/** * Copyright (c) 2006-2012, JGraph Ltd */ /** * Constructs a new graph editor */ EditorUi = function (editor, container, lightbox) { mxEventSource.call(this); this.destroyFunctions = []; this.editor = editor || new Editor(); this.container = container || document.body; var ui = this; var graph = this.editor.graph; graph.lightbox = lightbox; // Overrides graph bounds to include background images var graphGetGraphBounds = graph.getGraphBounds; graph.getGraphBounds = function () { var bounds = graphGetGraphBounds.apply(this, arguments); var img = this.backgroundImage; if (img != null && img.width != null && img.height != null) { var t = this.view.translate; var s = this.view.scale; bounds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(bounds); bounds.add(new mxRectangle( (t.x + img.x) * s, (t.y + img.y) * s, img.width * s, img.height * s)); } return bounds; }; // Faster scrollwheel zoom is possible with CSS transforms if (graph.useCssTransforms) { this.lazyZoomDelay = 0; } // Pre-fetches submenu image or replaces with embedded image if supported if (mxClient.IS_SVG) { mxPopupMenu.prototype.submenuImage = ''; } else { new Image().src = mxPopupMenu.prototype.submenuImage; } // Pre-fetches connect image if (!mxClient.IS_SVG && mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connectImage != null) { new Image().src = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connectImage.src; } // Installs selection state listener this.selectionStateListener = mxUtils.bind(this, function (sender, evt) { this.clearSelectionState(); }); graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.selectionStateListener); graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.selectionStateListener); graph.addListener(mxEvent.EDITING_STARTED, this.selectionStateListener); graph.addListener(mxEvent.EDITING_STOPPED, this.selectionStateListener); graph.getView().addListener('unitChanged', this.selectionStateListener); // Disables graph and forced panning in chromeless mode if (this.editor.chromeless && !this.editor.editable) { this.footerHeight = 0; graph.isEnabled = function () { return false; }; graph.panningHandler.isForcePanningEvent = function (me) { return !mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(me.getEvent()); }; } // Creates the user interface this.actions = new Actions(this); this.menus = this.createMenus(); if (!graph.standalone) { // Stores the current style and assigns it to new cells var styles = ['rounded', 'shadow', 'glass', 'dashed', 'dashPattern', 'labelBackgroundColor', 'labelBorderColor', 'comic', 'sketch', 'fillWeight', 'hachureGap', 'hachureAngle', 'jiggle', 'disableMultiStroke', 'disableMultiStrokeFill', 'fillStyle', 'curveFitting', 'simplification', 'sketchStyle', 'pointerEvents', 'strokeColor', 'strokeWidth']; var connectStyles = ['shape', 'edgeStyle', 'curved', 'rounded', 'elbow', 'jumpStyle', 'jumpSize', 'comic', 'sketch', 'fillWeight', 'hachureGap', 'hachureAngle', 'jiggle', 'disableMultiStroke', 'disableMultiStrokeFill', 'fillStyle', 'curveFitting', 'simplification', 'sketchStyle']; // Styles to be ignored if applyAll is false var ignoredEdgeStyles = ['curved', 'sourcePerimeterSpacing', 'targetPerimeterSpacing', 'startArrow', 'startFill', 'startSize', 'endArrow', 'endFill', 'endSize']; var vertexStyleIgnored = false; var edgeStyleIgnored = false; // Note: Everything that is not in styles is ignored (styles is augmented below) this.setDefaultStyle = function (cell) { try { if (graph.getModel().isEdge(cell)) { edgeStyleIgnored = false; } else { vertexStyleIgnored = false; } var style = graph.getCellStyle(cell, false); var values = []; var keys = []; for (var key in style) { values.push(style[key]); keys.push(key); } // Resets current style if (graph.getModel().isEdge(cell)) { graph.currentEdgeStyle = {}; } else { graph.currentVertexStyle = {} } this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('styleChanged', 'keys', keys, 'values', values, 'cells', [cell], 'force', true)); // Blocks update of default style with style changes // once the it was set using this function if (graph.getModel().isEdge(cell)) { edgeStyleIgnored = true; } else { vertexStyleIgnored = true; } } catch (e) { this.handleError(e); } }; this.clearDefaultStyle = function () { graph.currentEdgeStyle = mxUtils.clone(graph.defaultEdgeStyle); graph.currentVertexStyle = mxUtils.clone(graph.defaultVertexStyle); edgeStyleIgnored = false; vertexStyleIgnored = false; // Updates UI this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('styleChanged', 'keys', [], 'values', [], 'cells', [])); }; // Keys that should be ignored if the cell has a value (known: new default for all cells is html=1 so // for the html key this effecticely only works for edges inserted via the connection handler) var valueStyles = ['fontFamily', 'fontSource', 'fontSize', 'fontColor']; for (var i = 0; i < valueStyles.length; i++) { if (mxUtils.indexOf(styles, valueStyles[i]) < 0) { styles.push(valueStyles[i]); } } // Keys that always update the current edge style regardless of selection var alwaysEdgeStyles = ['edgeStyle', 'startArrow', 'startFill', 'startSize', 'endArrow', 'endFill', 'endSize']; // Keys that are ignored together (if one appears all are ignored) var keyGroups = [['startArrow', 'startFill', 'endArrow', 'endFill'], ['startSize', 'endSize'], ['sourcePerimeterSpacing', 'targetPerimeterSpacing'], ['fillColor', 'gradientColor', 'gradientDirection'], ['opacity'], ['html']]; // Adds all keys used above to the styles array for (var i = 0; i < keyGroups.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < keyGroups[i].length; j++) { styles.push(keyGroups[i][j]); } } for (var i = 0; i < connectStyles.length; i++) { if (mxUtils.indexOf(styles, connectStyles[i]) < 0) { styles.push(connectStyles[i]); } } // Implements a global current style for edges and vertices that is applied to new cells var insertHandler = function (cells, asText, model, vertexStyle, edgeStyle, applyAll, recurse) { vertexStyle = (vertexStyle != null) ? vertexStyle : graph.currentVertexStyle; edgeStyle = (edgeStyle != null) ? edgeStyle : graph.currentEdgeStyle; applyAll = (applyAll != null) ? applyAll : true; model = (model != null) ? model : graph.getModel(); if (recurse) { var temp = []; for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { temp = temp.concat(model.getDescendants(cells[i])); } cells = temp; } model.beginUpdate(); try { for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { var cell = cells[i]; var isText = asText; var appliedStyles; // Applies basic text styles for cells with text class if (cell.style != null && !isText) { pairs = cell.style.split(';'); isText = isText || mxUtils.indexOf(pairs, 'text') >= 0; } if (isText) { // Applies only basic text styles appliedStyles = ['fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontColor']; } else { // Removes styles defined in the cell style from the styles to be applied var cellStyle = model.getStyle(cell); var tokens = (cellStyle != null) ? cellStyle.split(';') : []; appliedStyles = styles.slice(); for (var j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) { var tmp = tokens[j]; var pos = tmp.indexOf('='); if (pos >= 0) { var key = tmp.substring(0, pos); var index = mxUtils.indexOf(appliedStyles, key); if (index >= 0) { appliedStyles.splice(index, 1); } // Handles special cases where one defined style ignores other styles for (var k = 0; k < keyGroups.length; k++) { var group = keyGroups[k]; if (mxUtils.indexOf(group, key) >= 0) { for (var l = 0; l < group.length; l++) { var index2 = mxUtils.indexOf(appliedStyles, group[l]); if (index2 >= 0) { appliedStyles.splice(index2, 1); } } } } } } } // Applies the current style to the cell var edge = model.isEdge(cell); var current = (edge) ? edgeStyle : vertexStyle; var newStyle = model.getStyle(cell); for (var j = 0; j < appliedStyles.length; j++) { var key = appliedStyles[j]; var styleValue = current[key]; if (styleValue != null && key != 'edgeStyle' && (key != 'shape' || edge)) { // Special case: Connect styles are not applied here but in the connection handler if (!edge || applyAll || mxUtils.indexOf(ignoredEdgeStyles, key) < 0) { newStyle = mxUtils.setStyle(newStyle, key, styleValue); } } } if (Editor.simpleLabels) { newStyle = mxUtils.setStyle(mxUtils.setStyle( newStyle, 'html', null), 'whiteSpace', null); } model.setStyle(cell, newStyle); } } finally { model.endUpdate(); } return cells; }; graph.addListener('cellsInserted', function (sender, evt) { insertHandler(evt.getProperty('cells'), null, null, null, null, true, true); }); graph.addListener('textInserted', function (sender, evt) { insertHandler(evt.getProperty('cells'), true); }); this.insertHandler = insertHandler; this.createDivs(); this.createUi(); this.refresh(); // Disables HTML and text selection var textEditing = mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (evt == null) { evt = window.event; } return graph.isEditing() || (evt != null && this.isSelectionAllowed(evt)); }); // Disables text selection while not editing and no dialog visible if (this.container == document.body) { this.menubarContainer.onselectstart = textEditing; this.menubarContainer.onmousedown = textEditing; this.toolbarContainer.onselectstart = textEditing; this.toolbarContainer.onmousedown = textEditing; this.diagramContainer.onselectstart = textEditing; this.diagramContainer.onmousedown = textEditing; this.sidebarContainer.onselectstart = textEditing; this.sidebarContainer.onmousedown = textEditing; this.formatContainer.onselectstart = textEditing; this.formatContainer.onmousedown = textEditing; this.footerContainer.onselectstart = textEditing; this.footerContainer.onmousedown = textEditing; if (this.tabContainer != null) { // Mouse down is needed for drag and drop this.tabContainer.onselectstart = textEditing; } // Workaround for rubberband selection on iPadOS 16 // Avoid on previous versions to allow label editing if (mxClient.IS_IOS) { function iOSversion() { if (/iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(navigator.platform)) { // supports iOS 2.0 and later: var v = (navigator.appVersion).match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/); return [parseInt(v[1], 10), parseInt(v[2], 10), parseInt(v[3] || 0, 10)]; } } var ver = iOSversion(); if (ver != null && ver[0] >= 16) { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.menubarContainer.style, 'userSelect', 'none'); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.diagramContainer.style, 'userSelect', 'none'); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.sidebarContainer.style, 'userSelect', 'none'); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.formatContainer.style, 'userSelect', 'none'); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.footerContainer.style, 'userSelect', 'none'); if (this.tabContainer != null) { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.tabContainer.style, 'userSelect', 'none'); } } } } // And uses built-in context menu while editing if (!this.editor.chromeless || this.editor.editable) { // Allows context menu for links in hints var linkHandler = function (evt) { if (evt != null) { var source = mxEvent.getSource(evt); if (source.nodeName == 'A') { while (source != null) { if (source.className == 'geHint') { return true; } source = source.parentNode; } } } return textEditing(evt); }; if (mxClient.IS_IE && (typeof (document.documentMode) === 'undefined' || document.documentMode < 9)) { mxEvent.addListener(this.diagramContainer, 'contextmenu', linkHandler); } else { // Allows browser context menu outside of diagram and sidebar this.diagramContainer.oncontextmenu = linkHandler; } } else { graph.panningHandler.usePopupTrigger = false; } // Contains the main graph instance inside the given panel graph.init(this.diagramContainer); // Improves line wrapping for in-place editor if (mxClient.IS_SVG && graph.view.getDrawPane() != null) { var root = graph.view.getDrawPane().ownerSVGElement; if (root != null) { root.style.position = 'absolute'; } } // Creates hover icons this.hoverIcons = this.createHoverIcons(); // Hides hover icons when cells are moved if (graph.graphHandler != null) { var graphHandlerStart = graph.graphHandler.start; graph.graphHandler.start = function () { if (ui.hoverIcons != null) { ui.hoverIcons.reset(); } graphHandlerStart.apply(this, arguments); }; } // Adds tooltip when mouse is over scrollbars to show space-drag panning option mxEvent.addListener(this.diagramContainer, 'mousemove', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { var off = mxUtils.getOffset(this.diagramContainer); if (mxEvent.getClientX(evt) - off.x - this.diagramContainer.clientWidth > 0 || mxEvent.getClientY(evt) - off.y - this.diagramContainer.clientHeight > 0) { this.diagramContainer.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('panTooltip')); } else { this.diagramContainer.removeAttribute('title'); } })); // Overrides hovericons to disable while space key is pressed var hoverIconsIsResetEvent = this.hoverIcons.isResetEvent; this.hoverIcons.isResetEvent = function (evt, allowShift) { return ui.isSpaceDown() || hoverIconsIsResetEvent.apply(this, arguments); }; this.keydownHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (evt.which == 16 /* Shift */) { this.shiftDown = true; } else if (evt.which == 32 /* Space */ && !graph.isEditing()) { this.spaceDown = true; this.hoverIcons.reset(); graph.container.style.cursor = 'move'; // Disables scroll after space keystroke with scrollbars if (!graph.isEditing() && mxEvent.getSource(evt) == graph.container) { mxEvent.consume(evt); } } else if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(evt) && evt.keyCode == 27 /* Escape */) { this.hideDialog(null, true); } }); mxEvent.addListener(document, 'keydown', this.keydownHandler); this.keyupHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { graph.container.style.cursor = ''; this.spaceDown = false; this.shiftDown = false; }); mxEvent.addListener(document, 'keyup', this.keyupHandler); // Forces panning for middle and right mouse buttons var panningHandlerIsForcePanningEvent = graph.panningHandler.isForcePanningEvent; graph.panningHandler.isForcePanningEvent = function (me) { // Ctrl+left button is reported as right button in FF on Mac return panningHandlerIsForcePanningEvent.apply(this, arguments) || ui.isSpaceDown() || (mxEvent.isMouseEvent(me.getEvent()) && (this.usePopupTrigger || !mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(me.getEvent())) && ((!mxEvent.isControlDown(me.getEvent()) && mxEvent.isRightMouseButton(me.getEvent())) || mxEvent.isMiddleMouseButton(me.getEvent()))); }; // Ctrl/Cmd+Enter applies editing value except in Safari where Ctrl+Enter creates // a new line (while Enter creates a new paragraph and Shift+Enter stops) var cellEditorIsStopEditingEvent = graph.cellEditor.isStopEditingEvent; graph.cellEditor.isStopEditingEvent = function (evt) { return cellEditorIsStopEditingEvent.apply(this, arguments) || (evt.keyCode == 13 && ((!mxClient.IS_SF && mxEvent.isControlDown(evt)) || (mxClient.IS_MAC && mxEvent.isMetaDown(evt)) || (mxClient.IS_SF && mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)))); }; // Adds space+wheel for zoom var graphIsZoomWheelEvent = graph.isZoomWheelEvent; graph.isZoomWheelEvent = function () { return ui.isSpaceDown() || graphIsZoomWheelEvent.apply(this, arguments); }; // Switches toolbar for text editing var textMode = false; var fontMenu = null; var sizeMenu = null; var nodes = null; var updateToolbar = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (this.toolbar != null && textMode != graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing()) { var node = this.toolbar.container.firstChild; var newNodes = []; while (node != null) { var tmp = node.nextSibling; if (mxUtils.indexOf(this.toolbar.staticElements, node) < 0) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); newNodes.push(node); } node = tmp; } // Saves references to special items var tmp1 = this.toolbar.fontMenu; var tmp2 = this.toolbar.sizeMenu; if (nodes == null) { this.toolbar.createTextToolbar(); } else { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { this.toolbar.container.appendChild(nodes[i]); } // Restores references to special items this.toolbar.fontMenu = fontMenu; this.toolbar.sizeMenu = sizeMenu; } textMode = graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing(); fontMenu = tmp1; sizeMenu = tmp2; nodes = newNodes; } }); // Overrides cell editor to update toolbar var cellEditorStartEditing = graph.cellEditor.startEditing; graph.cellEditor.startEditing = function () { cellEditorStartEditing.apply(this, arguments); updateToolbar(); if (graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing()) { var updating = false; var updateCssHandler = function () { if (!updating) { updating = true; window.setTimeout(function () { var node = graph.getSelectedEditingElement(); if (node != null) { var css = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(node); if (css != null && ui.toolbar != null) { ui.toolbar.setFontName(Graph.stripQuotes(css.fontFamily)); ui.toolbar.setFontSize(parseInt(css.fontSize)); } } updating = false; }, 0); } }; mxEvent.addListener(graph.cellEditor.textarea, 'input', updateCssHandler) mxEvent.addListener(graph.cellEditor.textarea, 'touchend', updateCssHandler); mxEvent.addListener(graph.cellEditor.textarea, 'mouseup', updateCssHandler); mxEvent.addListener(graph.cellEditor.textarea, 'keyup', updateCssHandler); updateCssHandler(); } }; // Updates toolbar and handles possible errors var cellEditorStopEditing = graph.cellEditor.stopEditing; graph.cellEditor.stopEditing = function (cell, trigger) { try { cellEditorStopEditing.apply(this, arguments); updateToolbar(); } catch (e) { ui.handleError(e); } }; // Enables scrollbars and sets cursor style for the container graph.container.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); graph.container.style.cursor = 'default'; // Workaround for page scroll if embedded via iframe if (window.self === window.top && graph.container.parentNode != null) { try { graph.container.focus(); } catch (e) { // ignores error in old versions of IE } } // Keeps graph container focused on mouse down var graphFireMouseEvent = graph.fireMouseEvent; graph.fireMouseEvent = function (evtName, me, sender) { try { if (evtName == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN) { this.container.focus(); } graphFireMouseEvent.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { ui.handleError(e); } }; // Adds error handling for foldCells var graphFoldCells = graph.foldCells; graph.foldCells = function (collapse, recurse, cells, checkFoldable, evt) { try { graphFoldCells.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { ui.handleError(e); } }; // Configures automatic expand on mouseover graph.popupMenuHandler.autoExpand = true; // Installs context menu if (this.menus != null) { graph.popupMenuHandler.factoryMethod = mxUtils.bind(this, function (menu, cell, evt) { this.menus.createPopupMenu(menu, cell, evt); }); } // Hides context menu mxEvent.addGestureListeners(document, mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { graph.popupMenuHandler.hideMenu(); })); // Create handler for key events this.keyHandler = this.createKeyHandler(editor); // Getter for key handler this.getKeyHandler = function () { return keyHandler; }; graph.connectionHandler.addListener(mxEvent.CONNECT, function (sender, evt) { var cells = [evt.getProperty('cell')]; if (evt.getProperty('terminalInserted')) { cells.push(evt.getProperty('terminal')); window.setTimeout(function () { if (ui.hoverIcons != null) { ui.hoverIcons.update(graph.view.getState(cells[cells.length - 1])); } }, 0); } insertHandler(cells); }); this.addListener('styleChanged', mxUtils.bind(this, function (sender, evt) { var force = evt.getProperty('force'); // Checks if edges and/or vertices were modified if (this.updateDefaultStyle || force) { var cells = evt.getProperty('cells'); var vertex = false; var edge = false; if (cells.