())) { graph.model.beginUpdate(); try { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); // Splits the target edge or inserts into target group if (allowSplit && graph.isSplitTarget(target, cells, evt)) { var s = graph.view.scale; var tr = graph.view.translate; var tx = (x + tr.x) * s; var ty = (y + tr.y) * s; var clones = graph.cloneCells(cells); graph.splitEdge(target, clones, null, x - bounds.width / 2, y - bounds.height / 2, tx, ty); select = clones; } else if (cells.length > 0) { select = graph.importCells(cells, x, y, target); if (graph.model.isVertex(sourceCell) && select.length == 1 && graph.model.isVertex(select[0])) { var edge = graph.insertEdge(graph.model.getParent(sourceCell), null, '', sourceCell, select[0], graph.createCurrentEdgeStyle()); graph.applyNewEdgeStyle(sourceCell, [edge]); select.push(edge); if (graph.connectionHandler.insertBeforeSource) { graph.insertEdgeBeforeCell(edge, sourceCell); } } } // Executes parent layout hooks for position/order if (graph.layoutManager != null) { var layout = graph.layoutManager.getLayout(target); if (layout != null) { var s = graph.view.scale; var tr = graph.view.translate; var tx = (x + tr.x) * s; var ty = (y + tr.y) * s; for (var i = 0; i < select.length; i++) { layout.moveCell(select[i], tx, ty); } } } if (allowCellsInserted && (evt == null || !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt))) { graph.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('cellsInserted', 'cells', select)); } for (var i = 0; i < select.length; i++) { if (graph.model.isVertex(select[i]) && graph.isAutoSizeCell(select[i])) { graph.updateCellSize(select[i]); } } } catch (e) { this.editorUi.handleError(e); } finally { graph.model.endUpdate(); } if (select != null && select.length > 0) { graph.scrollCellToVisible(select[0]); graph.setSelectionCells(select); } if (startEditing || (graph.editAfterInsert && evt != null && mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt) && select != null && select.length == 1)) { window.setTimeout(function() { graph.startEditing(select[0]); }, 0); } } } mxEvent.consume(evt); } }); }; /** * Creates and returns a preview element for the given width and height. */ Sidebar.prototype.createDragPreview = function(width, height) { var elt = document.createElement('div'); elt.className = 'geDragPreview'; elt.style.width = width + 'px'; elt.style.height = height + 'px'; return elt; }; /** * Creates a drag source for the given element. */ Sidebar.prototype.dropAndConnect = function(source, targets, direction, dropCellIndex, evt, firstVertex, freeSourceEdge) { var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; var index = (graph.model.isEdge(source) || firstVertex != null) ? firstVertex : freeSourceEdge; var geo = this.getDropAndConnectGeometry(source, targets[index], direction, targets); // Targets without the new edge for selection var tmp = []; if (geo != null) { var editingCell = null; graph.model.beginUpdate(); try { var sourceGeo = graph.getCellGeometry(source); var geo2 = graph.getCellGeometry(targets[dropCellIndex]); // Handles special case where target should be ignored for stack layouts var targetParent = graph.model.getParent(source); var validLayout = true; // Ignores parent if it has a stack layout or if it is a table or row if (graph.layoutManager != null) { var layout = graph.layoutManager.getLayout(targetParent); // LATER: Use parent of parent if valid layout if (layout != null && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout) { validLayout = false; } } // Checks if another container is at the drop location var tmp = (graph.model.isEdge(source)) ? null : graph.view.getState(targetParent); var dx = 0; var dy = 0; // Offsets by parent position if (tmp != null) { var offset = tmp.origin; dx = offset.x; dy = offset.y; } var useParent = !graph.isTableRow(source) && !graph.isTableCell(source) && (graph.model.isEdge(source) || (sourceGeo != null && !sourceGeo.relative && validLayout)); var tempTarget = graph.getCellAt((geo.x + dx + graph.view.translate.x) * graph.view.scale, (geo.y + dy + graph.view.translate.y) * graph.view.scale, null, null, null, function(state, x, y) { return !graph.isContainer(state.cell); }); if (tempTarget != null && tempTarget != targetParent) { tmp = graph.view.getState(tempTarget); // Offsets by new parent position if (tmp != null) { var offset = tmp.origin; targetParent = tempTarget; useParent = true; if (!graph.model.isEdge(source)) { geo.x -= offset.x - dx; geo.y -= offset.y - dy; } } } else if (!validLayout || graph.isTableRow(source) || graph.isTableCell(source)) { geo.x += dx; geo.y += dy; } dx = geo2.x; dy = geo2.y; // Ignores geometry of edges if (graph.model.isEdge(targets[dropCellIndex])) { dx = 0; dy = 0; } targets = graph.importCells(targets, (geo.x - (useParent ? dx : 0)), (geo.y - (useParent ? dy : 0)), (useParent) ? targetParent : null); tmp = targets; if (graph.model.isEdge(source)) { // Adds new terminal to edge // LATER: Push new terminal out radially from edge start point graph.model.setTerminal(source, targets[dropCellIndex], direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH); // Replaces the source edge style with the dangling edge and // removes the dangling edge from the graph if (freeSourceEdge != null && firstVertex != null) { graph.model.remove(targets[freeSourceEdge]); graph.updateShapes(targets[freeSourceEdge], [source]); } } else if (graph.model.isEdge(targets[dropCellIndex]) && firstVertex == null) { // Adds new outgoing connection to vertex and clears points graph.model.setTerminal(targets[dropCellIndex], source, true); var geo3 = graph.getCellGeometry(targets[dropCellIndex]); var tp = (geo3 != null) ? geo3.getTerminalPoint(true) : null; geo3.points = null; // Connects edge terminal points at the same location to the source if (tp != null) { for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { if (graph.model.isEdge(targets[i]) && i != dropCellIndex) { var geo4 = graph.getCellGeometry(targets[i]); var pt = (geo4 != null) ? geo4.getTerminalPoint(true) : null; if (pt != null) { if (pt.x == tp.x && pt.y == tp.y) { graph.model.setTerminal(targets[i], source, true); } } } } } if (geo3.getTerminalPoint(false) != null) { geo3.setTerminalPoint(geo.getTerminalPoint(false), false); } else if (useParent && graph.model.isVertex(targetParent)) { // Adds parent offset to other nodes var tmpState = graph.view.getState(targetParent); var offset = (tmpState.cell != graph.view.currentRoot) ? tmpState.origin : new mxPoint(0, 0); graph.cellsMoved(targets, offset.x, offset.y, null, null, true); } } else if (firstVertex != null) { geo2 = graph.getCellGeometry(targets[firstVertex]); dx = geo.x - Math.round(geo2.x); dy = geo.y - Math.round(geo2.y); geo.x = Math.round(geo2.x); geo.y = Math.round(geo2.y); graph.model.setGeometry(targets[dropCellIndex], geo); graph.cellsMoved(targets, dx, dy, null, null, true); tmp = targets.slice(); editingCell = (tmp.length == 1) ? tmp[0] : null; if (freeSourceEdge != null) { graph.model.setTerminal(targets[freeSourceEdge], source, true); } else { targets.push(graph.insertEdge(null, null, '', source, targets[dropCellIndex], graph.createCurrentEdgeStyle())); } } if (evt == null || !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) { graph.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('cellsInserted', 'cells', targets)); } } catch (e) { this.editorUi.handleError(e); } finally { graph.model.endUpdate(); } if (graph.editAfterInsert && evt != null && mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt) && editingCell != null) { window.setTimeout(function() { graph.startEditing(editingCell); }, 0); } } // Removes connected edge from selection // cells to avoid disconnecting on move if (freeSourceEdge != null && tmp.length > 1) { tmp.splice(freeSourceEdge, 1); } return tmp; }; /** * Creates a drag source for the given element. */ Sidebar.prototype.getDropAndConnectGeometry = function(source, target, direction, targets) { var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; var view = graph.view; var keepSize = targets.length > 1; var state = graph.view.getState(source); var geo = graph.getCellGeometry(source); var geo2 = graph.getCellGeometry(target); if (state != null && geo != null && geo2 != null) { geo2 = geo2.clone(); if (graph.model.isEdge(source)) { var pts = state.absolutePoints; var p0 = pts[0]; var pe = pts[pts.length - 1]; if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH) { geo2.x = p0.x / view.scale - view.translate.x - geo2.width / 2; geo2.y = p0.y / view.scale - view.translate.y - geo2.height / 2; } else { geo2.x = pe.x / view.scale - view.translate.x - geo2.width / 2; geo2.y = pe.y / view.scale - view.translate.y - geo2.height / 2; } } else { if (geo.relative) { geo = geo.clone(); geo.x = (state.x - view.translate.x) / view.scale; geo.y = (state.y - view.translate.y) / view.scale; } var length = graph.defaultEdgeLength; // Maintains edge length if (graph.model.isEdge(target) && geo2.getTerminalPoint(true) != null && geo2.getTerminalPoint(false) != null) { var p0 = geo2.getTerminalPoint(true); var pe = geo2.getTerminalPoint(false); var dx = pe.x - p0.x; var dy = pe.y - p0.y; length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); geo2.x = geo.getCenterX(); geo2.y = geo.getCenterY(); geo2.width = 1; geo2.height = 1; if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH) { geo2.height = length geo2.y = geo.y - length; geo2.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(geo2.x, geo2.y), false); } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST) { geo2.width = length geo2.x = geo.x + geo.width; geo2.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(geo2.x + geo2.width, geo2.y), false); } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) { geo2.height = length geo2.y = geo.y + geo.height; geo2.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(geo2.x, geo2.y + geo2.height), false); } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST) { geo2.width = length geo2.x = geo.x - length; geo2.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(geo2.x, geo2.y), false); } } else { // Try match size or ignore if width or height < 45 which // is considered special enough to be ignored here if (!keepSize && geo2.width > 45 && geo2.height > 45 && geo.width > 45 && geo.height > 45) { geo2.width = geo2.width * (geo.height / geo2.height); geo2.height = geo.height; } geo2.x = geo.x + geo.width / 2 - geo2.width / 2; geo2.y = geo.y + geo.height / 2 - geo2.height / 2; if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH) { geo2.y = geo2.y - geo.height / 2 - geo2.height / 2 - length; } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST) { geo2.x = geo2.x + geo.width / 2 + geo2.width / 2 + length; } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) { geo2.y = geo2.y + geo.height / 2 + geo2.height / 2 + length; } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST) { geo2.x = geo2.x - geo.width / 2 - geo2.width / 2 - length; } // Adds offset to match cells without connecting edge if (graph.model.isEdge(target) && geo2.getTerminalPoint(true) != null && target.getTerminal(false) != null) { var targetGeo = graph.getCellGeometry(target.getTerminal(false)); if (targetGeo != null) { if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH) { geo2.x -= targetGeo.getCenterX(); geo2.y -= targetGeo.getCenterY() + targetGeo.height / 2; } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST) { geo2.x -= targetGeo.getCenterX() - targetGeo.width / 2; geo2.y -= targetGeo.getCenterY(); } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) { geo2.x -= targetGeo.getCenterX(); geo2.y -= targetGeo.getCenterY() - targetGeo.height / 2; } else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST) { geo2.x -= targetGeo.getCenterX() + targetGeo.width / 2; geo2.y -= targetGeo.getCenterY(); } } } } } } return geo2; }; /** * Limits drop style to non-transparent source shapes. */ Sidebar.prototype.isDropStyleEnabled = function(cells, firstVertex) { var result = true; if (firstVertex != null && cells.length == 1) { var vstyle = this.graph.getCellStyle(cells[firstVertex]); if (vstyle != null) { result = mxUtils.getValue(vstyle, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE || mxUtils.getValue(vstyle, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE; } } return result; }; /** * Ignores swimlanes as drop style targets. */ Sidebar.prototype.isDropStyleTargetIgnored = function(state) { return this.graph.isSwimlane(state.cell) || this.graph.isTableCell(state.cell) || this.graph.isTableRow(state.cell) || this.graph.isTable(state.cell); }; /** * Creates a drag source for the given element. */ Sidebar.prototype.disablePointerEvents = function(node) { mxUtils.visitNodes(node, mxUtils.bind(this, function(node) { if (node.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT) { node.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; node.removeAttribute('pointer-events'); } })); }; /** * Creates a drag source for the given element. */ Sidebar.prototype.createDragSource = function(elt, dropHandler, preview, cells, bounds, startEditing) { // Checks if the cells contain any vertices var ui = this.editorUi; var graph = ui.editor.graph; var freeSourceEdge = null; var firstVertex = null; var sidebar = this; var count = 0; var livePreview = this.livePreview; for (var i = 0; i < cells.length && livePreview; i++) { count += graph.model.getDescendants(cells[i]).length; livePreview = count < graph.graphHandler.maxLivePreview; } for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { if (firstVertex == null && graph.model.isVertex(cells[i])) { firstVertex = i; } else if (freeSourceEdge == null && graph.model.isEdge(cells[i]) && graph.model.getTerminal(cells[i], true) == null) { freeSourceEdge = i; } if (firstVertex != null && freeSourceEdge != null) { break; } } var dropStyleEnabled = this.isDropStyleEnabled(cells, firstVertex); var dragSource = mxUtils.makeDraggable(elt, graph, mxUtils.bind(this, function(graph, evt, target, x, y) { if (this.updateThread != null) { window.clearTimeout(this.updateThread); } if (cells != null && currentStyleTarget != null && activeArrow == styleTarget) { var tmp = graph.isCellSelected(currentStyleTarget.cell) ? graph.getSelectionCells() : [currentStyleTarget.cell]; graph.updateShapes((graph.model.isEdge(currentStyleTarget.cell)) ? cells[0] : cells[firstVertex], tmp); graph.setSelectionCells(tmp); } else if (cells != null && activeArrow != null && currentTargetState != null && activeArrow != styleTarget) { var index = (graph.model.isEdge(currentTargetState.cell) || freeSourceEdge == null) ? firstVertex : freeSourceEdge; graph.setSelectionCells(this.dropAndConnect(currentTargetState.cell, cells, direction, index, evt, firstVertex, freeSourceEdge)); } else { dropHandler.apply(this, arguments); } if (this.editorUi.hoverIcons != null) { this.editorUi.hoverIcons.update(graph.view.getState(graph.getSelectionCell())); } }), preview, 0, 0, graph.autoscroll, true, true); if (livePreview) { dragSource.createDragElement = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { return dragSource.createPreviewElement(this.graph); }); dragSource.createPreviewElement = mxUtils.bind(this, function(targetGraph) { var elt = document.createElement('a'); elt.className = 'geItem'; elt.style.overflow = 'visible'; var s = targetGraph.view.scale; elt.style.width = (s * Math.max(1, bounds.width)) + 'px'; elt.style.height = (s * Math.max(1, bounds.height)) + 'px'; // Transparency for guides and target highlights mxUtils.setOpacity(elt, 50); var clones = graph.cloneCells(cells); ui.insertHandler(clones, null, this.graph.model, null, null, true, true); sidebar.createThumb(clones, s * Math.max(1, bounds.width), s * Math.max(1, bounds.height), elt, null, null, null, null, null, graph.shapeBackgroundColor, 0, s); return elt; }); } // Stops dragging if cancel is pressed graph.addListener(mxEvent.ESCAPE, function(sender, evt) { if (dragSource.isActive()) { dragSource.reset(); } }); // Overrides mouseDown to ignore popup triggers var mouseDown = dragSource.mouseDown; dragSource.mouseDown = function(evt) { if (!mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(evt) && !mxEvent.isMultiTouchEvent(evt) && !graph.isCellLocked(graph.getDefaultParent())) { graph.stopEditing(); mouseDown.apply(this, arguments); } }; // Workaround for event redirection via image tag in quirks and IE8 function createArrow(img, tooltip) { var arrow = null; arrow = mxUtils.createImage(img.src); arrow.style.width = img.width + 'px'; arrow.style.height = img.height + 'px'; if (tooltip != null) { arrow.setAttribute('title', tooltip); } mxUtils.setOpacity(arrow, (img == this.refreshTarget) ? 30 : 20); arrow.style.position = 'absolute'; arrow.style.cursor = 'crosshair'; return arrow; }; var currentTargetState = null; var currentStateHandle = null; var currentStyleTarget = null; var activeTarget = false; var arrowUp = createArrow(this.triangleUp, mxResources.get('connect')); var arrowRight = createArrow(this.triangleRight, mxResources.get('connect')); var arrowDown = createArrow(this.triangleDown, mxResources.get('connect')); var arrowLeft = createArrow(this.triangleLeft, mxResources.get('connect')); var styleTarget = createArrow(this.refreshTarget, mxResources.get('replace')); // Workaround for actual parentNode not being updated in old IE var styleTargetParent = null; var roundSource = createArrow(this.roundDrop); var roundTarget = createArrow(this.roundDrop); var direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH; var activeArrow = null; function checkArrow(x, y, bounds, arrow) { if (arrow.parentNode != null) { if (mxUtils.contains(bounds, x, y)) { mxUtils.setOpacity(arrow, 100); activeArrow = arrow; } else { mxUtils.setOpacity(arrow, (arrow == styleTarget) ? 30 : 20); } } return bounds; }; // Hides guides and preview if target is active var dsCreatePreviewElement = dragSource.createPreviewElement; // Stores initial size of preview element dragSource.createPreviewElement = function(graph) { var elt = dsCreatePreviewElement.apply(this, arguments); // Pass-through events required to tooltip on replace shape if (mxClient.IS_SVG) { elt.