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { vertex = graph.getModel().isVertex(cells[i]) || vertex; edge = graph.getModel().isEdge(cells[i]) || edge; if (edge && vertex) { break; } } } else { vertex = true; edge = true; } vertex = vertex && !vertexStyleIgnored; edge = edge && !edgeStyleIgnored; var keys = evt.getProperty('keys'); var values = evt.getProperty('values'); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var common = mxUtils.indexOf(valueStyles, keys[i]) >= 0; // Ignores transparent stroke colors if (keys[i] != 'strokeColor' || (values[i] != null && values[i] != 'none')) { // Special case: Edge style and shape if (mxUtils.indexOf(connectStyles, keys[i]) >= 0) { if (edge || mxUtils.indexOf(alwaysEdgeStyles, keys[i]) >= 0) { if (values[i] == null) { delete graph.currentEdgeStyle[keys[i]]; } else { graph.currentEdgeStyle[keys[i]] = values[i]; } } // Uses style for vertex if defined in styles else if (vertex && mxUtils.indexOf(styles, keys[i]) >= 0) { if (values[i] == null) { delete graph.currentVertexStyle[keys[i]]; } else { graph.currentVertexStyle[keys[i]] = values[i]; } } } else if (mxUtils.indexOf(styles, keys[i]) >= 0) { if (vertex || common) { if (values[i] == null) { delete graph.currentVertexStyle[keys[i]]; } else { graph.currentVertexStyle[keys[i]] = values[i]; } } if (edge || common || mxUtils.indexOf(alwaysEdgeStyles, keys[i]) >= 0) { if (values[i] == null) { delete graph.currentEdgeStyle[keys[i]]; } else { graph.currentEdgeStyle[keys[i]] = values[i]; } } } } } } if (this.toolbar != null) { this.toolbar.setFontName(graph.currentVertexStyle['fontFamily'] || Menus.prototype.defaultFont); this.toolbar.setFontSize(graph.currentVertexStyle['fontSize'] || Menus.prototype.defaultFontSize); if (this.toolbar.edgeStyleMenu != null) { // Updates toolbar icon for edge style var edgeStyleDiv = this.toolbar.edgeStyleMenu.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; if (graph.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] == 'orthogonalEdgeStyle' && graph.currentEdgeStyle['curved'] == '1') { edgeStyleDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-curved'; } else if (graph.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] == 'straight' || graph.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] == 'none' || graph.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] == null) { edgeStyleDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-straight'; } else if (graph.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] == 'entityRelationEdgeStyle') { edgeStyleDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-entity'; } else if (graph.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] == 'elbowEdgeStyle') { edgeStyleDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-' + ((graph.currentEdgeStyle['elbow'] == 'vertical') ? 'verticalelbow' : 'horizontalelbow'); } else if (graph.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] == 'isometricEdgeStyle') { edgeStyleDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-' + ((graph.currentEdgeStyle['elbow'] == 'vertical') ? 'verticalisometric' : 'horizontalisometric'); } else { edgeStyleDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-orthogonal'; } } if (this.toolbar.edgeShapeMenu != null) { // Updates icon for edge shape var edgeShapeDiv = this.toolbar.edgeShapeMenu.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; if (graph.currentEdgeStyle['shape'] == 'link') { edgeShapeDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-linkedge'; } else if (graph.currentEdgeStyle['shape'] == 'flexArrow') { edgeShapeDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-arrow'; } else if (graph.currentEdgeStyle['shape'] == 'arrow') { edgeShapeDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-simplearrow'; } else { edgeShapeDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-connection'; } } } })); // Update font size and font family labels if (this.toolbar != null) { var update = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { var ff = graph.currentVertexStyle['fontFamily'] || 'Helvetica'; var fs = String(graph.currentVertexStyle['fontSize'] || '12'); var state = graph.getView().getState(graph.getSelectionCell()); if (state != null) { ff = state.style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTFAMILY] || ff; fs = state.style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE] || fs; if (ff.length > 10) { ff = ff.substring(0, 8) + '...'; } } this.toolbar.setFontName(ff); this.toolbar.setFontSize(fs); }); graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, update); graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, update); } // Makes sure the current layer is visible when cells are added graph.addListener(mxEvent.CELLS_ADDED, function (sender, evt) { var cells = evt.getProperty('cells'); var parent = evt.getProperty('parent'); if (parent != null && graph.getModel().isLayer(parent) && !graph.isCellVisible(parent) && cells != null && cells.length > 0) { graph.getModel().setVisible(parent, true); } }); // Global handler to hide the current menu this.gestureHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (this.currentMenu != null && mxEvent.getSource(evt) != this.currentMenu.div) { this.hideCurrentMenu(); } }); mxEvent.addGestureListeners(document, this.gestureHandler); // Updates the editor UI after the window has been resized or the orientation changes // Timeout is workaround for old IE versions which have a delay for DOM client sizes. var resizeThread = null; this.resizeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (resizeThread != null) { window.clearTimeout(resizeThread); } resizeThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { resizeThread = null; this.windowResized(); }), 100); }); mxEvent.addListener(window, 'resize', this.resizeHandler); this.orientationChangeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.refresh(); }); mxEvent.addListener(window, 'orientationchange', this.orientationChangeHandler); // Workaround for bug on iOS see // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19012135/ios-7-ipad-safari-landscape-innerheight-outerheight-layout-issue if (mxClient.IS_IOS && !window.navigator.standalone && typeof Menus !== 'undefined') { this.scrollHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { window.scrollTo(0, 0); }); mxEvent.addListener(window, 'scroll', this.scrollHandler); } /** * Sets the initial scrollbar locations after a file was loaded. */ this.editor.addListener('resetGraphView', mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.resetScrollbars(); })); /** * Repaints the grid. */ this.addListener('gridEnabledChanged', mxUtils.bind(this, function () { graph.view.validateBackground(); })); this.addListener('backgroundColorChanged', mxUtils.bind(this, function () { graph.view.validateBackground(); })); /** * Repaints the grid. */ graph.addListener('gridSizeChanged', mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (graph.isGridEnabled()) { graph.view.validateBackground(); } })); // Resets UI, updates action and menu states this.editor.resetGraph(); } this.init(); if (!graph.standalone) { this.open(); } }; /** * Global config that specifies if the compact UI elements should be used. */ EditorUi.compactUi = true; /** * Static method for pasing PNG files. */ EditorUi.parsePng = function (f, fn, error) { var pos = 0; function fread(d, count) { var start = pos; pos += count; return d.substring(start, pos); }; // Reads unsigned long 32 bit big endian function _freadint(d) { var bytes = fread(d, 4); return bytes.charCodeAt(3) + (bytes.charCodeAt(2) << 8) + (bytes.charCodeAt(1) << 16) + (bytes.charCodeAt(0) << 24); }; // Checks signature if (fread(f, 8) != String.fromCharCode(137) + 'PNG' + String.fromCharCode(13, 10, 26, 10)) { if (error != null) { error(); } return; } // Reads header chunk fread(f, 4); if (fread(f, 4) != 'IHDR') { if (error != null) { error(); } return; } fread(f, 17); do { var n = _freadint(f); var type = fread(f, 4); if (fn != null) { if (fn(pos - 8, type, n)) { break; } } value = fread(f, n); fread(f, 4); if (type == 'IEND') { break; } } while (n); }; // Extends mxEventSource mxUtils.extend(EditorUi, mxEventSource); /** * Specifies the size of the split bar. */ EditorUi.prototype.splitSize = (mxClient.IS_TOUCH || mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 12 : 8; /** * Specifies the height of the menubar. Default is 30. */ EditorUi.prototype.menubarHeight = 30; /** * Specifies the width of the format panel should be enabled. Default is true. */ EditorUi.prototype.formatEnabled = true; /** * Specifies the width of the format panel. Default is 240. */ EditorUi.prototype.formatWidth = 240; /** * Specifies the height of the toolbar. Default is 38. */ EditorUi.prototype.toolbarHeight = 38; /** * Specifies the height of the footer. Default is 28. */ EditorUi.prototype.footerHeight = 28; /** * Specifies the position of the horizontal split bar. Default is 240 or 118 for * screen widths <= 640px. */ EditorUi.prototype.hsplitPosition = (screen.width <= Editor.smallScreenWidth) ? 0 : ((urlParams['sidebar-entries'] != 'large') ? 212 : 240); /** * Specifies if animations are allowed in . Default is true. */ EditorUi.prototype.allowAnimation = true; /** * Default is 2. */ EditorUi.prototype.lightboxMaxFitScale = 2; /** * Default is 4. */ EditorUi.prototype.lightboxVerticalDivider = 4; /** * Specifies if single click on horizontal split should collapse sidebar. Default is false. */ EditorUi.prototype.hsplitClickEnabled = false; /** * Whether the default styles should be updated when styles are changed. Default is true. */ EditorUi.prototype.updateDefaultStyle = false; /** * Whether the default styles should be updated when styles are changed. Default is true. */ EditorUi.prototype.spaceDown = false; /** * Whether the default styles should be updated when styles are changed. Default is true. */ EditorUi.prototype.shiftDown = false; /** * Installs the listeners to update the action states. */ EditorUi.prototype.init = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; if (!graph.standalone) { if (urlParams['shape-picker'] != '0') { this.installShapePicker(); } // Hides tooltips and connection points when scrolling mxEvent.addListener(graph.container, 'scroll', mxUtils.bind(this, function () { graph.tooltipHandler.hide(); if (graph.connectionHandler != null && graph.connectionHandler.constraintHandler != null) { graph.connectionHandler.constraintHandler.reset(); } })); // Hides tooltip on escape graph.addListener(mxEvent.ESCAPE, mxUtils.bind(this, function () { graph.tooltipHandler.hide(); var rb = graph.getRubberband(); if (rb != null) { rb.cancel(); } })); mxEvent.addListener(graph.container, 'keydown', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { this.onKeyDown(evt); })); mxEvent.addListener(graph.container, 'keypress', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { this.onKeyPress(evt); })); // Updates action states this.addUndoListener(); this.addBeforeUnloadListener(); graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.updateActionStates(); })); graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.updateActionStates(); })); // Changes action states after change of default parent var graphSetDefaultParent = graph.setDefaultParent; var ui = this; this.editor.graph.setDefaultParent = function () { graphSetDefaultParent.apply(this, arguments); ui.updateActionStates(); }; // Hack to make showLinkDialog and editLink available in vertex handler graph.showLinkDialog = mxUtils.bind(ui, ui.showLinkDialog); graph.editLink = ui.actions.get('editLink').funct; this.updateActionStates(); this.initClipboard(); this.initCanvas(); if (this.format != null) { this.format.init(); } } }; /** * Returns information about the current selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.clearSelectionState = function () { this.selectionState = null; }; /** * Returns information about the current selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.getSelectionState = function () { if (this.selectionState == null) { this.selectionState = this.createSelectionState(); } return this.selectionState; }; /** * Returns information about the current selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.createSelectionState = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; var cells = graph.getSelectionCells(); var result = this.initSelectionState(); var initial = true; for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { var style = graph.getCurrentCellStyle(cells[i]); if (mxUtils.getValue(style, mxConstants.STYLE_EDITABLE, '1') != '0') { this.updateSelectionStateForCell(result, cells[i], cells, initial); initial = false; } } this.updateSelectionStateForTableCells(result); return result; }; /** * Returns information about the current selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.initSelectionState = function () { return { vertices: [], edges: [], cells: [], x: null, y: null, width: null, height: null, style: {}, containsImage: false, containsLabel: false, fill: true, glass: true, rounded: true, autoSize: false, image: false, shadow: true, lineJumps: true, resizable: true, table: false, cell: false, row: false, movable: true, rotatable: true, stroke: true, swimlane: false, unlocked: this.editor.graph.isEnabled(), connections: false }; }; /** * Adds information about current selected table cells range. */ EditorUi.prototype.updateSelectionStateForTableCells = function (result) { if (result.cells.length > 1 && result.cell) { var cells = mxUtils.sortCells(result.cells); var model = this.editor.graph.model; var parent = model.getParent(cells[0]); var table = model.getParent(parent); if (parent != null && table != null) { var col = parent.getIndex(cells[0]); var row = table.getIndex(parent); var lastspan = null; var colspan = 1; var rowspan = 1; var index = 0; var nextRowCell = (row < table.getChildCount() - 1) ? model.getChildAt(model.getChildAt( table, row + 1), col) : null; while (index < cells.length - 1) { var next = cells[++index]; if (nextRowCell != null && nextRowCell == next && (lastspan == null || colspan == lastspan)) { lastspan = colspan; colspan = 0; rowspan++; parent = model.getParent(nextRowCell); nextRowCell = (row + rowspan < table.getChildCount()) ? model.getChildAt(model.getChildAt( table, row + rowspan), col) : null; } var state = this.editor.graph.view.getState(next); if (next == model.getChildAt(parent, col + colspan) && state != null && mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'colspan', 1) == 1 && mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'rowspan', 1) == 1) { colspan++; } else { break; } } if (index == rowspan * colspan - 1) { result.mergeCell = cells[0]; result.colspan = colspan; result.rowspan = rowspan; } } } }; /** * Returns information about the current selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.windowResized = function () { window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (this.editor.graph != null) { this.refresh(); } }), 0); }; /** * Returns information about the current selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.createTimeout = function (timeout, fn, error) { var acceptResponse = true; var result = null; var handleError = mxUtils.bind(this, function (e) { if (result.clear()) { acceptResponse = false; e = (e != null) ? e : { code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT, message: mxResources.get('timeout'), retry: mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.createTimeout(timeout, fn, error); }) }; if (error != null) { error(e); } else { this.handleError(e); } } }); var timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(handleError, (timeout != null) ? timeout : this.timeout); var result = { clear: function () { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); return acceptResponse; }, isAlive: function () { return acceptResponse; } }; if (fn != null) { this.tryAndHandle(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { fn(result); }), handleError); } return result; }; /** * Returns information about the current selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.tryAndHandle = function (fn, error) { try { fn(); } catch (e) { if (error != null) { error(e); } else { this.handleError(e); } } }; /** * Returns information about the current selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.updateSelectionStateForCell = function (result, cell, cells, initial) { var graph = this.editor.graph; result.cells.push(cell); if (graph.getModel().isVertex(cell)) { result.connections = graph.model.getEdgeCount(cell) > 0; result.unlocked = result.unlocked && !graph.isCellLocked(cell); result.resizable = result.resizable && graph.isCellResizable(cell); result.rotatable = result.rotatable && graph.isCellRotatable(cell); result.movable = result.movable && graph.isCellMovable(cell) && !graph.isTableRow(cell) && !graph.isTableCell(cell); result.swimlane = result.swimlane || graph.isSwimlane(cell); result.table = result.table || graph.isTable(cell); result.cell = result.cell || graph.isTableCell(cell); result.row = result.row || graph.isTableRow(cell); result.vertices.push(cell); var geo = graph.getCellGeometry(cell); if (geo != null) { if (geo.width > 0) { if (result.width == null) { result.width = geo.width; } else if (result.width != geo.width) { result.width = ''; } } else { result.containsLabel = true; } if (geo.height > 0) { if (result.height == null) { result.height = geo.height; } else if (result.height != geo.height) { result.height = ''; } } else { result.containsLabel = true; } if (!geo.relative || geo.offset != null) { var x = (geo.relative) ? geo.offset.x : geo.x; var y = (geo.relative) ? geo.offset.y : geo.y; if (result.x == null) { result.x = x; } else if (result.x != x) { result.x = ''; } if (result.y == null) { result.y = y; } else if (result.y != y) { result.y = ''; } } } } else if (graph.getModel().isEdge(cell)) { result.edges.push(cell); result.connections = true; result.resizable = false; result.rotatable = false; result.movable = false; } var state = graph.view.getState(cell); if (state != null) { result.autoSize = result.autoSize || graph.isAutoSizeState(state); result.glass = result.glass && graph.isGlassState(state); result.rounded = result.rounded && graph.isRoundedState(state); result.lineJumps = result.lineJumps && graph.isLineJumpState(state); result.image = result.image || graph.isImageState(state); result.shadow = result.shadow && graph.isShadowState(state); result.fill = result.fill && graph.isFillState(state); result.gradient = result.fill && graph.isGradientState(state); result.stroke = result.stroke && graph.isStrokeState(state); var shape = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null); result.containsImage = result.containsImage || shape == 'image'; graph.mergeStyle(state.style, result.style, initial); } }; /** * Returns true if the given event should start editing. This implementation returns true. */ EditorUi.prototype.installShapePicker = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; var ui = this; // Uses this event to process mouseDown to check the selection state before it is changed graph.addListener(mxEvent.FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT, mxUtils.bind(this, function (sender, evt) { if (evt.getProperty('eventName') == 'mouseDown') { ui.hideShapePicker(); } })); var hidePicker = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { ui.hideShapePicker(true); }); graph.addListener('wheel', hidePicker); graph.addListener(mxEvent.ESCAPE, hidePicker); graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, hidePicker); graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, hidePicker); graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, hidePicker); // Counts as popup menu var popupMenuHandlerIsMenuShowing = graph.popupMenuHandler.isMenuShowing; graph.popupMenuHandler.isMenuShowing = function () { return popupMenuHandlerIsMenuShowing.apply(this, arguments) || ui.shapePicker != null || ui.currentMenu != null; }; // Adds dbl click dialog for inserting shapes var graphDblClick = graph.dblClick; graph.dblClick = function (evt, cell) { if (this.isEnabled()) { if (cell == null && ui.sidebar != null && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && !graph.isCellLocked(graph.getDefaultParent())) { var pt = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container, mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt)); mxEvent.consume(evt); // Asynchronous to avoid direct insert after double tap window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { ui.showShapePicker(pt.x, pt.y); }), 30); } else { graphDblClick.apply(this, arguments); } } }; if (this.hoverIcons != null) { this.hoverIcons.addListener('reset', hidePicker); var hoverIconsDrag = this.hoverIcons.drag; this.hoverIcons.drag = function () { ui.hideShapePicker(); hoverIconsDrag.apply(this, arguments); }; var hoverIconsExecute = this.hoverIcons.execute; this.hoverIcons.execute = function (state, dir, me) { var evt = me.getEvent(); if (!this.graph.isCloneEvent(evt) && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) { this.graph.connectVertex(state.cell, dir, this.graph.defaultEdgeLength, evt, null, null, mxUtils.bind(this, function (x, y, execute) { var temp = graph.getCompositeParent(state.cell); var geo = graph.getCellGeometry(temp); me.consume(); while (temp != null && graph.model.isVertex(temp) && geo != null && geo.relative) { cell = temp; temp = graph.model.getParent(cell) geo = graph.getCellGeometry(temp); } // Asynchronous to avoid direct insert after double tap window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { ui.showShapePicker(me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY(), temp, mxUtils.bind(this, function (cell) { execute(cell); if (ui.hoverIcons != null) { ui.hoverIcons.update(graph.view.getState(cell)); } }), dir); }), 30); }), mxUtils.bind(this, function (result) { this.graph.selectCellsForConnectVertex(result, evt, this); })); } else { hoverIconsExecute.apply(this, arguments); } }; var thread = null; this.hoverIcons.addListener('focus', mxUtils.bind(this, function (sender, evt) { if (thread != null) { window.clearTimeout(thread); } thread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { var arrow = evt.getProperty('arrow'); var dir = evt.getProperty('direction'); var mouseEvent = evt.getProperty('event'); var rect = arrow.getBoundingClientRect(); var offset = mxUtils.getOffset(graph.container); var x = graph.container.scrollLeft + rect.x - offset.x; var y = graph.container.scrollTop + rect.y - offset.y; var temp = graph.getCompositeParent((this.hoverIcons.currentState != null) ? this.hoverIcons.currentState.cell : null); var div = ui.showShapePicker(x, y, temp, mxUtils.bind(this, function (cell) { if (cell != null) { graph.connectVertex(temp, dir, graph.defaultEdgeLength, mouseEvent, true, false, function (x, y, execute) { execute(cell); if (ui.hoverIcons != null) { ui.hoverIcons.update(graph.view.getState(cell)); } }, function (cells) { graph.selectCellsForConnectVertex(cells); }, mouseEvent, this.hoverIcons); } }), dir, true); this.centerShapePicker(div, rect, x, y, dir); mxUtils.setOpacity(div, 30); mxEvent.addListener(div, 'mouseenter', function () { mxUtils.setOpacity(div, 100); }); mxEvent.addListener(div, 'mouseleave', function () { ui.hideShapePicker(); }); }), Editor.shapePickerHoverDelay); })); this.hoverIcons.addListener('blur', mxUtils.bind(this, function (sender, evt) { if (thread != null) { window.clearTimeout(thread); } })); } }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.centerShapePicker = function (div, rect, x, y, dir) { if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST || dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST) { div.style.width = '40px'; } var r2 = div.getBoundingClientRect(); if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH) { x -= r2.width / 2 - 10; y -= r2.height + 6; } else if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) { x -= r2.width / 2 - 10; y += rect.height + 6; } else if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST) { x -= r2.width + 6; y -= r2.height / 2 - 10; } else if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST) { x += rect.width + 6; y -= r2.height / 2 - 10; } div.style.left = x + 'px'; div.style.top = y + 'px'; }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.showShapePicker = function (x, y, source, callback, direction, hovering, getInsertLocationFn, showEdges, startEditing) { showEdges = showEdges || source == null; var div = this.createShapePicker(x, y, source, callback, direction, mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.hideShapePicker(); }), this.getCellsForShapePicker(source, hovering, showEdges), hovering, getInsertLocationFn, showEdges, startEditing); if (div != null) { if (this.hoverIcons != null && !hovering) { this.hoverIcons.reset(); } var graph = this.editor.graph; graph.popupMenuHandler.hideMenu(); graph.tooltipHandler.hideTooltip(); this.hideCurrentMenu(); this.hideShapePicker(); this.shapePickerCallback = callback; this.shapePicker = div; } return div; }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.createShapePicker = function (x, y, source, callback, direction, afterClick, cells, hovering, getInsertLocationFn, showEdges, startEditing) { startEditing = (startEditing != null) ? startEditing : true; var graph = this.editor.graph; var div = null; getInsertLocationFn = (getInsertLocationFn != null) ? getInsertLocationFn : function (cells) { var cell = cells[0]; var w = 0; var h = 0; var geo = cell.geometry; if (geo != null) { if (graph.model.isEdge(cell)) { var pt = geo.getTerminalPoint(false); geo = new mxRectangle(0, 0, pt.x, pt.y); } w = geo.width / 2; h = geo.height / 2; } return new mxPoint(graph.snap(Math.round(x / graph.view.scale) - graph.view.translate.x - w), graph.snap(Math.round(y / graph.view.scale) - graph.view.translate.y - h)); }; if (cells != null && cells.length > 0) { var ui = this; var graph = this.editor.graph; div = document.createElement('div'); var sourceState = graph.view.getState(source); var style = (source != null && (sourceState == null || !graph.isTransparentState(sourceState))) ? graph.copyStyle(source) : null; // Do not place entry under pointer for touch devices var w = (cells.length < 6) ? cells.length * 35 : 140; div.className = 'geToolbarContainer geSidebarContainer geShapePicker'; div.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('sidebarTooltip')); div.style.left = x + 'px'; div.style.top = y + 'px'; div.style.width = w + 'px'; // Disables built-in pan and zoom on touch devices if (mxClient.IS_POINTER) { div.style.touchAction = 'none'; } if (!hovering) { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(div.style, 'transform', 'translate(-22px,-22px)'); } if (graph.background != null && graph.background != mxConstants.NONE) { div.style.backgroundColor = graph.background; } graph.container.appendChild(div); var addCell = mxUtils.bind(this, function (cell) { // Wrapper needed to catch events var node = document.createElement('a'); node.className = 'geItem'; node.style.cssText = 'position:relative;display:inline-block;position:relative;' + 'width:30px;height:30px;cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden;padding:1px'; div.appendChild(node); if (style != null && urlParams['sketch'] != '1') { this.sidebar.graph.pasteStyle(style, [cell]); } else { ui.insertHandler([cell], cell.value != '' && urlParams['sketch'] != '1', this.sidebar.graph.model); } var geo = cell.geometry; if (graph.model.isEdge(cell)) { var pt = geo.getTerminalPoint(false); geo = new mxRectangle(0, 0, pt.x, pt.y); } if (geo != null) { node.appendChild(this.sidebar.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], geo.width, geo.height, '', true, false, null, false, mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && (source != null || !graph.isSelectionEmpty())) { var temp = graph.getEditableCells((source != null) ? [source] : graph.getSelectionCells()); graph.updateShapes(cell, temp); } else { var clone = graph.cloneCell(cell); if (callback != null) { callback(clone); } else { var pt = getInsertLocationFn([clone]); if (graph.model.isEdge(clone)) { clone.geometry.translate(pt.x, pt.y); } else { clone.geometry.x = pt.x; clone.geometry.y = pt.y; } graph.model.beginUpdate(); try { graph.addCell(clone); if (graph.model.isVertex(clone) && graph.isAutoSizeCell(clone)) { graph.updateCellSize(clone); } } finally { graph.model.endUpdate(); } graph.setSelectionCell(clone); graph.scrollCellToVisible(clone); if (startEditing) { graph.startEditing(clone); } if (ui.hoverIcons != null) { ui.hoverIcons.update(graph.view.getState(clone)); } } } if (afterClick != null) { afterClick(evt); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }), 25, 25, null, null, source)); } }); for (var i = 0; i < (hovering ? Math.min(cells.length, 4) : cells.length); i++) { addCell(cells[i]); } var b = graph.container.scrollTop + graph.container.offsetHeight; var dy = div.offsetTop + div.clientHeight - b; if (dy > 0) { div.style.top = Math.max(graph.container.scrollTop + 22, y - dy) + 'px'; } var r = graph.container.scrollLeft + graph.container.offsetWidth; var dx = div.offsetLeft + div.clientWidth - r; if (dx > 0) { div.style.left = Math.max(graph.container.scrollLeft + 22, x - dx) + 'px'; } } return div; }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.getCellsForShapePicker = function (cell, hovering, showEdges) { var graph = this.editor.graph; var createVertex = mxUtils.bind(this, function (style, w, h, value) { return graph.createVertex(null, null, value || '', 0, 0, w || 120, h || 60, style, false); }); var createEdge = mxUtils.bind(this, function (style, y, value) { var cell = new mxCell(value || '', new mxGeometry(0, 0, graph.defaultEdgeLength + 20, 0), style); cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, 0), true); cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(cell.geometry.width, (y != null) ? y : 0), false); cell.geometry.points = (y != null) ? [new mxPoint(cell.geometry.width / 2, y)] : []; cell.geometry.relative = true; cell.edge = true; return cell; }); // Creates a clone of the source cell and moves it to the origin if (cell != null) { try { cell = graph.cloneCell(cell); if (graph.model.isVertex(cell) && cell.geometry != null) { cell.geometry.x = 0; cell.geometry.y = 0; } } catch (e) { cell = null; } } if (cell == null) { cell = createVertex('text;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;' + 'points=[];autosize=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;', 40, 20, 'Text'); if (graph.model.isVertex(cell) && graph.isAutoSizeCell(cell)) { // Uses offscreen graph to bypass undo history var tempGraph = Graph.createOffscreenGraph(graph.getStylesheet()); tempGraph.updateCellSize(cell); } } var cells = [cell, createVertex('whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;'), createVertex('ellipse;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80), createVertex('rhombus;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 80, 80), createVertex('rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;'), createVertex('shape=parallelogram;perimeter=parallelogramPerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;'), createVertex('shape=trapezoid;perimeter=trapezoidPerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;', 120, 60), createVertex('shape=hexagon;perimeter=hexagonPerimeter2;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;', 120, 80), createVertex('shape=step;perimeter=stepPerimeter;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fixedSize=1;', 120, 80), createVertex('shape=process;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;backgroundOutline=1;'), createVertex('triangle;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 60, 80), createVertex('shape=document;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;boundedLbl=1;', 120, 80), createVertex('shape=tape;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 100), createVertex('ellipse;shape=cloud;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 80), createVertex('shape=singleArrow;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;arrowWidth=0.4;arrowSize=0.4;', 80, 60), createVertex('shape=waypoint;sketch=0;size=6;pointerEvents=1;points=[];fillColor=none;resizable=0;' + 'rotatable=0;perimeter=centerPerimeter;snapToPoint=1;', 20, 20)]; if (showEdges) { cells = cells.concat([ createEdge('edgeStyle=none;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;'), createEdge('edgeStyle=none;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;endArrow=classic;startArrow=classic;endSize=8;startSize=8;'), createEdge('edgeStyle=none;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;shape=flexArrow;rounded=1;startSize=8;endSize=8;'), createEdge('edgeStyle=segmentEdgeStyle;endArrow=classic;html=1;curved=0;rounded=0;endSize=8;startSize=8;sourcePerimeterSpacing=0;targetPerimeterSpacing=0;', this.editor.graph.defaultEdgeLength / 2) ]); } return cells; }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.isShapePickerVisible = function (cancel) { return this.shapePicker != null; }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.hideShapePicker = function (cancel) { if (this.shapePicker != null) { this.shapePicker.parentNode.removeChild(this.shapePicker); this.shapePicker = null; if (!cancel && this.shapePickerCallback != null) { this.shapePickerCallback(); } this.shapePickerCallback = null; } }; /** * Whether the default styles should be updated when styles are changed. Default is true. */ EditorUi.prototype.isSpaceDown = function () { return this.spaceDown; }; /** * Whether the default styles should be updated when styles are changed. Default is true. */ EditorUi.prototype.isShiftDown = function () { return this.shiftDown; }; /** * Returns true if the given event should start editing. This implementation returns true. */ EditorUi.prototype.onKeyDown = function (evt) { var graph = this.editor.graph; // Alt+tab for task switcher in Windows, ctrl+tab for tab control in Chrome if (evt.which == 9 && graph.isEnabled() && !mxEvent.isControlDown(evt)) { if (graph.isEditing()) { if (mxEvent.isAltDown(evt)) { graph.stopEditing(false); } else { try { var nesting = graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing() && graph.cellEditor.isTextSelected(); if (window.getSelection && graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing() && !nesting && !mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_IE11) { var selection = window.getSelection(); var container = (selection.rangeCount > 0) ? selection.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer : null; nesting = container != null && (container.nodeName == 'LI' || (container.parentNode != null && container.parentNode.nodeName == 'LI')); } if (nesting) { // (Shift+)tab indents/outdents with text selection or inside list elements document.execCommand(mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) ? 'outdent' : 'indent', false, null); } // Shift+tab applies value with cursor else if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) { graph.stopEditing(false); } else { // Inserts tab character graph.cellEditor.insertTab(!graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing() ? 4 : null); } } catch (e) { // ignore } } } else if (mxEvent.isAltDown(evt)) { graph.selectParentCell(); } else { graph.selectCell(!mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)); } mxEvent.consume(evt); } }; /** * Returns true if the given event should start editing. This implementation returns true. */ EditorUi.prototype.onKeyPress = function (evt) { var graph = this.editor.graph; // KNOWN: Focus does not work if label is empty in quirks mode if (this.isImmediateEditingEvent(evt) && !graph.isEditing() && !graph.isSelectionEmpty() && evt.which !== 0 && evt.which !== 27 && !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt) && !mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) && !mxEvent.isMetaDown(evt)) { graph.escape(); graph.startEditing(); // Workaround for FF where char is lost if cursor is placed before char if (mxClient.IS_FF) { var ce = graph.cellEditor; if (ce.textarea != null) { ce.textarea.innerHTML = String.fromCharCode(evt.which); // Moves cursor to end of textarea var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(ce.textarea); range.collapse(false); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } } } }; /** * Returns true if the given event should start editing. This implementation returns true. */ EditorUi.prototype.isImmediateEditingEvent = function (evt) { return true; }; /** * Updates the CSS for the given element to match the selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.updateCssForMarker = function (markerDiv, prefix, shape, marker, fill) { markerDiv.style.display = 'inline-flex'; markerDiv.style.alignItems = 'center'; markerDiv.style.justifyContent = 'center'; markerDiv.innerText = ''; if (shape == 'flexArrow') { markerDiv.className = (marker != null && marker != mxConstants.NONE) ? 'geSprite geSprite-' + prefix + 'blocktrans' : 'geSprite geSprite-noarrow'; } else { var src = this.getImageForMarker(marker, fill); if (src != null) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.className = 'geAdaptiveAsset'; img.setAttribute('src', src); markerDiv.className = ''; if (prefix == 'end') { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(img.style, 'transform', 'scaleX(-1)'); } markerDiv.appendChild(img); } else { markerDiv.className = 'geSprite geSprite-noarrow'; markerDiv.innerHTML = mxUtils.htmlEntities(mxResources.get('none')); markerDiv.style.backgroundImage = 'none'; markerDiv.style.fontSize = '11px'; markerDiv.style.filter = 'none'; } } }; /** * Returns true if the given event should start editing. This implementation returns true. */ EditorUi.prototype.getImageForMarker = function (marker, fill) { var result = null; if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC) { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.classicMarkerImage.src : Format.classicFilledMarkerImage.src } else if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC_THIN) { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.classicThinMarkerImage.src : Format.openThinFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN) { result = Format.openFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN_THIN) { result = Format.openThinFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK) { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.blockMarkerImage.src : Format.blockFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK_THIN) { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.blockThinMarkerImage.src : Format.blockThinFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL) { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.ovalMarkerImage.src : Format.ovalFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_DIAMOND) { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.diamondMarkerImage.src : Format.diamondFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == mxConstants.ARROW_DIAMOND_THIN) { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.diamondThinMarkerImage.src : Format.diamondThinFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'doubleBlock') { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.doubleBlockMarkerImage.src : Format.doubleBlockFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'box') { result = Format.boxMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'halfCircle') { result = Format.halfCircleMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'openAsync') { result = Format.openAsyncFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'async') { result = (fill != '1') ? Format.asyncMarkerImage.src : Format.asyncFilledMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'dash') { result = Format.dashMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'baseDash') { result = Format.baseDashMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'cross') { result = Format.crossMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'circle') { result = Format.circleMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'circlePlus') { result = Format.circlePlusMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'ERone') { result = Format.EROneMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'ERmandOne') { result = Format.ERmandOneMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'ERmany') { result = Format.ERmanyMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'ERoneToMany') { result = Format.ERoneToManyMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'ERzeroToOne') { result = Format.ERzeroToOneMarkerImage.src; } else if (marker == 'ERzeroToMany') { result = Format.ERzeroToManyMarkerImage.src; } return result; }; /** * Overridden in Menus.js */ EditorUi.prototype.createMenus = function () { return null; }; /** * Hook for allowing selection and context menu for certain events. */ EditorUi.prototype.updatePasteActionStates = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; var paste = this.actions.get('paste'); var pasteHere = this.actions.get('pasteHere'); paste.setEnabled(this.editor.graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing() || (((!mxClient.IS_FF && navigator.clipboard != null) || !mxClipboard.isEmpty()) && graph.isEnabled() && !graph.isCellLocked(graph.getDefaultParent()))); pasteHere.setEnabled(paste.isEnabled()); }; /** * Hook for allowing selection and context menu for certain events. */ EditorUi.prototype.initClipboard = function () { var ui = this; var mxClipboardCut = mxClipboard.cut; mxClipboard.cut = function (graph) { if (graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing()) { document.execCommand('cut', false, null); } else { mxClipboardCut.apply(this, arguments); } ui.updatePasteActionStates(); }; var mxClipboardCopy = mxClipboard.copy; mxClipboard.copy = function (graph) { var result = null; if (graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing()) { document.execCommand('copy', false, null); } else { result = result || graph.getSelectionCells(); result = graph.getExportableCells(graph.model.getTopmostCells(result)); var cloneMap = new Object(); var lookup = graph.createCellLookup(result); var clones = graph.cloneCells(result, null, cloneMap); // Uses temporary model to force new IDs to be assigned // to avoid having to carry over the mapping from object // ID to cell ID to the paste operation var model = new mxGraphModel(); var parent = model.getChildAt(model.getRoot(), 0); for (var i = 0; i < clones.length; i++) { model.add(parent, clones[i]); // Checks for orphaned relative children and makes absolute var state = graph.view.getState(result[i]); if (state != null) { var geo = graph.getCellGeometry(clones[i]); if (geo != null && geo.relative && !model.isEdge(result[i]) && lookup[mxObjectIdentity.get(model.getParent(result[i]))] == null) { geo.offset = null; geo.relative = false; geo.x = state.x / state.view.scale - state.view.translate.x; geo.y = state.y / state.view.scale - state.view.translate.y; } } } graph.updateCustomLinks(graph.createCellMapping(cloneMap, lookup), clones); mxClipboard.insertCount = 1; mxClipboard.setCells(clones); } ui.updatePasteActionStates(); return result; }; var mxClipboardPaste = mxClipboard.paste; mxClipboard.paste = function (graph) { var result = null; if (graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing()) { document.execCommand('paste', false, null); } else { result = mxClipboardPaste.apply(this, arguments); } ui.updatePasteActionStates(); return result; }; // Overrides cell editor to update paste action state var cellEditorStartEditing = this.editor.graph.cellEditor.startEditing; this.editor.graph.cellEditor.startEditing = function () { cellEditorStartEditing.apply(this, arguments); ui.updatePasteActionStates(); }; var cellEditorStopEditing = this.editor.graph.cellEditor.stopEditing; this.editor.graph.cellEditor.stopEditing = function (cell, trigger) { cellEditorStopEditing.apply(this, arguments); ui.updatePasteActionStates(); }; this.updatePasteActionStates(); }; /** * Delay between zoom steps when not using preview. */ EditorUi.prototype.lazyZoomDelay = 20; /** * Delay before update of DOM when using preview. */ EditorUi.prototype.wheelZoomDelay = 500; /** * Delay before update of DOM when using preview. */ EditorUi.prototype.buttonZoomDelay = 600; /** * Initializes the infinite canvas. */ EditorUi.prototype.initCanvas = function () { // Initial page layout view, scrollBuffer and timer-based scrolling var graph = this.editor.graph; graph.timerAutoScroll = true; /** * Returns the padding for pages in page view with scrollbars. */ graph.getPagePadding = function () { return new mxPoint(Math.max(0, Math.round((graph.container.offsetWidth - 34) / graph.view.scale)), Math.max(0, Math.round((graph.container.offsetHeight - 34) / graph.view.scale))); }; // Fits the number of background pages to the graph graph.view.getBackgroundPageBounds = function () { var layout = this.graph.getPageLayout(); var page = this.graph.getPageSize(); return new mxRectangle(this.scale * (this.translate.x + layout.x * page.width), this.scale * (this.translate.y + layout.y * page.height), this.scale * layout.width * page.width, this.scale * layout.height * page.height); }; graph.getPreferredPageSize = function (bounds, width, height) { var pages = this.getPageLayout(); var size = this.getPageSize(); return new mxRectangle(0, 0, pages.width * size.width, pages.height * size.height); }; // Scales pages/graph to fit available size var resize = null; var ui = this; if (this.editor.isChromelessView()) { resize = mxUtils.bind(this, function (autoscale, maxScale, cx, cy) { if (graph.container != null && !graph.isViewer()) { cx = (cx != null) ? cx : 0; cy = (cy != null) ? cy : 0; var bds = (graph.pageVisible) ? graph.view.getBackgroundPageBounds() : graph.getGraphBounds(); var scroll = mxUtils.hasScrollbars(graph.container); var tr = graph.view.translate; var s = graph.view.scale; // Normalizes the bounds var b = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(bds); b.x = b.x / s - tr.x; b.y = b.y / s - tr.y; b.width /= s; b.height /= s; var st = graph.container.scrollTop; var sl = graph.container.scrollLeft; var sb = (document.documentMode >= 8) ? 20 : 14; if (document.documentMode == 8 || document.documentMode == 9) { sb += 3; } var cw = graph.container.offsetWidth - sb; var ch = graph.container.offsetHeight - sb; var ns = (autoscale) ? Math.max(0.3, Math.min(maxScale || 1, cw / b.width)) : s; var dx = ((cw - ns * b.width) / 2) / ns; var dy = (this.lightboxVerticalDivider == 0) ? 0 : ((ch - ns * b.height) / this.lightboxVerticalDivider) / ns; if (scroll) { dx = Math.max(dx, 0); dy = Math.max(dy, 0); } if (scroll || bds.width < cw || bds.height < ch) { graph.view.scaleAndTranslate(ns, Math.floor(dx - b.x), Math.floor(dy - b.y)); graph.container.scrollTop = st * ns / s; graph.container.scrollLeft = sl * ns / s; } else if (cx != 0 || cy != 0) { var t = graph.view.translate; graph.view.setTranslate(Math.floor(t.x + cx / s), Math.floor(t.y + cy / s)); } } }); // Hack to make function available to subclassers this.chromelessResize = resize; // Hook for subclassers for override this.chromelessWindowResize = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.chromelessResize(false); }); // Removable resize listener var autoscaleResize = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.chromelessWindowResize(false); }); mxEvent.addListener(window, 'resize', autoscaleResize); this.destroyFunctions.push(function () { mxEvent.removeListener(window, 'resize', autoscaleResize); }); this.editor.addListener('resetGraphView', mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.chromelessResize(true); })); this.actions.get('zoomIn').funct = mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { graph.zoomIn(); this.chromelessResize(false); }); this.actions.get('zoomOut').funct = mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { graph.zoomOut(); this.chromelessResize(false); }); // Creates toolbar for viewer - do not use CSS here // as this may be used in a viewer that has no CSS if (urlParams['toolbar'] != '0') { var toolbarConfig = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(urlParams['toolbar-config'] || '{}')); this.chromelessToolbar = document.createElement('div'); this.chromelessToolbar.style.position = 'fixed'; this.chromelessToolbar.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this.chromelessToolbar.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; this.chromelessToolbar.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; this.chromelessToolbar.style.padding = '10px 10px 8px 10px'; this.chromelessToolbar.style.left = (graph.isViewer()) ? '0' : '50%'; if (!mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_IE11) { this.chromelessToolbar.style.backgroundColor = '#000000'; } else { this.chromelessToolbar.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; this.chromelessToolbar.style.border = '3px solid black'; } mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.chromelessToolbar.style, 'borderRadius', '16px'); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.chromelessToolbar.style, 'transition', 'opacity 600ms ease-in-out'); var updateChromelessToolbarPosition = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { var css = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(graph.container); if (graph.isViewer()) { this.chromelessToolbar.style.top = '0'; } else { this.chromelessToolbar.style.bottom = ((css != null) ? parseInt(css['margin-bottom'] || 0) : 0) + ((this.tabContainer != null) ? (20 + parseInt(this.tabContainer.style.height)) : 20) + 'px'; } }); this.editor.addListener('resetGraphView', updateChromelessToolbarPosition); updateChromelessToolbarPosition(); var btnCount = 0; var addButton = mxUtils.bind(this, function (fn, imgSrc, tip) { btnCount++; var a = document.createElement('span'); a.style.paddingLeft = '8px'; a.style.paddingRight = '8px'; a.style.cursor = 'pointer'; mxEvent.addListener(a, 'click', fn); if (tip != null) { a.setAttribute('title', tip); } var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('border', '0'); img.setAttribute('src', imgSrc); img.style.width = '36px'; img.style.filter = 'invert(100%)'; a.appendChild(img); this.chromelessToolbar.appendChild(a); return a; }); if (toolbarConfig.backBtn != null) { var backUrl = Graph.sanitizeLink(toolbarConfig.backBtn.url); if (backUrl != null) { addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { window.location.href = backUrl; mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.backImage, mxResources.get('back', null, 'Back')); } } if (this.isPagesEnabled()) { var prevButton = addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { this.actions.get('previousPage').funct(); mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.previousImage, mxResources.get('previousPage')); var pageInfo = document.createElement('div'); pageInfo.style.fontFamily = Editor.defaultHtmlFont; pageInfo.style.display = 'inline-block'; pageInfo.style.verticalAlign = 'top'; pageInfo.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; pageInfo.style.marginTop = '8px'; pageInfo.style.fontSize = '14px'; if (!mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_IE11) { pageInfo.style.color = '#ffffff'; } else { pageInfo.style.color = '#000000'; } this.chromelessToolbar.appendChild(pageInfo); var nextButton = addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { this.actions.get('nextPage').funct(); mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.nextImage, mxResources.get('nextPage')); var updatePageInfo = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (this.pages != null && this.pages.length > 1 && this.currentPage != null) { pageInfo.innerText = ''; mxUtils.write(pageInfo, (mxUtils.indexOf(this.pages, this.currentPage) + 1) + ' / ' + this.pages.length); } }); prevButton.style.paddingLeft = '0px'; prevButton.style.paddingRight = '4px'; nextButton.style.paddingLeft = '4px'; nextButton.style.paddingRight = '0px'; var updatePageButtons = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (this.pages != null && this.pages.length > 1 && this.currentPage != null) { nextButton.style.display = ''; prevButton.style.display = ''; pageInfo.style.display = 'inline-block'; } else { nextButton.style.display = 'none'; prevButton.style.display = 'none'; pageInfo.style.display = 'none'; } updatePageInfo(); }); this.editor.addListener('resetGraphView', updatePageButtons); this.editor.addListener('pageSelected', updatePageInfo); } addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { this.actions.get('zoomOut').funct(); mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.zoomOutImage, mxResources.get('zoomOut') + ' (Alt+Mousewheel)'); addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { this.actions.get('zoomIn').funct(); mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.zoomInImage, mxResources.get('zoomIn') + ' (Alt+Mousewheel)'); addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (graph.isLightboxView()) { if (graph.view.scale == 1) { this.lightboxFit(); } else { graph.zoomTo(1); } this.chromelessResize(false); } else { this.chromelessResize(true); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.zoomFitImage, mxResources.get('fit')); // Changes toolbar opacity on hover var fadeThread = null; var fadeThread2 = null; var fadeOut = mxUtils.bind(this, function (delay) { if (fadeThread != null) { window.clearTimeout(fadeThread); fadeThread = null; } if (fadeThread2 != null) { window.clearTimeout(fadeThread2); fadeThread2 = null; } fadeThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { mxUtils.setOpacity(this.chromelessToolbar, 0); fadeThread = null; fadeThread2 = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.chromelessToolbar.style.display = 'none'; fadeThread2 = null; }), 600); }), delay || 200); }); var fadeIn = mxUtils.bind(this, function (opacity) { if (fadeThread != null) { window.clearTimeout(fadeThread); fadeThread = null; } if (fadeThread2 != null) { window.clearTimeout(fadeThread2); fadeThread2 = null; } this.chromelessToolbar.style.display = ''; mxUtils.setOpacity(this.chromelessToolbar, opacity || 30); }); if (urlParams['layers'] == '1') { this.layersDialog = null; var layersButton = addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (this.layersDialog != null) { this.layersDialog.parentNode.removeChild(this.layersDialog); this.layersDialog = null; } else { this.layersDialog = graph.createLayersDialog(null, true); mxEvent.addListener(this.layersDialog, 'mouseleave', mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.layersDialog.parentNode.removeChild(this.layersDialog); this.layersDialog = null; })); var r = layersButton.getBoundingClientRect(); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.layersDialog.style, 'borderRadius', '5px'); this.layersDialog.style.position = 'fixed'; this.layersDialog.style.fontFamily = Editor.defaultHtmlFont; this.layersDialog.style.width = '160px'; this.layersDialog.style.padding = '4px 2px 4px 2px'; this.layersDialog.style.left = r.left + 'px'; this.layersDialog.style.bottom = parseInt(this.chromelessToolbar.style.bottom) + this.chromelessToolbar.offsetHeight + 4 + 'px'; if (!mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_IE11) { this.layersDialog.style.backgroundColor = '#000000'; this.layersDialog.style.color = '#ffffff'; mxUtils.setOpacity(this.layersDialog, 80); } else { this.layersDialog.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; this.layersDialog.style.border = '2px solid black'; this.layersDialog.style.color = '#000000'; } // Puts the dialog on top of the container z-index var style = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(this.editor.graph.container); this.layersDialog.style.zIndex = style.zIndex; document.body.appendChild(this.layersDialog); this.editor.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('layersDialogShown')); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.layersImage, mxResources.get('layers')); // Shows/hides layers button depending on content var model = graph.getModel(); model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, function () { layersButton.style.display = (model.getChildCount(model.root) > 1) ? '' : 'none'; }); } if (urlParams['openInSameWin'] != '1' || navigator.standalone) { this.addChromelessToolbarItems(addButton); } if (this.editor.editButtonLink != null || this.editor.editButtonFunc != null) { addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (this.editor.editButtonFunc != null) { this.editor.editButtonFunc(); } else if (this.editor.editButtonLink == '_blank') { this.editor.editAsNew(this.getEditBlankXml()); } else { graph.openLink(this.editor.editButtonLink, 'editWindow'); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.editImage, mxResources.get('edit')); } if (this.lightboxToolbarActions != null) { for (var i = 0; i < this.lightboxToolbarActions.length; i++) { var lbAction = this.lightboxToolbarActions[i]; lbAction.elem = addButton(lbAction.fn, lbAction.icon, lbAction.tooltip); } } if (toolbarConfig.refreshBtn != null) { var refreshUrl = (toolbarConfig.refreshBtn.url == null) ? null : Graph.sanitizeLink(toolbarConfig.refreshBtn.url); addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (refreshUrl != null) { window.location.href = refreshUrl; } else { window.location.reload(); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.refreshImage, mxResources.get('refresh', null, 'Refresh')); } if (toolbarConfig.fullscreenBtn != null && window.self !