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } this.previewElementWidth = elt.style.width; this.previewElementHeight = elt.style.height; return elt; }; // Shows/hides hover icons var dragEnter = dragSource.dragEnter; dragSource.dragEnter = function(graph, evt) { if (ui.hoverIcons != null) { ui.hoverIcons.setDisplay('none'); } dragEnter.apply(this, arguments); }; var dragExit = dragSource.dragExit; dragSource.dragExit = function(graph, evt) { if (ui.hoverIcons != null) { ui.hoverIcons.setDisplay(''); } dragExit.apply(this, arguments); }; dragSource.dragOver = function(graph, evt) { mxDragSource.prototype.dragOver.apply(this, arguments); if (this.currentGuide != null && activeArrow != null) { this.currentGuide.hide(); } if (this.previewElement != null) { ui.hideShapePicker(); var view = graph.view; if (currentStyleTarget != null && activeArrow == styleTarget) { this.previewElement.style.display = 'none'; } else if (currentTargetState != null && activeArrow != null) { if (dragSource.currentHighlight != null && dragSource.currentHighlight.state != null) { dragSource.currentHighlight.hide(); } var index = (graph.model.isEdge(currentTargetState.cell) || firstVertex != null) ? firstVertex : freeSourceEdge; var geo = sidebar.getDropAndConnectGeometry(currentTargetState.cell, cells[index], direction, cells); var geo2 = (!graph.model.isEdge(currentTargetState.cell)) ? graph.getCellGeometry(currentTargetState.cell) : null; var geo3 = graph.getCellGeometry(cells[index]); var parent = graph.model.getParent(currentTargetState.cell); var dx = view.translate.x * view.scale; var dy = view.translate.y * view.scale; if (geo2 != null && !geo2.relative && graph.model.isVertex(parent) && parent != view.currentRoot) { var pState = view.getState(parent); dx = pState.x; dy = pState.y; } var dx2 = geo3.x; var dy2 = geo3.y; // Ignores geometry of edges if (graph.model.isEdge(cells[index])) { dx2 = 0; dy2 = 0; } // Shows preview at drop location this.previewElement.style.left = ((geo.x - dx2) * view.scale + dx) + 'px'; this.previewElement.style.top = ((geo.y - dy2) * view.scale + dy) + 'px'; if (cells.length == 1) { this.previewElement.style.width = (geo.width * view.scale) + 'px'; this.previewElement.style.height = (geo.height * view.scale) + 'px'; if (this.previewElement.firstChild != null) { this.previewElement.firstChild.style.display = 'none'; this.previewElement.className = 'geDragPreview'; mxUtils.setOpacity(this.previewElement, 100); } } this.previewElement.style.display = ''; } else if (dragSource.currentHighlight.state != null && graph.model.isEdge(dragSource.currentHighlight.state.cell)) { // Centers drop cells when splitting edges this.previewElement.style.left = Math.round(parseInt(this.previewElement.style.left) - bounds.width * view.scale / 2) + 'px'; this.previewElement.style.top = Math.round(parseInt(this.previewElement.style.top) - bounds.height * view.scale / 2) + 'px'; } else { this.previewElement.style.width = this.previewElementWidth; this.previewElement.style.height = this.previewElementHeight; this.previewElement.style.display = ''; if (this.previewElement.firstChild != null) { this.previewElement.firstChild.style.display = ''; mxUtils.setOpacity(this.previewElement, 50); this.previewElement.className = ''; } } } }; var startTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeOnTarget = 0; var prev = null; // Gets source cell style to compare shape below var sourceCellStyle = this.editorUi.editor.graph.getCellStyle(cells[0]); // Allows drop into cell only if target is a valid root dragSource.getDropTarget = mxUtils.bind(this, function(graph, x, y, evt) { // Alt means no targets at all // LATER: Show preview where result will go var cell = (!mxEvent.isAltDown(evt) && cells != null) ? graph.getCellAt(x, y, null, null, null, function(state, x, y) { return graph.isContainer(state.cell); }) : null; // Uses connectable parent vertex if one exists if (cell != null && !this.graph.isCellConnectable(cell) && !this.graph.model.isEdge(cell)) { var parent = this.graph.getModel().getParent(cell); if (this.graph.getModel().isVertex(parent) && this.graph.isCellConnectable(parent)) { cell = parent; } } // Ignores locked cells if (graph.isCellLocked(cell)) { cell = null; } var state = graph.view.getState(cell); activeArrow = null; var bbox = null; // Time on target if (prev != state) { startTime = new Date().getTime(); timeOnTarget = 0; prev = state; if (this.updateThread != null) { window.clearTimeout(this.updateThread); } if (state != null) { this.updateThread = window.setTimeout(function() { if (activeArrow == null) { prev = state; dragSource.getDropTarget(graph, x, y, evt); } }, this.dropTargetDelay + 10); } } else { timeOnTarget = new Date().getTime() - startTime; } // Shift means disabled, delayed on cells with children, shows after this.dropTargetDelay, hides after 2500ms if (dropStyleEnabled && (timeOnTarget < 2500) && state != null && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && // If shape is equal or target has no stroke, fill and gradient then use longer delay except for images (((mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE) != mxUtils.getValue(sourceCellStyle, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE) && (mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE || mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE || mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE)) || mxUtils.getValue(sourceCellStyle, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE) == 'image') || timeOnTarget > 1500 || graph.model.isEdge(state.cell)) && (timeOnTarget > this.dropTargetDelay) && !this.isDropStyleTargetIgnored(state) && ((graph.model.isVertex(state.cell) && firstVertex != null) || (graph.model.isEdge(state.cell) && graph.model.isEdge(cells[0])))) { if (graph.isCellEditable(state.cell)) { currentStyleTarget = state; var tmp = (graph.model.isEdge(state.cell)) ? graph.view.getPoint(state) : new mxPoint(state.getCenterX(), state.getCenterY()); tmp = new mxRectangle(tmp.x - this.refreshTarget.width / 2, tmp.y - this.refreshTarget.height / 2, this.refreshTarget.width, this.refreshTarget.height); styleTarget.style.left = Math.floor(tmp.x) + 'px'; styleTarget.style.top = Math.floor(tmp.y) + 'px'; if (styleTargetParent == null) { graph.container.appendChild(styleTarget); styleTargetParent = styleTarget.parentNode; } checkArrow(x, y, tmp, styleTarget); } } // Does not reset on ignored edges else if (currentStyleTarget == null || !mxUtils.contains(currentStyleTarget, x, y) || (timeOnTarget > 1500 && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt))) { currentStyleTarget = null; if (styleTargetParent != null) { styleTarget.parentNode.removeChild(styleTarget); styleTargetParent = null; } } else if (currentStyleTarget != null && styleTargetParent != null) { // Sets active Arrow as side effect var tmp = (graph.model.isEdge(currentStyleTarget.cell)) ? graph.view.getPoint(currentStyleTarget) : new mxPoint(currentStyleTarget.getCenterX(), currentStyleTarget.getCenterY()); tmp = new mxRectangle(tmp.x - this.refreshTarget.width / 2, tmp.y - this.refreshTarget.height / 2, this.refreshTarget.width, this.refreshTarget.height); checkArrow(x, y, tmp, styleTarget); } // Checks if inside bounds if (activeTarget && currentTargetState != null && !