== window.top) { addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (toolbarConfig.fullscreenBtn.url) { graph.openLink(toolbarConfig.fullscreenBtn.url); } else { graph.openLink(window.location.href); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.fullscreenImage, mxResources.get('openInNewWindow', null, 'Open in New Window')); } if (!toolbarConfig.noCloseBtn && ((toolbarConfig.closeBtn && window.self === window.top) || (graph.lightbox && (urlParams['close'] == '1' || this.container != document.body)))) { addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (urlParams['close'] == '1' || toolbarConfig.closeBtn) { window.close(); } else { this.destroy(); mxEvent.consume(evt); } }), Editor.closeImage, mxResources.get('close') + ' (Escape)'); } // Initial state invisible this.chromelessToolbar.style.display = 'none'; if (!graph.isViewer()) { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.chromelessToolbar.style, 'transform', 'translate(-50%,0)'); } graph.container.appendChild(this.chromelessToolbar); mxEvent.addListener(graph.container, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (!mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt)) { if (!mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) { fadeIn(30); } fadeOut(); } })); mxEvent.addListener(this.chromelessToolbar, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove', function (evt) { mxEvent.consume(evt); }); mxEvent.addListener(this.chromelessToolbar, 'mouseenter', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { graph.tooltipHandler.resetTimer(); graph.tooltipHandler.hideTooltip(); if (!mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) { fadeIn(100); } else { fadeOut(); } })); mxEvent.addListener(this.chromelessToolbar, 'mousemove', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (!mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) { fadeIn(100); } else { fadeOut(); } mxEvent.consume(evt); })); mxEvent.addListener(this.chromelessToolbar, 'mouseleave', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (!mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt)) { fadeIn(30); } })); // Shows/hides toolbar for touch devices var tol = graph.getTolerance(); graph.addMouseListener( { startX: 0, startY: 0, scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0, mouseDown: function (sender, me) { this.startX = me.getGraphX(); this.startY = me.getGraphY(); this.scrollLeft = graph.container.scrollLeft; this.scrollTop = graph.container.scrollTop; }, mouseMove: function (sender, me) { }, mouseUp: function (sender, me) { if (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(me.getEvent())) { if ((Math.abs(this.scrollLeft - graph.container.scrollLeft) < tol && Math.abs(this.scrollTop - graph.container.scrollTop) < tol) && (Math.abs(this.startX - me.getGraphX()) < tol && Math.abs(this.startY - me.getGraphY()) < tol)) { if (parseFloat(ui.chromelessToolbar.style.opacity || 0) > 0) { fadeOut(); } else { fadeIn(30); } } } } }); } // end if toolbar // Installs handling of highlight and handling links to relative links and anchors if (!this.editor.editable) { this.addChromelessClickHandler(); } } else if (this.editor.extendCanvas) { /** * Guesses autoTranslate to avoid another repaint (see below). * Works if only the scale of the graph changes or if pages * are visible and the visible pages do not change. Uses * geometries to guess the bounding box of the graph. */ var graphViewValidate = graph.view.validate; var zero = new mxPoint(); var lastPage = null; graph.view.validate = function () { if (graph.container != null && mxUtils.hasScrollbars(graph.container)) { // Sets initial state after page changes if (ui.currentPage != null && lastPage != ui.currentPage) { lastPage = ui.currentPage; // Sets initial translate based on geometries // to avoid revalidation in sizeDidChange var bbox = graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry( graph.model.getCells(), true); // Handles blank diagrams if (bbox == null) { bbox = new mxRectangle( graph.view.translate.x * graph.view.scale, graph.view.translate.y * graph.view.scale); } var pageLayout = graph.getPageLayout(bbox, zero, 1); var tr = graph.getDefaultTranslate(pageLayout); this.x0 = pageLayout.x; this.y0 = pageLayout.y; if (tr.x != this.translate.x || tr.y != this.translate.y) { this.invalidate(); this.translate.x = tr.x; this.translate.y = tr.y; } } var pad = graph.getPagePadding(); var size = graph.getPageSize(); var tx = pad.x - (this.x0 || 0) * size.width; var ty = pad.y - (this.y0 || 0) * size.height; if (this.translate.x != tx || this.translate.y != ty) { this.invalidate(); this.translate.x = tx this.translate.y = ty } } graphViewValidate.apply(this, arguments); }; if (!graph.isViewer()) { var graphSizeDidChange = graph.sizeDidChange; graph.sizeDidChange = function () { if (this.container != null && mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container)) { this.updateMinimumSize(); if (!this.autoTranslate) { var pageLayout = this.getPageLayout(); var tr = this.getDefaultTranslate(pageLayout); var tx = this.view.translate.x; var ty = this.view.translate.y; if (tr.x != tx || tr.y != ty) { this.view.x0 = pageLayout.x; this.view.y0 = pageLayout.y; this.autoTranslate = true; // Requires full revalidation this.view.setTranslate(tr.x, tr.y); this.container.scrollLeft += Math.round((tr.x - tx) * this.view.scale); this.container.scrollTop += Math.round((tr.y - ty) * this.view.scale); this.autoTranslate = false; return; } } graphSizeDidChange.apply(this, arguments); } else { // Fires event but does not invoke superclass this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SIZE, 'bounds', this.getGraphBounds())); } }; } } // Accumulates the zoom factor while the rendering is taking place // so that not the complete sequence of zoom steps must be painted var bgGroup = graph.view.getBackgroundPane(); var mainGroup = graph.view.getDrawPane(); graph.cumulativeZoomFactor = 1; var updateZoomTimeout = null; var cursorPosition = null; var scrollPosition = null; var forcedZoom = null; var filter = null; var mult = 20; var scheduleZoom = function (delay) { if (updateZoomTimeout != null) { window.clearTimeout(updateZoomTimeout); } if (delay >= 0) { window.setTimeout(function () { if (!graph.isMouseDown || forcedZoom) { updateZoomTimeout = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (graph.isFastZoomEnabled()) { // Transforms background page if (graph.view.backgroundPageShape != null && graph.view.backgroundPageShape.node != null) { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(graph.view.backgroundPageShape.node.style, 'transform-origin', null); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(graph.view.backgroundPageShape.node.style, 'transform', null); } // Transforms graph and background image mainGroup.style.transformOrigin = ''; bgGroup.style.transformOrigin = ''; // Workaround for no reset of transform in Safari if (mxClient.IS_SF) { mainGroup.style.transform = 'scale(1)'; bgGroup.style.transform = 'scale(1)'; window.setTimeout(function () { mainGroup.style.transform = ''; bgGroup.style.transform = ''; }, 0) } else { mainGroup.style.transform = ''; bgGroup.style.transform = ''; } // Shows interactive elements graph.view.getDecoratorPane().style.opacity = ''; graph.view.getOverlayPane().style.opacity = ''; } var sp = new mxPoint(graph.container.scrollLeft, graph.container.scrollTop); var offset = mxUtils.getOffset(graph.container); var prev = graph.view.scale; var dx = 0; var dy = 0; if (cursorPosition != null) { dx = graph.container.offsetWidth / 2 - cursorPosition.x + offset.x; dy = graph.container.offsetHeight / 2 - cursorPosition.y + offset.y; } graph.zoom(graph.cumulativeZoomFactor, null, graph.isFastZoomEnabled() ? mult : null); var s = graph.view.scale; if (s != prev) { if (scrollPosition != null) { dx += sp.x - scrollPosition.x; dy += sp.y - scrollPosition.y; } if (resize != null) { ui.chromelessResize(false, null, dx * (graph.cumulativeZoomFactor - 1), dy * (graph.cumulativeZoomFactor - 1)); } if (mxUtils.hasScrollbars(graph.container) && (dx != 0 || dy != 0)) { graph.container.scrollLeft -= dx * (graph.cumulativeZoomFactor - 1); graph.container.scrollTop -= dy * (graph.cumulativeZoomFactor - 1); } } if (filter != null) { mainGroup.setAttribute('filter', filter); } graph.cumulativeZoomFactor = 1; updateZoomTimeout = null; scrollPosition = null; cursorPosition = null; forcedZoom = null; filter = null; }), (delay != null) ? delay : ((graph.isFastZoomEnabled()) ? ui.wheelZoomDelay : ui.lazyZoomDelay)); } }, 0); } }; graph.lazyZoom = function (zoomIn, ignoreCursorPosition, delay, factor) { factor = (factor != null) ? factor : this.zoomFactor; // TODO: Fix ignored cursor position if scrollbars are disabled ignoreCursorPosition = ignoreCursorPosition || !graph.scrollbars; if (ignoreCursorPosition) { cursorPosition = new mxPoint( graph.container.offsetLeft + graph.container.clientWidth / 2, graph.container.offsetTop + graph.container.clientHeight / 2); } // Switches to 5% zoom steps below 15% if (zoomIn) { if (this.view.scale * this.cumulativeZoomFactor <= 0.15) { this.cumulativeZoomFactor *= (this.view.scale + 0.05) / this.view.scale; } else { this.cumulativeZoomFactor *= factor; this.cumulativeZoomFactor = Math.round(this.view.scale * this.cumulativeZoomFactor * 100) / 100 / this.view.scale; } } else { if (this.view.scale * this.cumulativeZoomFactor <= 0.15) { this.cumulativeZoomFactor *= (this.view.scale - 0.05) / this.view.scale; } else { this.cumulativeZoomFactor /= factor; this.cumulativeZoomFactor = Math.round(this.view.scale * this.cumulativeZoomFactor * 100) / 100 / this.view.scale; } } this.cumulativeZoomFactor = Math.max(0.05, Math.min(this.view.scale * this.cumulativeZoomFactor, 160)) / this.view.scale; if (graph.isFastZoomEnabled()) { if (filter == null && mainGroup.getAttribute('filter') != '') { filter = mainGroup.getAttribute('filter'); mainGroup.removeAttribute('filter'); } scrollPosition = new mxPoint(graph.container.scrollLeft, graph.container.scrollTop); // Applies final rounding to preview var f = Math.round((Math.round(this.view.scale * this.cumulativeZoomFactor * 100) / 100) * mult) / (mult * this.view.scale); var cx = (ignoreCursorPosition || cursorPosition == null) ? graph.container.scrollLeft + graph.container.clientWidth / 2 : cursorPosition.x + graph.container.scrollLeft - graph.container.offsetLeft; var cy = (ignoreCursorPosition || cursorPosition == null) ? graph.container.scrollTop + graph.container.clientHeight / 2 : cursorPosition.y + graph.container.scrollTop - graph.container.offsetTop; mainGroup.style.transformOrigin = cx + 'px ' + cy + 'px'; mainGroup.style.transform = 'scale(' + f + ')'; bgGroup.style.transformOrigin = cx + 'px ' + cy + 'px'; bgGroup.style.transform = 'scale(' + f + ')'; if (graph.view.backgroundPageShape != null && graph.view.backgroundPageShape.node != null) { var page = graph.view.backgroundPageShape.node; mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(page.style, 'transform-origin', ((ignoreCursorPosition || cursorPosition == null) ? ((graph.container.clientWidth / 2 + graph.container.scrollLeft - page.offsetLeft) + 'px') : ((cursorPosition.x + graph.container.scrollLeft - page.offsetLeft - graph.container.offsetLeft) + 'px')) + ' ' + ((ignoreCursorPosition || cursorPosition == null) ? ((graph.container.clientHeight / 2 + graph.container.scrollTop - page.offsetTop) + 'px') : ((cursorPosition.y + graph.container.scrollTop - page.offsetTop - graph.container.offsetTop) + 'px'))); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(page.style, 'transform', 'scale(' + f + ')'); } else { graph.view.validateBackgroundStyles(f, cx, cy); } graph.view.getDecoratorPane().style.opacity = '0'; graph.view.getOverlayPane().style.opacity = '0'; if (ui.hoverIcons != null) { ui.hoverIcons.reset(); } graph.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('zoomPreview', 'factor', f)); } scheduleZoom(graph.isFastZoomEnabled() ? delay : 0); }; // Holds back repaint until after mouse gestures mxEvent.addGestureListeners(graph.container, function (evt) { if (updateZoomTimeout != null) { window.clearTimeout(updateZoomTimeout); } }, null, function (evt) { if (graph.cumulativeZoomFactor != 1) { scheduleZoom(0); } }); // Holds back repaint until scroll ends mxEvent.addListener(graph.container, 'scroll', function (evt) { if (updateZoomTimeout != null && !graph.isMouseDown && graph.cumulativeZoomFactor != 1) { scheduleZoom(0); } }); mxEvent.addMouseWheelListener(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt, up, force, cx, cy) { graph.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('wheel')); if (this.dialogs == null || this.dialogs.length == 0) { // Scrolls with scrollbars turned off if (!graph.scrollbars && !force && graph.isScrollWheelEvent(evt)) { var t = graph.view.getTranslate(); var step = 40 / graph.view.scale; if (!mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) { graph.view.setTranslate(t.x, t.y + ((up) ? step : -step)); } else { graph.view.setTranslate(t.x + ((up) ? -step : step), t.y); } } else if (force || graph.isZoomWheelEvent(evt)) { var source = mxEvent.getSource(evt); while (source != null) { if (source == graph.container) { graph.tooltipHandler.hideTooltip(); cursorPosition = (cx != null && cy != null) ? new mxPoint(cx, cy) : new mxPoint(mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt)); forcedZoom = force; var factor = graph.zoomFactor; var delay = null; // Slower zoom for pinch gesture on trackpad with max delta to // filter out mouse wheel events in Brave browser for Windows if (evt.ctrlKey && evt.deltaY != null && Math.abs(evt.deltaY) < 40 && Math.round(evt.deltaY) != evt.deltaY) { factor = 1 + (Math.abs(evt.deltaY) / 20) * (factor - 1); } // Slower zoom for pinch gesture on touch screens else if (evt.movementY != null && evt.type == 'pointermove') { factor = 1 + (Math.max(1, Math.abs(evt.movementY)) / 20) * (factor - 1); delay = -1; } graph.lazyZoom(up, null, delay, factor); mxEvent.consume(evt); return false; } source = source.parentNode; } } } }), graph.container); // Uses fast zoom for pinch gestures on iOS graph.panningHandler.zoomGraph = function (evt) { graph.cumulativeZoomFactor = evt.scale; graph.lazyZoom(evt.scale > 0, true); mxEvent.consume(evt); }; }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.addChromelessToolbarItems = function (addButton) { addButton(mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { this.actions.get('print').funct(); mxEvent.consume(evt); }), Editor.printImage, mxResources.get('print')); }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.isPagesEnabled = function () { return this.editor.editable || urlParams['hide-pages'] != '1'; }; /** * Creates a temporary graph instance for rendering off-screen content. */ EditorUi.prototype.createTemporaryGraph = function (stylesheet) { return Graph.createOffscreenGraph(stylesheet); }; /** * */ EditorUi.prototype.addChromelessClickHandler = function () { var hl = urlParams['highlight']; // Adds leading # for highlight color code if (hl != null && hl.length > 0) { hl = '#' + hl; } this.editor.graph.addClickHandler(hl); }; /** * */ EditorUi.prototype.toggleFormatPanel = function (visible) { visible = (visible != null) ? visible : this.formatWidth == 0; if (this.format != null) { this.formatWidth = (visible) ? 240 : 0; this.formatContainer.style.width = this.formatWidth + 'px'; this.refresh(); this.format.refresh(); this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('formatWidthChanged')); } }; /** * */ EditorUi.prototype.isFormatPanelVisible = function () { return this.formatWidth > 0; }; /** * Adds support for placeholders in labels. */ EditorUi.prototype.lightboxFit = function (maxHeight) { if (this.isDiagramEmpty()) { this.editor.graph.view.setScale(1); } else { var p = urlParams['border']; var border = 60; if (p != null) { border = parseInt(p); } // LATER: Use initial graph bounds to avoid rounding errors this.editor.graph.maxFitScale = this.lightboxMaxFitScale; this.editor.graph.fit(border, null, null, null, null, null, maxHeight); this.editor.graph.maxFitScale = null; } }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ EditorUi.prototype.isDiagramEmpty = function () { var model = this.editor.graph.getModel(); return model.getChildCount(model.root) == 1 && model.getChildCount(model.getChildAt(model.root, 0)) == 0; }; /** * Hook for allowing selection and context menu for certain events. */ EditorUi.prototype.isSelectionAllowed = function (evt) { return mxEvent.getSource(evt).nodeName == 'SELECT' || (mxEvent.getSource(evt).nodeName == 'INPUT' && mxUtils.isAncestorNode(this.formatContainer, mxEvent.getSource(evt))); }; /** * Installs dialog if browser window is closed without saving * This must be disabled during save and image export. */ EditorUi.prototype.addBeforeUnloadListener = function () { // Installs dialog if browser window is closed without saving // This must be disabled during save and image export window.onbeforeunload = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (!this.editor.isChromelessView()) { return this.onBeforeUnload(); } }); }; /** * Sets the onbeforeunload for the application */ EditorUi.prototype.onBeforeUnload = function () { if (this.editor.modified) { return mxResources.get('allChangesLost'); } }; /** * Opens the current diagram via the window.opener if one exists. */ EditorUi.prototype.open = function () { // Cross-domain window access is not allowed in FF, so if we // were opened from another domain then this will fail. try { if (window.opener != null && window.opener.openFile != null) { window.opener.openFile.setConsumer(mxUtils.bind(this, function (xml, filename) { try { var doc = mxUtils.parseXml(xml); this.editor.setGraphXml(doc.documentElement); this.editor.setModified(false); this.editor.undoManager.clear(); if (filename != null) { this.editor.setFilename(filename); this.updateDocumentTitle(); } return; } catch (e) { mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('invalidOrMissingFile') + ': ' + e.message); } })); } } catch (e) { // ignore } // Fires as the last step if no file was loaded this.editor.graph.view.validate(); // Required only in special cases where an initial file is opened // and the minimumGraphSize changes and CSS must be updated. this.editor.graph.sizeDidChange(); this.editor.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('resetGraphView')); }; /** * Shows the given popup menu. */ EditorUi.prototype.showPopupMenu = function (fn, x, y, evt) { this.editor.graph.popupMenuHandler.hideMenu(); var menu = new mxPopupMenu(fn); menu.div.className += ' geMenubarMenu'; menu.smartSeparators = true; menu.showDisabled = true; menu.autoExpand = true; // Disables autoexpand and destroys menu when hidden menu.hideMenu = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { mxPopupMenu.prototype.hideMenu.apply(menu, arguments); menu.destroy(); }); menu.popup(x, y, null, evt); // Allows hiding by clicking on document this.setCurrentMenu(menu); }; /** * Sets the current menu and element. */ EditorUi.prototype.setCurrentMenu = function (menu, elt) { this.currentMenuElt = elt; this.currentMenu = menu; this.hideShapePicker(); }; /** * Resets the current menu and element. */ EditorUi.prototype.resetCurrentMenu = function () { this.currentMenuElt = null; this.currentMenu = null; }; /** * Hides and destroys the current menu. */ EditorUi.prototype.hideCurrentMenu = function () { if (this.currentMenu != null) { this.currentMenu.hideMenu(); this.resetCurrentMenu(); } }; /** * Updates the document title. */ EditorUi.prototype.updateDocumentTitle = function () { var title = this.editor.getOrCreateFilename(); if (this.editor.appName != null) { title += ' - ' + this.editor.appName; } document.title = title; }; /** * Updates the document title. */ EditorUi.prototype.createHoverIcons = function () { return new HoverIcons(this.editor.graph); }; /** * Returns the URL for a copy of this editor with no state. */ EditorUi.prototype.redo = function () { try { var graph = this.editor.graph; if (graph.isEditing()) { document.execCommand('redo', false, null); } else { this.editor.undoManager.redo(); } } catch (e) { // ignore all errors } }; /** * Returns the URL for a copy of this editor with no state. */ EditorUi.prototype.undo = function () { try { var graph = this.editor.graph; if (graph.isEditing()) { // Stops editing and executes undo on graph if native undo // does not affect current editing value var value = graph.cellEditor.textarea.innerHTML; document.execCommand('undo', false, null); if (value == graph.cellEditor.textarea.innerHTML) { graph.stopEditing(true); this.editor.undoManager.undo(); } } else { this.editor.undoManager.undo(); } } catch (e) { // ignore all errors } }; /** * Returns the URL for a copy of this editor with no state. */ EditorUi.prototype.canRedo = function () { return this.editor.graph.isEditing() || this.editor.undoManager.canRedo(); }; /** * Returns the URL for a copy of this editor with no state. */ EditorUi.prototype.canUndo = function () { return this.editor.graph.isEditing() || this.editor.undoManager.canUndo(); }; /** * */ EditorUi.prototype.getEditBlankXml = function () { return mxUtils.getXml(this.editor.getGraphXml()); }; /** * Returns the URL for a copy of this editor with no state. */ EditorUi.prototype.getUrl = function (pathname) { var href = (pathname != null) ? pathname : window.location.pathname; var parms = (href.indexOf('?') > 0) ? 1 : 0; // Removes template URL parameter for new blank diagram for (var key in urlParams) { if (parms == 0) { href += '?'; } else { href += '&'; } href += key + '=' + urlParams[key]; parms++; } return href; }; /** * Specifies if the graph has scrollbars. */ EditorUi.prototype.setScrollbars = function (value) { var graph = this.editor.graph; var prev = graph.container.style.overflow; graph.scrollbars = value; this.editor.updateGraphComponents(); if (prev != graph.container.style.overflow) { graph.container.scrollTop = 0; graph.container.scrollLeft = 0; graph.view.scaleAndTranslate(1, 0, 0); this.resetScrollbars(); } this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('scrollbarsChanged')); }; /** * Function: fitDiagramToWindow * * Zooms the diagram to fit into the window. */ EditorUi.prototype.fitDiagramToWindow = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; var bounds = (graph.isSelectionEmpty()) ? mxRectangle.fromRectangle(graph.getGraphBounds()) : graph.getBoundingBox(graph.getSelectionCells()) var t = graph.view.translate; var s = graph.view.scale; bounds.x = bounds.x / s - t.x; bounds.y = bounds.y / s - t.y; bounds.width /= s; bounds.height /= s; if (graph.backgroundImage != null) { bounds.add(new mxRectangle(0, 0, graph.backgroundImage.width, graph.backgroundImage.height)); } if (bounds.width == 0 || bounds.height == 0) { graph.zoomTo(1); this.resetScrollbars(); } else { var b = Editor.fitWindowBorders; if (b != null) { bounds.x -= b.x; bounds.y -= b.y; bounds.width += b.width + b.x; bounds.height += b.height + b.y; } graph.fitWindow(bounds); } }; /** * Returns true if the graph has scrollbars. */ EditorUi.prototype.hasScrollbars = function () { return this.editor.graph.scrollbars; }; /** * Resets the state of the scrollbars. */ EditorUi.prototype.resetScrollbars = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; var c = graph.container; if (!this.editor.extendCanvas) { c.scrollTop = 0; c.scrollLeft = 0; if (!mxUtils.hasScrollbars(c)) { graph.view.setTranslate(0, 0); } } else if (!this.editor.isChromelessView()) { if (mxUtils.hasScrollbars(c)) { if (graph.pageVisible) { var pad = graph.getPagePadding(); c.scrollTop = Math.floor(pad.y - this.editor.initialTopSpacing) - 1; c.scrollLeft = Math.floor(Math.min(pad.x, (c.scrollWidth - c.clientWidth) / 2)) - 1; // Scrolls graph to visible area var bounds = graph.getGraphBounds(); if (bounds.width > 0 && bounds.height > 0) { if (bounds.x > c.scrollLeft + c.clientWidth * 0.9) { c.scrollLeft = Math.min(bounds.x + bounds.width - c.clientWidth, bounds.x - 10); } if (bounds.y > c.scrollTop + c.clientHeight * 0.9) { c.scrollTop = Math.min(bounds.y + bounds.height - c.clientHeight, bounds.y - 10); } } } else { var bounds = graph.getGraphBounds(); if (bounds.width == 0 && bounds.height == 0) { c.scrollLeft = (c.scrollWidth - c.clientWidth) / 2; c.scrollTop = (c.scrollHeight - c.clientHeight) / 2; } else { var width = Math.max(bounds.width, graph.scrollTileSize.width * graph.view.scale); var height = Math.max(bounds.height, graph.scrollTileSize.height * graph.view.scale); c.scrollLeft = Math.floor(Math.max(0, bounds.x - Math.max(0, (c.clientWidth - width) / 2))); c.scrollTop = Math.floor(Math.max(0, bounds.y - Math.max(20, (c.clientHeight - height) / 4))); } } } else { var b = mxRectangle.fromRectangle((graph.pageVisible) ? graph.view.getBackgroundPageBounds() : graph.getGraphBounds()) var tr = graph.view.translate; var s = graph.view.scale; b.x = b.x / s - tr.x; b.y = b.y / s - tr.y; b.width /= s; b.height /= s; var dy = (graph.pageVisible) ? 0 : Math.max(0, (c.clientHeight - b.height) / 4); graph.view.setTranslate(Math.floor(Math.max(0, (c.clientWidth - b.width) / 2) - b.x + 2), Math.floor(dy - b.y + 1)); } } }; /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ EditorUi.prototype.setPageVisible = function (value) { var graph = this.editor.graph; var hasScrollbars = mxUtils.hasScrollbars(graph.container); var tx = 0; var ty = 0; if (hasScrollbars) { tx = graph.view.translate.x * graph.view.scale - graph.container.scrollLeft; ty = graph.view.translate.y * graph.view.scale - graph.container.scrollTop; } graph.pageVisible = value; graph.pageBreaksVisible = value; graph.preferPageSize = value; graph.view.validateBackground(); // Workaround for possible handle offset if (hasScrollbars) { var cells = graph.getSelectionCells(); graph.clearSelection(); graph.setSelectionCells(cells); } // Calls updatePageBreaks graph.sizeDidChange(); if (hasScrollbars) { graph.container.scrollLeft = graph.view.translate.x * graph.view.scale - tx; graph.container.scrollTop = graph.view.translate.y * graph.view.scale - ty; } graph.defaultPageVisible = value; this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('pageViewChanged')); }; /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ EditorUi.prototype.installResizeHandler = function (dialog, resizable, destroy) { if (resizable) { dialog.window.setSize = function (w, h) { if (!this.minimized) { var iw = window.innerWidth || document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var ih = window.innerHeight || document.body.clientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; w = Math.min(w, iw - this.getX()); h = Math.min(h, ih - this.getY()); } mxWindow.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments); }; } dialog.window.setLocation = function (x, y) { var iw = window.innerWidth || document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var ih = window.innerHeight || document.body.clientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; var w = parseInt(this.div.style.width); var h = parseInt(this.div.style.height); x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x, iw - w)); y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y, ih - h)); if (this.getX() != x || this.getY() != y) { mxWindow.prototype.setLocation.apply(this, arguments); } if (resizable && !this.minimized) { this.setSize(w, h); } }; var resizeListener = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { var x = dialog.window.getX(); var y = dialog.window.getY(); dialog.window.setLocation(x, y); }); mxEvent.addListener(window, 'resize', resizeListener); dialog.destroy = function () { mxEvent.removeListener(window, 'resize', resizeListener); dialog.window.destroy(); if (destroy != null) { destroy(); } } }; /** * Class: ChangeGridColor * * Undoable change to grid color. */ function ChangeGridColor(ui, color) { this.ui = ui; this.color = color; }; /** * Executes selection of a new page. */ ChangeGridColor.prototype.execute = function () { var temp = this.ui.editor.graph.view.gridColor; this.ui.setGridColor(this.color); this.color = temp; }; // Registers codec for ChangePageSetup (function () { var codec = new mxObjectCodec(new ChangeGridColor(), ['ui']); mxCodecRegistry.register(codec); })(); /** * Change types */ function ChangePageSetup(ui, color, image, format, pageScale) { this.ui = ui; this.color = color; this.previousColor = color; this.image = image; this.previousImage = image; this.format = format; this.previousFormat = format; this.pageScale = pageScale; this.previousPageScale = pageScale; // Needed since null are valid values for color and image this.ignoreColor = false; this.ignoreImage = false; } /** * Implementation of the undoable page rename. */ ChangePageSetup.prototype.execute = function () { var graph = this.ui.editor.graph; if (!this.ignoreColor) { this.color = this.previousColor; var tmp = graph.background; this.ui.setBackgroundColor(this.previousColor); this.previousColor = tmp; } if (!this.ignoreImage) { this.image = this.previousImage; var tmp = graph.backgroundImage; var img = this.previousImage; if (img != null && Graph.isPageLink(img.src)) { img = this.ui.createImageForPageLink(img.src, this.ui.currentPage); } this.ui.setBackgroundImage(img); this.previousImage = tmp; } if (this.previousFormat != null) { this.format = this.previousFormat; var tmp = graph.pageFormat; if (this.previousFormat.width != tmp.width || this.previousFormat.height != tmp.height) { this.ui.setPageFormat(this.previousFormat); this.previousFormat = tmp; } } if (this.foldingEnabled != null && this.foldingEnabled != this.ui.editor.graph.foldingEnabled) { this.ui.setFoldingEnabled(this.foldingEnabled); this.foldingEnabled = !this.foldingEnabled; } if (this.previousPageScale != null) { var currentPageScale = this.ui.editor.graph.pageScale; if (this.previousPageScale != currentPageScale) { this.ui.setPageScale(this.previousPageScale); this.previousPageScale = currentPageScale; } } }; // Registers codec for ChangePageSetup (function () { var codec = new mxObjectCodec(new ChangePageSetup(), ['ui', 'previousColor', 'previousImage', 'previousFormat', 'previousPageScale']); codec.afterDecode = function (dec, node, obj) { obj.previousColor = obj.color; obj.previousImage = obj.image; obj.previousFormat = obj.format; obj.previousPageScale = obj.pageScale; if (obj.foldingEnabled != null) { obj.foldingEnabled = !obj.foldingEnabled; } return obj; }; mxCodecRegistry.register(codec); })(); /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ EditorUi.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function (value) { this.editor.graph.background = value; this.editor.graph.view.validateBackground(); this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('backgroundColorChanged')); }; /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ EditorUi.prototype.setFoldingEnabled = function (value) { this.editor.graph.foldingEnabled = value; this.editor.graph.view.revalidate(); this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('foldingEnabledChanged')); }; /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ EditorUi.prototype.setPageFormat = function (value, ignorePageVisible) { ignorePageVisible = (ignorePageVisible != null) ? ignorePageVisible : urlParams['sketch'] == '1'; this.editor.graph.pageFormat = value; if (!ignorePageVisible) { if (!this.editor.graph.pageVisible) { this.actions.get('pageView').funct(); } else { this.editor.graph.view.validateBackground(); this.editor.graph.sizeDidChange(); } } this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('pageFormatChanged')); }; /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ EditorUi.prototype.setPageScale = function (value) { this.editor.graph.pageScale = value; if (!this.editor.graph.pageVisible) { this.actions.get('pageView').funct(); } else { this.editor.graph.view.validateBackground(); this.editor.graph.sizeDidChange(); } this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('pageScaleChanged')); }; /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ EditorUi.prototype.setGridColor = function (value) { this.editor.graph.view.gridColor = value; this.editor.graph.view.validateBackground(); this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('gridColorChanged')); }; /** * Updates the states of the given undo/redo items. */ EditorUi.prototype.addUndoListener = function () { var undoMgr = this.editor.undoManager; var undoListener = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.updateActionStates(); }); undoMgr.addListener(mxEvent.ADD, undoListener); undoMgr.addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, undoListener); undoMgr.addListener(mxEvent.REDO, undoListener); undoMgr.addListener(mxEvent.CLEAR, undoListener); // Overrides cell editor to update action states var cellEditorStartEditing = this.editor.graph.cellEditor.startEditing; this.editor.graph.cellEditor.startEditing = function () { cellEditorStartEditing.apply(this, arguments); undoListener(); }; var cellEditorStopEditing = this.editor.graph.cellEditor.stopEditing; this.editor.graph.cellEditor.stopEditing = function (cell, trigger) { cellEditorStopEditing.apply(this, arguments); undoListener(); }; // Updates the button states once undoListener(); }; /** * Updates the states of the given toolbar items based on the selection. */ EditorUi.prototype.updateActionStates = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; var ss = this.getSelectionState(); var unlocked = graph.isEnabled() && !graph.isCellLocked(graph.getDefaultParent()); var editable = !this.editor.chromeless || this.editor.editable; // Updates action states var actions = ['cut', 'copy', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'delete', 'duplicate', 'editStyle', 'editTooltip', 'editLink', 'backgroundColor', 'borderColor', 'edit', 'toFront', 'toBack', 'solid', 'dashed', 'pasteSize', 'dotted', 'fillColor', 'gradientColor', 'shadow', 'fontColor', 'formattedText', 'rounded', 'toggleRounded', 'strokeColor', 'sharp', 'snapToGrid']; for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { this.actions.get(actions[i]).setEnabled(ss.cells.length > 0); } this.actions.get('grid').setEnabled(editable); this.actions.get('undo').setEnabled(this.canUndo() && editable); this.actions.get('redo').setEnabled(this.canRedo() && editable); this.actions.get('pasteSize').setEnabled(this.copiedSize != null && ss.vertices.length > 0); this.actions.get('pasteData').setEnabled(this.copiedValue != null && ss.cells.length > 0); this.actions.get('setAsDefaultStyle').setEnabled(graph.getSelectionCount() == 1); this.actions.get('lockUnlock').setEnabled(!graph.isSelectionEmpty()); this.actions.get('bringForward').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1); this.actions.get('sendBackward').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1); this.actions.get('rotation').setEnabled(ss.vertices.length == 1); this.actions.get('wordWrap').setEnabled(ss.vertices.length == 1); this.actions.get('autosize').setEnabled(ss.vertices.length > 0); this.actions.get('copySize').setEnabled(ss.vertices.length == 1); this.actions.get('clearWaypoints').setEnabled(ss.connections); this.actions.get('curved').setEnabled(ss.edges.length > 0); this.actions.get('turn').setEnabled(ss.cells.length > 0); this.actions.get('group').setEnabled(!ss.row && !ss.cell && (ss.cells.length > 1 || (ss.vertices.length == 1 && graph.model.getChildCount(ss.cells[0]) == 0 && !graph.isContainer(ss.vertices[0])))); this.actions.get('ungroup').setEnabled(!ss.row && !ss.cell && !ss.table && ss.vertices.length > 0 && (graph.isContainer(ss.vertices[0]) || graph.getModel().getChildCount(ss.vertices[0]) > 0)); this.actions.get('removeFromGroup').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1 && graph.getModel().isVertex(graph.getModel().getParent(ss.cells[0]))); this.actions.get('collapsible').setEnabled(ss.vertices.length == 1 && (graph.model.getChildCount(ss.vertices[0]) > 0 || graph.isContainer(ss.vertices[0]))); this.actions.get('exitGroup').setEnabled(graph.view.currentRoot != null); this.actions.get('home').setEnabled(graph.view.currentRoot != null); this.actions.get('enterGroup').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1 && graph.isValidRoot(ss.cells[0])); this.actions.get('copyData').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1); this.actions.get('editLink').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1); this.actions.get('editStyle').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1); this.actions.get('editTooltip').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1); this.actions.get('openLink').setEnabled(ss.cells.length == 1 && graph.getLinkForCell(ss.cells[0]) != null); this.actions.get('guides').setEnabled(graph.isEnabled()); this.actions.get('selectVertices').setEnabled(unlocked); this.actions.get('selectEdges').setEnabled(unlocked); this.actions.get('selectAll').setEnabled(unlocked); this.actions.get('selectNone').setEnabled(unlocked); var foldable = ss.vertices.length == 1 && graph.isCellFoldable(ss.vertices[0]); this.actions.get('expand').setEnabled(foldable); this.actions.get('collapse').setEnabled(foldable); // Updates menu states this.menus.get('navigation').setEnabled(ss.cells.length > 0 || graph.view.currentRoot != null); this.menus.get('layout').setEnabled(unlocked); this.menus.get('insert').setEnabled(unlocked); this.menus.get('direction').setEnabled(ss.unlocked && ss.vertices.length == 1); this.menus.get('distribute').setEnabled(ss.unlocked && ss.vertices.length > 1); this.menus.get('align').setEnabled(ss.unlocked && ss.cells.length > 0); this.updatePasteActionStates(); }; EditorUi.prototype.zeroOffset = new mxPoint(0, 0); EditorUi.prototype.getDiagramContainerOffset = function () { return this.zeroOffset; }; /** * Refreshes the viewport. */ EditorUi.prototype.refresh = function (sizeDidChange) { sizeDidChange = (sizeDidChange != null) ? sizeDidChange : true; var w = this.container.clientWidth; var h = this.container.clientHeight; if (this.container == document.body) { w = document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } // Workaround for bug on iOS see // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19012135/ios-7-ipad-safari-landscape-innerheight-outerheight-layout-issue // FIXME: Fix if footer visible var off = 0; if (mxClient.IS_IOS && !window.navigator.standalone && typeof Menus !== 'undefined') { if (window.innerHeight != document.documentElement.clientHeight) { off = document.documentElement.clientHeight - window.innerHeight; window.scrollTo(0, 0); } } var effHsplitPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min( this.hsplitPosition, w - this.splitSize - 40)); var tmp = 0; if (this.menubar != null) { this.menubarContainer.style.height = this.menubarHeight + 'px'; tmp += this.menubarHeight; } if (this.toolbar != null) { this.toolbarContainer.style.top = this.menubarHeight + 'px'; this.toolbarContainer.style.height = this.toolbarHeight + 'px'; tmp += this.toolbarHeight; } if (tmp > 0) { tmp += 1; } var fw = (this.format != null) ? this.formatWidth : 0; this.sidebarContainer.style.top = tmp + 'px'; this.sidebarContainer.style.width = effHsplitPosition + 'px'; this.formatContainer.style.top = tmp + 'px'; this.formatContainer.style.width = fw + 'px'; this.formatContainer.style.display = (this.format != null) ? '' : 'none'; var diagContOffset = this.getDiagramContainerOffset(); var contLeft = (this.hsplit.parentNode != null) ? (effHsplitPosition) : 0; this.footerContainer.style.height = this.footerHeight + 'px'; this.hsplit.style.top = this.sidebarContainer.style.top; this.hsplit.style.left = effHsplitPosition + 'px'; this.footerContainer.style.display = (this.footerHeight == 0) ? 