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt) && activeArrow == null) { // LATER: Use hit-detection for edges bbox = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(currentTargetState); if (graph.model.isEdge(currentTargetState.cell)) { var pts = currentTargetState.absolutePoints; if (roundSource.parentNode != null) { var p0 = pts[0]; bbox.add(checkArrow(x, y, new mxRectangle(p0.x - this.roundDrop.width / 2, p0.y - this.roundDrop.height / 2, this.roundDrop.width, this.roundDrop.height), roundSource)); } if (roundTarget.parentNode != null) { var pe = pts[pts.length - 1]; bbox.add(checkArrow(x, y, new mxRectangle(pe.x - this.roundDrop.width / 2, pe.y - this.roundDrop.height / 2, this.roundDrop.width, this.roundDrop.height), roundTarget)); } } else { var bds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(currentTargetState); // Uses outer bounding box to take rotation into account if (currentTargetState.shape != null && currentTargetState.shape.boundingBox != null) { bds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(currentTargetState.shape.boundingBox); } bds.grow(this.graph.tolerance); bds.grow(HoverIcons.prototype.arrowSpacing); var handler = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(currentTargetState.cell); if (handler != null) { bds.x -= handler.horizontalOffset / 2; bds.y -= handler.verticalOffset / 2; bds.width += handler.horizontalOffset; bds.height += handler.verticalOffset; // Adds bounding box of rotation handle to avoid overlap if (handler.rotationShape != null && handler.rotationShape.node != null && handler.rotationShape.node.style.visibility != 'hidden' && handler.rotationShape.node.style.display != 'none' && handler.rotationShape.boundingBox != null) { bds.add(handler.rotationShape.boundingBox); } } bbox.add(checkArrow(x, y, new mxRectangle(currentTargetState.getCenterX() - this.triangleUp.width / 2, bds.y - this.triangleUp.height, this.triangleUp.width, this.triangleUp.height), arrowUp)); bbox.add(checkArrow(x, y, new mxRectangle(bds.x + bds.width, currentTargetState.getCenterY() - this.triangleRight.height / 2, this.triangleRight.width, this.triangleRight.height), arrowRight)); bbox.add(checkArrow(x, y, new mxRectangle(currentTargetState.getCenterX() - this.triangleDown.width / 2, bds.y + bds.height, this.triangleDown.width, this.triangleDown.height), arrowDown)); bbox.add(checkArrow(x, y, new mxRectangle(bds.x - this.triangleLeft.width, currentTargetState.getCenterY() - this.triangleLeft.height / 2, this.triangleLeft.width, this.triangleLeft.height), arrowLeft)); } // Adds tolerance if (bbox != null) { bbox.grow(10); } } direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH; if (activeArrow == arrowRight) { direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST; } else if (activeArrow == arrowDown || activeArrow == roundTarget) { direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH; } else if (activeArrow == arrowLeft) { direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST; } if (currentStyleTarget != null && activeArrow == styleTarget) { state = currentStyleTarget; } var validTarget = (firstVertex == null || graph.isCellConnectable(cells[firstVertex])) && ((graph.model.isEdge(cell) && firstVertex != null) || (graph.model.isVertex(cell) && graph.isCellConnectable(cell))); // Drop arrows shown after this.dropTargetDelay, hidden after 5 secs, switches arrows after 500ms if ((currentTargetState != null && timeOnTarget >= 5000) || (currentTargetState != state && (bbox == null || !mxUtils.contains(bbox, x, y) || (timeOnTarget > 500 && activeArrow == null && validTarget)))) { activeTarget = false; currentTargetState = ((timeOnTarget < 5000 && timeOnTarget > this.dropTargetDelay) || graph.model.isEdge(cell)) ? state : null; if (currentTargetState != null && validTarget) { var elts = [roundSource, roundTarget, arrowUp, arrowRight, arrowDown, arrowLeft]; for (var i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) { if (elts[i].parentNode != null) { elts[i].parentNode.removeChild(elts[i]); } } if (graph.model.isEdge(cell)) { var pts = state.absolutePoints; if (pts != null) { var p0 = pts[0]; var pe = pts[pts.length - 1]; roundSource.style.left = Math.floor(p0.x - this.roundDrop.width / 2) + 'px'; roundSource.style.top = Math.floor(p0.y - this.roundDrop.height / 2) + 'px'; roundTarget.style.left = Math.floor(pe.x - this.roundDrop.width / 2) + 'px'; roundTarget.style.top = Math.floor(pe.y - this.roundDrop.height / 2) + 'px'; if (graph.model.getTerminal(cell, true) == null) { graph.container.appendChild(roundSource); } if (graph.model.getTerminal(cell, false) == null) { graph.container.appendChild(roundTarget); } } } else { var bds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(state); // Uses outer bounding box to take rotation into account if (state.shape != null && state.shape.boundingBox != null) { bds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(state.shape.boundingBox); } bds.grow(this.graph.tolerance); bds.grow(HoverIcons.prototype.arrowSpacing); var handler = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(state.cell); if (handler != null) { bds.x -= handler.horizontalOffset / 2; bds.y -= handler.verticalOffset / 2; bds.width += handler.horizontalOffset; bds.height += handler.verticalOffset; // Adds bounding box of rotation handle to avoid overlap if (handler.rotationShape != null && handler.rotationShape.node != null && handler.rotationShape.node.style.visibility != 'hidden' && handler.rotationShape.node.style.display != 'none' && handler.rotationShape.boundingBox != null) { bds.add(handler.rotationShape.boundingBox); } } arrowUp.style.left = Math.floor(state.getCenterX() - this.triangleUp.width / 2) + 'px'; arrowUp.style.top = Math.floor(bds.y - this.triangleUp.height) + 'px'; arrowRight.style.left = Math.floor(bds.x + bds.width) + 'px'; arrowRight.style.top = Math.floor(state.getCenterY() - this.triangleRight.height / 2) + 'px'; arrowDown.style.left = arrowUp.style.left arrowDown.style.top = Math.floor(bds.y + bds.height) + 'px'; arrowLeft.style.left = Math.floor(bds.x - this.triangleLeft.width) + 'px'; arrowLeft.style.top = arrowRight.style.top; if (state.style['portConstraint'] != 'eastwest') { graph.container.appendChild(arrowUp); graph.container.appendChild(arrowDown); } graph.container.appendChild(arrowRight); graph.container.appendChild(arrowLeft); } // Hides handle for cell under mouse if (state != null) { currentStateHandle = graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(state.cell); if (currentStateHandle != null && currentStateHandle.setHandlesVisible != null) { currentStateHandle.setHandlesVisible(false); } } activeTarget = true; } else { var elts = [roundSource, roundTarget, arrowUp, arrowRight, arrowDown, arrowLeft]; for (var i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) { if (elts[i].parentNode != null) { elts[i].parentNode.removeChild(elts[i]); } } } } if (!activeTarget && currentStateHandle != null) { currentStateHandle.setHandlesVisible(true); } // Handles drop target var target = ((!mxEvent.isAltDown(evt) || mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) && !(currentStyleTarget != null && activeArrow == styleTarget)) ? mxDragSource.prototype.getDropTarget.apply(this, arguments) : null; if (target != null && (activeArrow != null || !graph.isSplitTarget(target, cells, evt))) { target = graph.getDropTarget(cells, evt, target, true); } return target; }); dragSource.stopDrag = function() { mxDragSource.prototype.stopDrag.apply(this, arguments); var elts = [roundSource, roundTarget, styleTarget, arrowUp, arrowRight, arrowDown, arrowLeft]; for (var i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) { if (elts[i].parentNode != null) { elts[i].parentNode.removeChild(elts[i]); } } if (currentTargetState != null && currentStateHandle != null) { currentStateHandle.reset(); } currentStateHandle = null; currentTargetState = null; currentStyleTarget = null; styleTargetParent = null; activeArrow = null; }; return dragSource; }; /** * Adds a handler for inserting the cell with a single click. */ Sidebar.prototype.itemClicked = function(cells, ds, evt, elt) { var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; graph.container.focus(); // Alt+Click inserts and connects if (mxEvent.isAltDown(evt) && graph.getSelectionCount() == 1 && graph.model.isVertex(graph.getSelectionCell())) { var firstVertex = null; for (var i = 0; i < cells.length && firstVertex == null; i++) { if (graph.model.isVertex(cells[i])) { firstVertex = i; } } if (firstVertex != null) { graph.setSelectionCells(this.dropAndConnect(graph.getSelectionCell(), cells, (mxEvent.isMetaDown(evt) || mxEvent.isControlDown(evt)) ? (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) ? mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST : mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH) : (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) ? mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST : mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH), firstVertex, evt)); graph.scrollCellToVisible(graph.getSelectionCell()); } } // Shift+Click updates shape else if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && !graph.isSelectionEmpty()) { var temp = graph.getEditableCells(graph.getSelectionCells()); graph.updateShapes(cells[0], temp); graph.scrollCellToVisible(temp); } else { var pt = (mxEvent.isAltDown(evt)) ? graph.getFreeInsertPoint() : graph.getCenterInsertPoint(graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(cells, true)); ds.drop(graph, evt, null, pt.x, pt.y, true); } }; /** * Adds a handler for inserting the cell with a single click. */ Sidebar.prototype.addClickHandler = function(elt, ds, cells, clickFn) { var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; var oldGetGraphForEvent = ds.getGraphForEvent; var oldMouseDown = ds.mouseDown; var oldMouseMove = ds.mouseMove; var oldMouseUp = ds.mouseUp; var tol = graph.tolerance; var active = false; var first = null; var sb = this; var op = null; ds.getGraphForEvent = function(evt) { if (active) { return oldGetGraphForEvent.apply(this, arguments); } else { return null; } }; ds.mouseDown =function(evt) { oldMouseDown.apply(this, arguments); first = new mxPoint(mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt)); op = elt.style.opacity; active = false; if (op == '') { op = '1'; } if (this.dragElement != null) { this.dragElement.style.display = 'none'; mxUtils.setOpacity(elt, 50); } }; ds.mouseMove = function(evt) { active = first != null && (Math.abs(first.x - mxEvent.getClientX(evt)) > tol || Math.abs(first.y - mxEvent.getClientY(evt)) > tol); if (active && this.dragElement != null && this.dragElement.style.display == 'none') { this.dragElement.style.display = ''; mxUtils.setOpacity(elt, op * 100); } oldMouseMove.apply(this, arguments); }; ds.mouseUp = function(evt) { try { if (!mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(evt) && this.currentGraph == null && this.dragElement != null && this.dragElement.style.display == 'none') { if (clickFn != null) { clickFn(evt); } if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(evt)) { sb.itemClicked(cells, ds, evt, elt); } } oldMouseUp.apply(ds, arguments); mxUtils.setOpacity(elt, op * 100); first = null; // Blocks tooltips on this element after single click sb.currentElt = elt; } catch (e) { ds.reset(); sb.editorUi.handleError(e); } }; }; /** * Creates a drop handler for inserting the given cells. */ Sidebar.prototype.createVertexTemplateEntry = function(style, width, height, value, title, showLabel, showTitle, tags) { if (tags != null && title != null) { tags += ' ' + title; } tags = (tags != null && tags.length > 0) ? tags : ((title != null) ? title.toLowerCase() : ''); return this.addEntry(tags, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { return this.createVertexTemplate(style, width, height, value, title, showLabel, showTitle); })); } /** * Creates a drop handler for inserting the given cells. */ Sidebar.prototype.createVertexTemplate = function(style, width, height, value, title, showLabel, showTitle, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip, clickFn, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, icon, startEditing) { var cells = [new mxCell((value != null) ? value : '', new mxGeometry(0, 0, width, height), style)]; cells[0].vertex = true; return this.createVertexTemplateFromCells(cells, width, height, title, showLabel, showTitle, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip, clickFn, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, icon, startEditing); }; /** * Creates a drop handler for inserting the given cells. */ Sidebar.prototype.createVertexTemplateFromData = function(data, width, height, title, showLabel, showTitle, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip) { var doc = mxUtils.parseXml(Graph.decompress(data)); var codec = new mxCodec(doc); var model = new mxGraphModel(); codec.decode(doc.documentElement, model); var cells = this.graph.cloneCells(model.root.getChildAt(0).children); return this.createVertexTemplateFromCells(cells, width, height, title, showLabel, showTitle, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip); }; /** * Creates a drop handler for inserting the given cells. */ Sidebar.prototype.createVertexTemplateFromCells = function(cells, width, height, title, showLabel, showTitle, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip, clickFn, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, icon, startEditing, sourceCell) { // Use this line to convert calls to this function with lots of boilerplate code for creating cells //console.trace('xml', Graph.compress(mxUtils.getXml(this.graph.encodeCells(cells))), cells); return this.createItem(cells, title, showLabel, showTitle, width, height, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip, clickFn, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, icon, startEditing, sourceCell); }; /** * */ Sidebar.prototype.createEdgeTemplateEntry = function(style, width, height, value, title, showLabel, tags, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip) { tags = (tags != null && tags.length > 0) ? tags : title.toLowerCase(); return this.addEntry(tags, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { return this.createEdgeTemplate(style, width, height, value, title, showLabel, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip); })); }; /** * Creates a drop handler for inserting the given cells. */ Sidebar.prototype.createEdgeTemplate = function(style, width, height, value, title, showLabel, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip) { var cell = new mxCell((value != null) ? value : '', new mxGeometry(0, 0, width, height), style); cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, height), true); cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(width, 0), false); cell.geometry.relative = true; cell.edge = true; return this.createEdgeTemplateFromCells([cell], width, height, title, showLabel, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip); }; /** * Creates a drop handler for inserting the given cells. */ Sidebar.prototype.createEdgeTemplateFromCells = function(cells, width, height, title, showLabel, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip, showTitle, clickFn, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, icon) { return this.createItem(cells, title, showLabel, (showTitle != null) ? showTitle : true, width, height, allowCellsInserted, showTooltip, clickFn, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, icon); }; /** * Adds the given palette. */ Sidebar.prototype.addPaletteFunctions = function(id, title, expanded, fns) { this.addPalette(id, title, expanded, mxUtils.bind(this, function(content) { for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { content.appendChild(fns[i](content)); } })); }; /** * Adds the given palette. */ Sidebar.prototype.addPalette = function(id, title, expanded, onInit) { var elt = this.createTitle(title); this.appendChild(elt); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'geSidebar'; // Disables built-in pan and zoom on touch devices if (mxClient.IS_POINTER) { div.style.touchAction = 'none'; } if (expanded) { onInit(div); onInit = null; } else { div.style.display = 'none'; } this.addFoldingHandler(elt, div, onInit); var outer = document.createElement('div'); outer.appendChild(div); this.appendChild(outer); // Keeps references to the DOM nodes if (id != null) { this.palettes[id] = [elt, outer]; } return div; }; /** * Create the given title element. */ Sidebar.prototype.addFoldingHandler = function(title, content, funct) { var initialized = false; // Avoids mixed content warning in IE6-8 if (!mxClient.IS_IE || document.documentMode >= 8) { title.style.backgroundImage = (content.style.display == 'none') ? 'url(\'' + this.collapsedImage + '\')' : 'url(\'' + this.expandedImage + '\')'; } title.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; title.style.backgroundPosition = '4px 50%'; mxEvent.addListener(title, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { if (mxEvent.getSource(evt) == title) { if (content.style.display == 'none') { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; if (funct != null) { // Wait cursor does not show up on Mac title.style.cursor = 'wait'; // Captures child nodes var children = []; for (var i = 0; i < title.children.length; i++) { children.push(title.children[i]); title.removeChild(title.children[i]); } var prev = title.innerHTML; title.innerHTML = mxResources.get('loading') + '...'; window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.setContentVisible(content, true); title.style.cursor = ''; title.innerHTML = prev; // Restores child nodes for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { title.appendChild(children[i]); } var fo = mxClient.NO_FO; mxClient.NO_FO = Editor.prototype.originalNoForeignObject; funct(content, title); mxClient.NO_FO = fo; }), (mxClient.IS_FF) ? 