'none' : ''; if (this.tabContainer != null) { this.tabContainer.style.left = contLeft + 'px'; this.hsplit.style.bottom = this.tabContainer.offsetHeight + 'px'; } else { this.hsplit.style.bottom = (this.footerHeight + off) + 'px'; } if (this.footerHeight > 0) { this.footerContainer.style.bottom = off + 'px'; } var th = 0; if (this.tabContainer != null) { this.tabContainer.style.bottom = (this.footerHeight + off) + 'px'; this.tabContainer.style.right = fw + 'px'; th = this.tabContainer.clientHeight; this.checkTabScrollerOverflow(); } this.sidebarContainer.style.bottom = (this.footerHeight + off) + 'px'; this.formatContainer.style.bottom = (this.footerHeight + off) + 'px'; this.diagramContainer.style.left = (contLeft + diagContOffset.x) + 'px'; this.diagramContainer.style.top = (tmp + diagContOffset.y) + 'px'; this.diagramContainer.style.right = fw + 'px'; this.diagramContainer.style.bottom = (this.footerHeight + off + th) + 'px'; if (sizeDidChange) { this.editor.graph.sizeDidChange(); } }; /** * Creates the required containers. */ EditorUi.prototype.createTabContainer = function () { return null; }; /** * Creates the required containers. */ EditorUi.prototype.createDivs = function () { this.menubarContainer = this.createDiv('geMenubarContainer'); this.toolbarContainer = this.createDiv('geToolbarContainer'); this.sidebarContainer = this.createDiv('geSidebarContainer'); this.formatContainer = this.createDiv('geSidebarContainer geFormatContainer'); this.diagramContainer = this.createDiv('geDiagramContainer'); this.footerContainer = this.createDiv('geFooterContainer'); this.hsplit = this.createDiv('geHsplit'); // Sets static style for containers this.menubarContainer.style.top = '0px'; this.menubarContainer.style.left = '0px'; this.menubarContainer.style.right = '0px'; this.toolbarContainer.style.left = '0px'; this.toolbarContainer.style.right = '0px'; this.sidebarContainer.style.left = '0px'; this.sidebarContainer.style.zIndex = '1'; this.formatContainer.style.right = '0px'; this.formatContainer.style.zIndex = '1'; this.diagramContainer.style.right = ((this.format != null) ? this.formatWidth : 0) + 'px'; this.footerContainer.style.left = '0px'; this.footerContainer.style.right = '0px'; this.footerContainer.style.bottom = '0px'; this.footerContainer.style.zIndex = mxPopupMenu.prototype.zIndex - 3; this.hsplit.style.width = this.splitSize + 'px'; this.hsplit.style.zIndex = '1'; if (!this.editor.chromeless) { this.tabContainer = this.createTabContainer(); } else { this.diagramContainer.style.border = 'none'; } }; /** * Hook for sidebar footer container. This implementation returns null. */ EditorUi.prototype.createSidebarContainer = function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'geSidebarContainer'; return div; }; /** * Creates the required containers. */ EditorUi.prototype.createUi = function () { // Creates menubar this.menubar = (this.editor.chromeless) ? null : this.menus.createMenubar(this.createDiv('geMenubar')); if (this.menubar != null) { this.menubarContainer.appendChild(this.menubar.container); } // Adds status bar in menubar if (this.menubar != null) { this.statusContainer = this.createStatusContainer(); // Connects the status bar to the editor status this.editor.addListener('statusChanged', mxUtils.bind(this, function () { this.setStatusText(this.editor.getStatus()); })); this.setStatusText(this.editor.getStatus()); this.menubar.container.appendChild(this.statusContainer); // Inserts into DOM this.container.appendChild(this.menubarContainer); } // Creates the sidebar this.sidebar = (this.editor.chromeless) ? null : this.createSidebar(this.sidebarContainer); if (this.sidebar != null) { this.container.appendChild(this.sidebarContainer); } // Creates the format sidebar this.format = (this.editor.chromeless || !this.formatEnabled) ? null : this.createFormat(this.formatContainer); if (this.format != null) { this.container.appendChild(this.formatContainer); } // Creates the footer var footer = (this.editor.chromeless) ? null : this.createFooter(); if (footer != null) { this.footerContainer.appendChild(footer); this.container.appendChild(this.footerContainer); } this.container.appendChild(this.diagramContainer); if (this.container != null && this.tabContainer != null) { this.container.appendChild(this.tabContainer); } // Creates toolbar this.toolbar = (this.editor.chromeless) ? null : this.createToolbar(this.createDiv('geToolbar')); if (this.toolbar != null) { this.toolbarContainer.appendChild(this.toolbar.container); this.container.appendChild(this.toolbarContainer); } // HSplit if (this.sidebar != null) { this.container.appendChild(this.hsplit); this.addSplitHandler(this.hsplit, true, 0, mxUtils.bind(this, function (value) { this.hsplitPosition = value; this.refresh(); })); } }; /** * Creates a new toolbar for the given container. */ EditorUi.prototype.createStatusContainer = function () { var container = document.createElement('a'); container.className = 'geItem geStatus'; // Handles data-action attribute mxEvent.addListener(container, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { var elt = mxEvent.getSource(evt); if (elt.nodeName != 'A') { var name = elt.getAttribute('data-action'); // Make generic if (name == 'statusFunction' && this.editor.statusFunction != null) { this.editor.statusFunction(); } else if (name != null) { var action = this.actions.get(name); if (action != null) { action.funct(); } } else { var title = elt.getAttribute('data-title'); var msg = elt.getAttribute('data-message'); if (title != null && msg != null) { this.showError(title, msg); } else { var link = elt.getAttribute('data-link'); if (link != null) { this.editor.graph.openLink(link); } } } mxEvent.consume(evt); } })); return container; }; /** * Creates a new toolbar for the given container. */ EditorUi.prototype.setStatusText = function (value) { this.statusContainer.innerHTML = Graph.sanitizeHtml(value); // Wraps simple status messages in a div for styling if (this.statusContainer.getElementsByTagName('div').length == 0 && value != null && value.length > 0) { this.statusContainer.innerText = ''; var div = this.createStatusDiv(value); this.statusContainer.appendChild(div); } // Handles data-effect attribute var spans = this.statusContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-effect="fade"]'); if (spans != null) { for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { (function (temp) { mxUtils.setOpacity(temp, 0); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(temp.style, 'transform', 'scaleX(0)'); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(temp.style, 'transition', 'all 0.2s ease'); window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { mxUtils.setOpacity(temp, 100); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(temp.style, 'transform', 'scaleX(1)'); mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(temp.style, 'transition', 'all 1s ease'); window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(temp.style, 'transform', 'scaleX(0)'); mxUtils.setOpacity(temp, 0); window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (temp.parentNode != null) { temp.parentNode.removeChild(temp); } }), 1000); }), Editor.updateStatusInterval / 2); }), 0); })(spans[i]); } } }; /** * Creates a new toolbar for the given container. */ EditorUi.prototype.createStatusDiv = function (value) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis'; div.style.display = 'inline-block'; div.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; div.style.overflow = 'hidden'; div.style.minWidth = '0'; div.setAttribute('title', value); div.innerHTML = Graph.sanitizeHtml(value); return div; }; /** * Creates a new toolbar for the given container. */ EditorUi.prototype.createToolbar = function (container) { return new Toolbar(this, container); }; /** * Creates a new sidebar for the given container. */ EditorUi.prototype.createSidebar = function (container) { return new Sidebar(this, container); }; /** * Creates a new sidebar for the given container. */ EditorUi.prototype.createFormat = function (container) { return new Format(this, container); }; /** * Creates and returns a new footer. */ EditorUi.prototype.createFooter = function () { return this.createDiv('geFooter'); }; /** * Creates the actual toolbar for the toolbar container. */ EditorUi.prototype.createDiv = function (classname) { var elt = document.createElement('div'); elt.className = classname; return elt; }; /** * Updates the states of the given undo/redo items. */ EditorUi.prototype.addSplitHandler = function (elt, horizontal, dx, onChange) { var start = null; var initial = null; var ignoreClick = true; var last = null; // Disables built-in pan and zoom in IE10 and later if (mxClient.IS_POINTER) { elt.style.touchAction = 'none'; } var getValue = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { var result = parseInt(((horizontal) ? elt.style.left : elt.style.bottom)); // Takes into account hidden footer if (!horizontal) { result = result + dx - this.footerHeight; } return result; }); function moveHandler(evt) { if (start != null) { var pt = new mxPoint(mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt)); onChange(Math.max(0, initial + ((horizontal) ? (pt.x - start.x) : (start.y - pt.y)) - dx)); mxEvent.consume(evt); if (initial != getValue()) { ignoreClick = true; last = null; } } }; function dropHandler(evt) { moveHandler(evt); initial = null; start = null; }; mxEvent.addGestureListeners(elt, function (evt) { start = new mxPoint(mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt)); initial = getValue(); ignoreClick = false; mxEvent.consume(evt); }); mxEvent.addListener(elt, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function (evt) { if (!ignoreClick && this.hsplitClickEnabled) { var next = (last != null) ? last - dx : 0; last = getValue(); onChange(next); mxEvent.consume(evt); } })); mxEvent.addGestureListeners(document, null, moveHandler, dropHandler); this.destroyFunctions.push(function () { mxEvent.removeGestureListeners(document, null, moveHandler, dropHandler); }); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ EditorUi.prototype.prompt = function (title, defaultValue, fn) { var dlg = new FilenameDialog(this, defaultValue, mxResources.get('apply'), function (newValue) { fn(parseFloat(newValue)); }, title); this.showDialog(dlg.container, 300, 80, true, true); dlg.init(); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ EditorUi.prototype.handleError = function (resp, title, fn, invokeFnOnClose, notFoundMessage) { var e = (resp != null && resp.error != null) ? resp.error : resp; if (e != null || title != null) { var msg = mxUtils.htmlEntities(mxResources.get('unknownError')); var btn = mxResources.get('ok'); title = (title != null) ? title : mxResources.get('error'); if (e != null && e.message != null) { msg = mxUtils.htmlEntities(e.message); } this.showError(title, msg, btn, fn, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, (invokeFnOnClose) ? fn : null); } else if (fn != null) { fn(); } }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ EditorUi.prototype.showError = function (title, msg, btn, fn, retry, btn2, fn2, btn3, fn3, w, h, hide, onClose) { var dlg = new ErrorDialog(this, title, msg, btn || mxResources.get('ok'), fn, retry, btn2, fn2, hide, btn3, fn3); var lines = Math.ceil((msg != null) ? msg.length / 50 : 1); this.showDialog(dlg.container, w || 340, h || (100 + lines * 20), true, false, onClose); dlg.init(); }; /** * Displays a print dialog. */ EditorUi.prototype.showDialog = function (elt, w, h, modal, closable, onClose, noScroll, transparent, onResize, ignoreBgClick) { this.editor.graph.tooltipHandler.resetTimer(); this.editor.graph.tooltipHandler.hideTooltip(); if (this.dialogs == null) { this.dialogs = []; } this.dialog = new Dialog(this, elt, w, h, modal, closable, onClose, noScroll, transparent, onResize, ignoreBgClick); this.dialogs.push(this.dialog); }; /** * Displays a print dialog. */ EditorUi.prototype.hideDialog = function (cancel, isEsc, matchContainer) { if (this.dialogs != null && this.dialogs.length > 0) { if (matchContainer != null && matchContainer != this.dialog.container.firstChild) { return; } var dlg = this.dialogs.pop(); if (dlg.close(cancel, isEsc) == false) { //add the dialog back if dialog closing is cancelled this.dialogs.push(dlg); return; } this.dialog = (this.dialogs.length > 0) ? this.dialogs[this.dialogs.length - 1] : null; this.editor.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('hideDialog')); if (this.dialog == null && this.editor.graph.container != null && this.editor.graph.container.style.visibility != 'hidden') { window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (this.editor != null && (this.dialogs == null || this.dialogs.length == 0)) { if (this.editor.graph.isEditing() && this.editor.graph.cellEditor.textarea != null) { this.editor.graph.cellEditor.textarea.focus(); } else { mxUtils.clearSelection(); this.editor.graph.container.focus(); } } }), 0); } } }; /** * Handles ctrl+enter keystroke to clone cells. */ EditorUi.prototype.ctrlEnter = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; if (graph.isEnabled()) { try { var cells = graph.getSelectionCells(); var lookup = new mxDictionary(); var newCells = []; for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { // Clones table rows instead of cells var cell = (graph.isTableCell(cells[i])) ? graph.model.getParent(cells[i]) : cells[i]; if (cell != null && !lookup.get(cell)) { lookup.put(cell, true); newCells.push(cell); } } graph.setSelectionCells(graph.duplicateCells(newCells, false)); } catch (e) { this.handleError(e); } } }; /** * Display a color dialog. */ EditorUi.prototype.pickColor = function (color, apply) { var graph = this.editor.graph; var selState = graph.cellEditor.saveSelection(); var h = 230 + ((Math.ceil(ColorDialog.prototype.presetColors.length / 12) + Math.ceil(ColorDialog.prototype.defaultColors.length / 12)) * 17); var dlg = new ColorDialog(this, mxUtils.rgba2hex(color) || 'none', function (color) { graph.cellEditor.restoreSelection(selState); apply(color); }, function () { graph.cellEditor.restoreSelection(selState); }); this.showDialog(dlg.container, 230, h, true, false); dlg.init(); }; /** * Adds the label menu items to the given menu and parent. */ EditorUi.prototype.openFile = function () { // Closes dialog after open window.openFile = new OpenFile(mxUtils.bind(this, function (cancel) { this.hideDialog(cancel); })); // Removes openFile if dialog is closed this.showDialog(new OpenDialog(this).container, (Editor.useLocalStorage) ? 640 : 320, (Editor.useLocalStorage) ? 480 : 220, true, true, function () { window.openFile = null; }); }; /** * Extracs the graph model from the given HTML data from a data transfer event. */ EditorUi.prototype.extractGraphModelFromHtml = function (data) { var result = null; try { var idx = data.indexOf('<mxGraphModel '); if (idx >= 0) { var idx2 = data.lastIndexOf('</mxGraphModel>'); if (idx2 > idx) { result = data.substring(idx, idx2 + 21).replace(/>/g, '>'). replace(/</g, '<').replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\n/g, ''); } } } catch (e) { // ignore } return result; }; /** * Opens the given files in the editor. */ EditorUi.prototype.readGraphModelFromClipboard = function (fn) { this.readGraphModelFromClipboardWithType(mxUtils.bind(this, function (xml) { if (xml != null) { fn(xml); } else { this.readGraphModelFromClipboardWithType(mxUtils.bind(this, function (xml) { if (xml != null) { var tmp = decodeURIComponent(xml); if (this.isCompatibleString(tmp)) { xml = tmp; } } fn(xml); }), 'text'); } }), 'html'); }; /** * Opens the given files in the editor. */ EditorUi.prototype.readGraphModelFromClipboardWithType = function (fn, type) { navigator.clipboard.read().then(mxUtils.bind(this, function (data) { if (data != null && data.length > 0 && type == 'html' && mxUtils.indexOf(data[0].types, 'text/html') >= 0) { data[0].getType('text/html').then(mxUtils.bind(this, function (blob) { blob.text().then(mxUtils.bind(this, function (value) { try { var elt = this.parseHtmlData(value); var asHtml = elt.getAttribute('data-type') != 'text/plain'; // KNOWN: Paste from IE11 to other browsers on Windows // seems to paste the contents of index.html var xml = (asHtml) ? elt.innerHTML : mxUtils.trim((elt.innerText == null) ? mxUtils.getTextContent(elt) : elt.innerText); // Workaround for junk after XML in VM try { var idx = xml.lastIndexOf('%3E'); if (idx >= 0 && idx < xml.length - 3) { xml = xml.substring(0, idx + 3); } } catch (e) { // ignore } // Checks for embedded XML content try { var spans = elt.getElementsByTagName('span'); var tmp = (spans != null && spans.length > 0) ? mxUtils.trim(decodeURIComponent(spans[0].textContent)) : decodeURIComponent(xml); if (this.isCompatibleString(tmp)) { xml = tmp; } } catch (e) { // ignore } } catch (e) { // ignore } fn(this.isCompatibleString(xml) ? xml : null); }))['catch'](function (data) { fn(null); }); }))['catch'](function (data) { fn(null); }); } else if (data != null && data.length > 0 && type == 'text' && mxUtils.indexOf(data[0].types, 'text/plain') >= 0) { data[0].getType('text/plain').then(function (blob) { blob.text().then(function (value) { fn(value); })['catch'](function () { fn(null); }); })['catch'](function () { fn(null); }); } else { fn(null); } }))['catch'](function (data) { fn(null); }); }; /** * Parses the given HTML data and returns a DIV. */ EditorUi.prototype.parseHtmlData = function (data) { var elt = null; if (data != null && data.length > 0) { var hasMeta = data.substring(0, 6) == '' : '') + Graph.sanitizeHtml(data); asHtml = true; // Workaround for innerText not ignoring style elements in Chrome var styles = elt.getElementsByTagName('style'); if (styles != null) { while (styles.length > 0) { styles[0].parentNode.removeChild(styles[0]); } } // Special case of link pasting from Chrome if (elt.firstChild != null && elt.firstChild.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT && elt.firstChild.nextSibling != null && elt.firstChild.nextSibling.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT && elt.firstChild.nodeName == 'META' && elt.firstChild.nextSibling.nodeName == 'A' && elt.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling == null) { var temp = (elt.firstChild.nextSibling.innerText == null) ? mxUtils.getTextContent(elt.firstChild.nextSibling) : elt.firstChild.nextSibling.innerText; if (temp == elt.firstChild.nextSibling.getAttribute('href')) { mxUtils.setTextContent(elt, temp); asHtml = false; } } // Extracts single image source address with meta tag in markup var img = (hasMeta && elt.firstChild != null) ? elt.firstChild.nextSibling : elt.firstChild; if (img != null && img.nextSibling == null && img.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT && img.nodeName == 'IMG') { var temp = img.getAttribute('src'); if (temp != null) { if (Editor.isPngDataUrl(temp)) { var xml = Editor.extractGraphModelFromPng(temp); if (xml != null && xml.length > 0) { temp = xml; } } mxUtils.setTextContent(elt, temp); asHtml = false; } } else { // Extracts embedded XML or image source address from single PNG image var images = elt.getElementsByTagName('img'); if (images.length == 1) { var img = images[0]; var temp = img.getAttribute('src'); if (temp != null && img.parentNode == elt && elt.children.length == 1) { if (Editor.isPngDataUrl(temp)) { var xml = Editor.extractGraphModelFromPng(temp); if (xml != null && xml.length > 0) { temp = xml; } } mxUtils.setTextContent(elt, temp); asHtml = false; } } } if (asHtml) { Graph.removePasteFormatting(elt); } } if (!asHtml) { elt.setAttribute('data-type', 'text/plain'); } return elt; }; /** * Opens the given files in the editor. */ EditorUi.prototype.extractGraphModelFromEvent = function (evt) { var result = null; var data = null; if (evt != null) { var provider = (evt.dataTransfer != null) ? evt.dataTransfer : evt.clipboardData; if (provider != null) { if (document.documentMode == 10 || document.documentMode == 11) { data = provider.getData('Text'); } else { data = (mxUtils.indexOf(provider.types, 'text/html') >= 0) ? provider.getData('text/html') : null; if (mxUtils.indexOf(provider.types, 'text/plain') >= 0 && (data == null || data.length == 0)) { data = provider.getData('text/plain'); } } if (data != null) { data = Graph.zapGremlins(mxUtils.trim(data)); // Tries parsing as HTML document with embedded XML var xml = this.extractGraphModelFromHtml(data); if (xml != null) { data = xml; } } } } if (data != null && this.isCompatibleString(data)) { result = data; } return result; }; /** * Hook for subclassers to return true if event data is a supported format. * This implementation always returns false. */ EditorUi.prototype.isCompatibleString = function (data) { return false; }; /** * Adds the label menu items to the given menu and parent. */ EditorUi.prototype.saveFile = function (forceDialog) { if (!forceDialog && this.editor.filename != null) { this.save(this.editor.getOrCreateFilename()); } else { var dlg = new FilenameDialog(this, this.editor.getOrCreateFilename(), mxResources.get('save'), mxUtils.bind(this, function (name) { this.save(name); }), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function (name) { if (name != null && name.length > 0) { return true; } mxUtils.confirm(mxResources.get('invalidName')); return false; })); this.showDialog(dlg.container, 300, 100, true, true); dlg.init(); } }; /** * Saves the current graph under the given filename. */ EditorUi.prototype.save = function (name) { if (name != null) { if (this.editor.graph.isEditing()) { this.editor.graph.stopEditing(); } var xml = mxUtils.getXml(this.editor.getGraphXml()); try { if (Editor.useLocalStorage) { if (localStorage.getItem(name) != null && !mxUtils.confirm(mxResources.get('replaceIt', [name]))) { return; } localStorage.setItem(name, xml); this.editor.setStatus(mxUtils.htmlEntities(mxResources.get('saved')) + ' ' + new Date()); } else { if (xml.length < MAX_REQUEST_SIZE) { new mxXmlRequest(SAVE_URL, 'filename=' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '&xml=' + encodeURIComponent(xml)).simulate(document, '_blank'); } else { mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('drawingTooLarge')); mxUtils.popup(xml); return; } } this.editor.setModified(false); this.editor.setFilename(name); this.updateDocumentTitle(); } catch (e) { this.editor.setStatus(mxUtils.htmlEntities(mxResources.get('errorSavingFile'))); } } }; /** * Executes the given array of graph layouts using executeLayout and * calls done after the last layout has finished. */ EditorUi.prototype.executeLayouts = function (layouts, post) { this.executeLayout(mxUtils.bind(this, function () { var layout = new mxCompositeLayout(this.editor.graph, layouts); var cells = this.editor.graph.getSelectionCells(); layout.execute(this.editor.graph.getDefaultParent(), cells.length == 0 ? null : cells); }), true, post); }; /** * Executes the given layout. */ EditorUi.prototype.executeLayout = function (exec, animate, post) { var graph = this.editor.graph; graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { exec(); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { // Animates the changes in the graph model if (this.allowAnimation && animate && graph.isEnabled()) { // New API for animating graph layout results asynchronously var morph = new mxMorphing(graph); morph.addListener(mxEvent.DONE, mxUtils.bind(this, function () { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); if (post != null) { post(); } })); morph.startAnimation(); } else { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); if (post != null) { post(); } } } }; /** * Hides the current menu. */ EditorUi.prototype.showImageDialog = function (title, value, fn, ignoreExisting) { var cellEditor = this.editor.graph.cellEditor; var selState = cellEditor.saveSelection(); var newValue = mxUtils.prompt(title, value); cellEditor.restoreSelection(selState); if (newValue != null && newValue.length > 0) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { fn(newValue, img.width, img.height); }; img.onerror = function () { fn(null); mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('fileNotFound')); }; img.src = newValue; } else { fn(null); } }; /** * Hides the current menu. */ EditorUi.prototype.showLinkDialog = function (value, btnLabel, fn) { var dlg = new LinkDialog(this, value, btnLabel, fn); this.showDialog(dlg.container, 420, 90, true, true); dlg.init(); }; /** * Hides the current menu. */ EditorUi.prototype.showDataDialog = function (cell) { if (cell != null && typeof window.EditDataDialog !