20 : 0); } else { this.setContentVisible(content, true); } } else { this.setContentVisible(content, true); } title.style.backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + this.expandedImage + '\')'; } else { title.style.backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + this.collapsedImage + '\')'; this.setContentVisible(content, false); } mxEvent.consume(evt); } })); // Prevents focus mxEvent.addListener(title, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); })); }; /** * Removes the palette for the given ID. */ Sidebar.prototype.setContentVisible = function(content, visible) { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transition', 'all 0.2s linear'); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transform-origin', 'top left'); if (visible) { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transform', 'scaleY(0)'); content.style.display = 'block'; window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transform', 'scaleY(1)'); window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transform', null); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transition', null); }), 200); }), 0); } else { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transform', 'scaleY(0)'); window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transform', null); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(content.style, 'transition', null); content.style.display = 'none'; }), 200); } }; /** * Removes the palette for the given ID. */ Sidebar.prototype.removePalette = function(id) { var elts = this.palettes[id]; if (elts != null) { this.palettes[id] = null; for (var i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) { this.container.removeChild(elts[i]); } return true; } return false; }; /** * Adds the given image palette. */ Sidebar.prototype.addImagePalette = function(id, title, prefix, postfix, items, titles, tags) { var showTitles = titles != null; var fns = []; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function(item, title, tmpTags) { if (tmpTags == null) { var slash = item.lastIndexOf('/'); var dot = item.lastIndexOf('.'); tmpTags = item.substring((slash >= 0) ? slash + 1 : 0, (dot >= 0) ? dot : item.length).replace(/[-_]/g, ' '); } fns.push(this.createVertexTemplateEntry('image;html=1;image=' + prefix + item + postfix, this.defaultImageWidth, this.defaultImageHeight, '', title, title != null, null, this.filterTags(tmpTags))); }))(items[i], (titles != null) ? titles[i] : null, (tags != null) ? tags[items[i]] : null); } this.addPaletteFunctions(id, title, false, fns); }; /** * Creates the array of tags for the given stencil. Duplicates are allowed and will be filtered out later. */ Sidebar.prototype.getTagsForStencil = function(packageName, stencilName, moreTags) { var tags = packageName.split('.'); for (var i = 1; i < tags.length; i++) { tags[i] = tags[i].replace(/_/g, ' ') } tags.push(stencilName.replace(/_/g, ' ')); if (moreTags != null) { tags.push(moreTags); } return tags.slice(1, tags.length); }; /** * Adds the given stencil palette. */ Sidebar.prototype.addStencilPalette = function(id, title, stencilFile, style, ignore, onInit, scale, tags, customFns, groupId) { scale = (scale != null) ? scale : 1; if (this.addStencilsToIndex) { // LATER: Handle asynchronous loading dependency var fns = []; if (customFns != null) { for (var i = 0; i < customFns.length; i++) { fns.push(customFns[i]); } } mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(stencilFile, mxUtils.bind(this, function(packageName, stencilName, displayName, w, h) { if (ignore == null || mxUtils.indexOf(ignore, stencilName) < 0) { var tmp = this.getTagsForStencil(packageName, stencilName); var tmpTags = (tags != null) ? tags[stencilName] : null; if (tmpTags != null) { tmp.push(tmpTags); } fns.push(this.createVertexTemplateEntry('shape=' + packageName + stencilName.toLowerCase() + style, Math.round(w * scale), Math.round(h * scale), '', stencilName.replace(/_/g, ' '), null, null, this.filterTags(tmp.join(' ')))); } }), true, true); this.addPaletteFunctions(id, title, false, fns); } else { this.addPalette(id, title, false, mxUtils.bind(this, function(content) { if (style == null) { style = ''; } if (onInit != null) { onInit.call(this, content); } if (customFns != null) { for (var i = 0; i < customFns.length; i++) { customFns[i](content); } } mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(stencilFile, mxUtils.bind(this, function(packageName, stencilName, displayName, w, h) { if (ignore == null || mxUtils.indexOf(ignore, stencilName) < 0) { content.appendChild(this.createVertexTemplate('shape=' + packageName + stencilName.toLowerCase() + style, Math.round(w * scale), Math.round(h * scale), '', stencilName.replace(/_/g, ' '), true)); } }), true); })); } }; /** * Adds the given stencil palette. */ Sidebar.prototype.destroy = function() { if (this.graph != null) { if (this.graph.container != null && this.graph.container.parentNode != null) { this.graph.container.parentNode.removeChild(this.graph.container); } this.graph.destroy(); this.graph = null; } if (this.pointerUpHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(document, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerup' : 'mouseup', this.pointerUpHandler); this.pointerUpHandler = null; } if (this.pointerDownHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(document, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', this.pointerDownHandler); this.pointerDownHandler = null; } if (this.pointerMoveHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(document, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove', this.pointerMoveHandler); this.pointerMoveHandler = null; } if (this.pointerOutHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(document, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerout' : 'mouseout', this.pointerOutHandler); this.pointerOutHandler = null; } };