== 'undefined') { var dlg = new EditDataDialog(this, cell); this.showDialog(dlg.container, 480, 420, true, false, null, false); dlg.init(); } }; /** * Hides the current menu. */ EditorUi.prototype.showBackgroundImageDialog = function (apply, img) { apply = (apply != null) ? apply : mxUtils.bind(this, function (image) { var change = new ChangePageSetup(this, null, image); change.ignoreColor = true; this.editor.graph.model.execute(change); }); var newValue = mxUtils.prompt(mxResources.get('backgroundImage'), (img != null) ? img.src : ''); if (newValue != null && newValue.length > 0) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { apply(new mxImage(newValue, img.width, img.height), false); }; img.onerror = function () { apply(null, true); mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('fileNotFound')); }; img.src = newValue; } else { apply(null); } }; /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ EditorUi.prototype.setBackgroundImage = function (image) { this.editor.graph.setBackgroundImage(image); this.editor.graph.view.validateBackgroundImage(); this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('backgroundImageChanged')); }; /** * Creates the keyboard event handler for the current graph and history. */ EditorUi.prototype.confirm = function (msg, okFn, cancelFn) { if (mxUtils.confirm(msg)) { if (okFn != null) { okFn(); } } else if (cancelFn != null) { cancelFn(); } }; /** * Creates the keyboard event handler for the current graph and history. */ EditorUi.prototype.createOutline = function (wnd) { var outline = new mxOutline(this.editor.graph); mxEvent.addListener(window, 'resize', function () { outline.update(false); }); return outline; }; // Alt+Shift+Keycode mapping to action EditorUi.prototype.altShiftActions = { 65: 'connectionArrows', // Alt+Shift+A 82: 'clearWaypoints', // Alt+Shift+R 76: 'editLink', // Alt+Shift+L 79: 'connectionPoints', // Alt+Shift+O 81: 'editConnectionPoints', // Alt+Shift+Q 84: 'editTooltip', // Alt+Shift+T 86: 'pasteSize', // Alt+Shift+V 70: 'copySize', // Alt+Shift+F 66: 'copyData', // Alt+Shift+B 69: 'pasteData' // Alt+Shift+E }; /** * Creates the keyboard event handler for the current graph and history. */ EditorUi.prototype.createKeyHandler = function (editor) { var editorUi = this; var graph = this.editor.graph; var keyHandler = new mxKeyHandler(graph); var isEventIgnored = keyHandler.isEventIgnored; keyHandler.isEventIgnored = function (evt) { // Handles undo/redo/ctrl+./,/u via action and allows ctrl+b/i // only if editing value is HTML (except for FF and Safari) // 66, 73 are keycodes for editing actions like bold, italic return !(mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && evt.keyCode == 9) && ((!this.isControlDown(evt) || mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) || (evt.keyCode != 90 && evt.keyCode != 89 && evt.keyCode != 188 && evt.keyCode != 190 && evt.keyCode != 85)) && ((evt.keyCode != 66 && evt.keyCode != 73) || !this.isControlDown(evt) || (this.graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing() && !mxClient.IS_FF && !mxClient.IS_SF)) && ((evt.keyCode != 109 && evt.keyCode != 107) || (!this.isControlDown(evt) && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) || (!this.graph.cellEditor.isContentEditing() && !mxClient.IS_FF && !mxClient.IS_SF)) && isEventIgnored.apply(this, arguments)); }; // Ignores graph enabled state but not chromeless state keyHandler.isEnabledForEvent = function (evt) { return (!mxEvent.isConsumed(evt) && this.isGraphEvent(evt) && this.isEnabled() && (editorUi.dialogs == null || editorUi.dialogs.length == 0)); }; // Routes command-key to control-key on Mac keyHandler.isControlDown = function (evt) { return mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) || (mxClient.IS_MAC && evt.metaKey); }; var thread = null; // Helper function to move cells with the cursor keys function nudge(keyCode, stepSize, resize) { if (!graph.isSelectionEmpty() && graph.isEnabled()) { stepSize = (stepSize != null) ? stepSize : 1; var cells = graph.getCompositeParents(graph.getSelectionCells()); var cell = (cells.length > 0) ? cells[0] : null; if (cell != null) { if (resize) { // Resizes all selected vertices graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { if (graph.getModel().isVertex(cells[i]) && graph.isCellResizable(cells[i])) { var geo = graph.getCellGeometry(cells[i]); if (geo != null) { geo = geo.clone(); if (keyCode == 37) { geo.width = Math.max(0, geo.width - stepSize); } else if (keyCode == 38) { geo.height = Math.max(0, geo.height - stepSize); } else if (keyCode == 39) { geo.width += stepSize; } else if (keyCode == 40) { geo.height += stepSize; } graph.getModel().setGeometry(cells[i], geo); } } } } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } } else { // Moves vertices up/down in a stack layout var parent = graph.model.getParent(cell); var scale = graph.getView().scale; var layout = null; if (graph.getSelectionCount() == 1 && graph.model.isVertex(cell) && graph.layoutManager != null && !graph.isCellLocked(cell)) { layout = graph.layoutManager.getLayout(parent); } if (layout != null && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout) { var index = parent.getIndex(cell); if (keyCode == 37 || keyCode == 38) { graph.model.add(parent, cell, Math.max(0, index - 1)); } else if (keyCode == 39 || keyCode == 40) { graph.model.add(parent, cell, Math.min(graph.model.getChildCount(parent), index + 1)); } } else { var handler = graph.graphHandler; if (handler != null) { if (handler.first == null) { handler.start(cell, 0, 0, graph.getMovableCells(cells)); } if (handler.first != null) { var dx = 0; var dy = 0; if (keyCode == 37) { dx = -stepSize; } else if (keyCode == 38) { dy = -stepSize; } else if (keyCode == 39) { dx = stepSize; } else if (keyCode == 40) { dy = stepSize; } handler.currentDx += dx * scale; handler.currentDy += dy * scale; handler.checkPreview(); handler.updatePreview(); } // Groups move steps in undoable change if (thread != null) { window.clearTimeout(thread); } thread = window.setTimeout(function () { if (handler.first != null) { var dx = handler.roundLength(handler.currentDx / scale); var dy = handler.roundLength(handler.currentDy / scale); handler.moveCells(handler.cells, dx, dy); handler.reset(); } }, 400); } } } } } }; // Overridden to handle special alt+shift+cursor keyboard shortcuts var directions = { 37: mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST, 38: mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH, 39: mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST, 40: mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH }; var keyHandlerGetFunction = keyHandler.getFunction; mxKeyHandler.prototype.getFunction = function (evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { // TODO: Add alt modifier state in core API, here are some specific cases if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && mxEvent.isAltDown(evt)) { var action = editorUi.actions.get(editorUi.altShiftActions[evt.keyCode]); if (action != null) { return action.funct; } } if (directions[evt.keyCode] != null && !graph.isSelectionEmpty()) { // On macOS, Control+Cursor is used by Expose so allow for Alt+Control to resize if (!this.isControlDown(evt) && mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && mxEvent.isAltDown(evt)) { if (graph.model.isVertex(graph.getSelectionCell())) { return function () { var cells = graph.connectVertex(graph.getSelectionCell(), directions[evt.keyCode], graph.defaultEdgeLength, evt, true); if (cells != null && cells.length > 0) { if (cells.length == 1 && graph.model.isEdge(cells[0])) { graph.setSelectionCell(graph.model.getTerminal(cells[0], false)); } else { graph.setSelectionCell(cells[cells.length - 1]); } graph.scrollCellToVisible(graph.getSelectionCell()); if (editorUi.hoverIcons != null) { editorUi.hoverIcons.update(graph.view.getState(graph.getSelectionCell())); } } }; } } else { // Avoids consuming event if no vertex is selected by returning null below // Cursor keys move and resize (ctrl) cells if (this.isControlDown(evt)) { return function () { nudge(evt.keyCode, (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) ? graph.gridSize : null, true); }; } else { return function () { nudge(evt.keyCode, (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) ? graph.gridSize : null); }; } } } } return keyHandlerGetFunction.apply(this, arguments); }; // Binds keystrokes to actions keyHandler.bindAction = mxUtils.bind(this, function (code, control, key, shift) { var action = this.actions.get(key); if (action != null) { var f = function () { if (action.isEnabled()) { action.funct.apply(this, arguments); } }; if (control) { if (shift) { keyHandler.bindControlShiftKey(code, f); } else { keyHandler.bindControlKey(code, f); } } else { if (shift) { keyHandler.bindShiftKey(code, f); } else { keyHandler.bindKey(code, f); } } } }); var ui = this; var keyHandlerEscape = keyHandler.escape; keyHandler.escape = function (evt) { keyHandlerEscape.apply(this, arguments); }; // Ignores enter keystroke. Remove this line if you want the // enter keystroke to stop editing. N, W, T are reserved. keyHandler.enter = function () { }; keyHandler.bindControlShiftKey(36, function () { graph.exitGroup(); }); // Ctrl+Shift+Home keyHandler.bindControlShiftKey(35, function () { graph.enterGroup(); }); // Ctrl+Shift+End keyHandler.bindShiftKey(36, function () { graph.home(); }); // Ctrl+Shift+Home keyHandler.bindKey(35, function () { graph.refresh(); }); // End keyHandler.bindAction(107, true, 'zoomIn'); // Ctrl+Plus keyHandler.bindAction(109, true, 'zoomOut'); // Ctrl+Minus keyHandler.bindAction(80, true, 'print'); // Ctrl+P if (!this.editor.chromeless || this.editor.editable) { keyHandler.bindAction(79, true, 'outline', true); // Ctrl+Shift+O keyHandler.bindControlKey(36, function () { if (graph.isEnabled()) { graph.foldCells(true); } }); // Ctrl+Home keyHandler.bindControlKey(35, function () { if (graph.isEnabled()) { graph.foldCells(false); } }); // Ctrl+End keyHandler.bindControlKey(13, function () { ui.ctrlEnter(); }); // Ctrl+Enter keyHandler.bindAction(8, false, 'delete'); // Backspace keyHandler.bindAction(8, true, 'deleteAll'); // Ctrl+Backspace keyHandler.bindAction(8, false, 'deleteLabels', true); // Shift+Backspace keyHandler.bindAction(46, false, 'delete'); // Delete keyHandler.bindAction(46, true, 'deleteAll'); // Ctrl+Delete keyHandler.bindAction(46, false, 'deleteLabels', true); // Shift+Delete keyHandler.bindAction(36, false, 'resetView'); // Home keyHandler.bindAction(72, true, 'fitWindow', true); // Ctrl+Shift+H keyHandler.bindAction(74, true, 'fitPage'); // Ctrl+J keyHandler.bindAction(74, true, 'fitTwoPages', true); // Ctrl+Shift+J keyHandler.bindAction(48, true, 'customZoom'); // Ctrl+0 keyHandler.bindAction(82, true, 'turn'); // Ctrl+R keyHandler.bindAction(82, true, 'clearDefaultStyle', true); // Ctrl+Shift+R keyHandler.bindAction(83, true, 'save'); // Ctrl+S keyHandler.bindAction(83, true, 'saveAs', true); // Ctrl+Shift+S keyHandler.bindAction(65, true, 'selectAll'); // Ctrl+A keyHandler.bindAction(65, true, 'selectNone', true); // Ctrl+A keyHandler.bindAction(73, true, 'selectVertices', true); // Ctrl+Shift+I keyHandler.bindAction(69, true, 'selectEdges', true); // Ctrl+Shift+E keyHandler.bindAction(69, true, 'editStyle'); // Ctrl+E keyHandler.bindAction(66, true, 'bold'); // Ctrl+B keyHandler.bindAction(66, true, 'toBack', true); // Ctrl+Shift+B keyHandler.bindAction(70, true, 'toFront', true); // Ctrl+Shift+F keyHandler.bindAction(68, true, 'duplicate'); // Ctrl+D keyHandler.bindAction(68, true, 'setAsDefaultStyle', true); // Ctrl+Shift+D keyHandler.bindAction(90, true, 'undo'); // Ctrl+Z keyHandler.bindAction(89, true, 'autosize', true); // Ctrl+Shift+Y keyHandler.bindAction(88, true, 'cut'); // Ctrl+X keyHandler.bindAction(67, true, 'copy'); // Ctrl+C keyHandler.bindAction(86, true, 'paste'); // Ctrl+V keyHandler.bindAction(71, true, 'group'); // Ctrl+G keyHandler.bindAction(77, true, 'editData'); // Ctrl+M keyHandler.bindAction(71, true, 'grid', true); // Ctrl+Shift+G keyHandler.bindAction(73, true, 'italic'); // Ctrl+I keyHandler.bindAction(76, true, 'lockUnlock'); // Ctrl+L keyHandler.bindAction(76, true, 'layers', true); // Ctrl+Shift+L keyHandler.bindAction(80, true, 'format', true); // Ctrl+Shift+P keyHandler.bindAction(85, true, 'underline'); // Ctrl+U keyHandler.bindAction(85, true, 'ungroup', true); // Ctrl+Shift+U keyHandler.bindAction(109, true, 'decreaseFontSize', true); // Ctrl+Shift+Minus keyHandler.bindAction(107, true, 'increaseFontSize', true); // Ctrl+Shift+Plus keyHandler.bindAction(219, true, 'decreaseFontSize', true); // Ctrl+{ keyHandler.bindAction(221, true, 'increaseFontSize', true); // Ctrl+} keyHandler.bindAction(190, true, 'superscript'); // Ctrl+. keyHandler.bindAction(188, true, 'subscript'); // Ctrl+, keyHandler.bindAction(13, false, 'keyPressEnter'); // Enter keyHandler.bindKey(113, function () { if (graph.isEnabled()) { graph.startEditingAtCell(); } }); // F2 } if (!mxClient.IS_WIN) { keyHandler.bindAction(90, true, 'redo', true); // Ctrl+Shift+Z } else { keyHandler.bindAction(89, true, 'redo'); // Ctrl+Y } return keyHandler; }; /** * Creates the keyboard event handler for the current graph and history. */ EditorUi.prototype.destroy = function () { var graph = this.editor.graph; if (graph != null && this.selectionStateListener != null) { graph.getSelectionModel().removeListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.selectionStateListener); graph.getModel().removeListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.selectionStateListener); graph.removeListener(mxEvent.EDITING_STARTED, this.selectionStateListener); graph.removeListener(mxEvent.EDITING_STOPPED, this.selectionStateListener); graph.getView().removeListener('unitChanged', this.selectionStateListener); this.selectionStateListener = null; } if (this.editor != null) { this.editor.destroy(); this.editor = null; } if (this.menubar != null) { this.menubar.destroy(); this.menubar = null; } if (this.toolbar != null) { this.toolbar.destroy(); this.toolbar = null; } if (this.sidebar != null) { this.sidebar.destroy(); this.sidebar = null; } if (this.keyHandler != null) { this.keyHandler.destroy(); this.keyHandler = null; } if (this.keydownHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(document, 'keydown', this.keydownHandler); this.keydownHandler = null; } if (this.keyupHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(document, 'keyup', this.keyupHandler); this.keyupHandler = null; } if (this.resizeHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(window, 'resize', this.resizeHandler); this.resizeHandler = null; } if (this.gestureHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeGestureListeners(document, this.gestureHandler); this.gestureHandler = null; } if (this.orientationChangeHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(window, 'orientationchange', this.orientationChangeHandler); this.orientationChangeHandler = null; } if (this.scrollHandler != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(window, 'scroll', this.scrollHandler); this.scrollHandler = null; } if (this.destroyFunctions != null) { for (var i = 0; i < this.destroyFunctions.length; i++) { this.destroyFunctions[i](); } this.destroyFunctions = null; } var c = [this.menubarContainer, this.toolbarContainer, this.sidebarContainer, this.formatContainer, this.diagramContainer, this.footerContainer, this.chromelessToolbar, this.hsplit, this.layersDialog]; for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (c[i] != null && c[i].parentNode != null) { c[i].parentNode.removeChild(c[i]); } } }; EditorUi.prototype.exportImage = function (scale, transparentBackground, ignoreSelection, addShadow, editable, border, noCrop, format, exportHandler) { format = (format != null) ? format : 'png'; var selectionEmpty = this.editor.graph.isSelectionEmpty(); ignoreSelection = (ignoreSelection != null) ? ignoreSelection : selectionEmpty; // Caches images if (this.thumbImageCache == null) { this.thumbImageCache = new Object(); } try { this.exportToCanvas(mxUtils.bind(this, function (canvas) { try { this.saveCanvas(canvas, (editable) ? this.getFileData(true, null, null, null, ignoreSelection) : null, format, exportHandler); } catch (e) { this.handleError(e); } }), null, this.thumbImageCache, null, mxUtils.bind(this, function (e) { this.handleError(e); }), null, ignoreSelection, scale || 1, transparentBackground, addShadow, null, null, border, noCrop); } catch (e) { this.handleError(e); } }; EditorUi.prototype.handleError = function (error) { throw error; } /** * */ EditorUi.prototype.exportToCanvas = function (callback, width, imageCache, background, error, limitHeight, ignoreSelection, scale, transparentBackground, addShadow, converter, graph, border, noCrop) { limitHeight = (limitHeight != null) ? limitHeight : true; ignoreSelection = (ignoreSelection != null) ? ignoreSelection : true; graph = (graph != null) ? graph : this.editor.graph; border = (border != null) ? border : 0; this.convertImages(graph.getSvg(null, null, null), mxUtils.bind(this, function (svgRoot) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { try { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var w = parseInt(svgRoot.getAttribute('width')); var h = parseInt(svgRoot.getAttribute('height')); scale = (scale != null) ? scale : 1; if (width != null) { scale = (!limitHeight) ? width / w : Math.min(1, Math.min((width * 3) / (h * 4), width / w)); } w = Math.ceil(scale * w) + 2 * border; h = Math.ceil(scale * h) + 2 * border; canvas.setAttribute('width', w); canvas.setAttribute('height', h); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.scale(scale, scale); // Workaround for broken data URI images in Safari on first export if (mxClient.IS_SF) { window.setTimeout(function () { ctx.drawImage(img, border / scale, border / scale); callback(canvas); }, 0); } else { ctx.drawImage(img, border / scale, border / scale); callback(canvas); } } catch (e) { this.handleError(e); } }); img.onerror = function (e) { this.handleError(e); }; try { if (addShadow) { this.editor.graph.addSvgShadow(svgRoot); } var done = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (this.editor.resolvedFontCss != null) { var st = document.createElement('style'); st.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); st.innerHTML = this.editor.resolvedFontCss; // Must be in defs section for FF to work var defs = svgRoot.getElementsByTagName('defs'); defs[0].appendChild(st); } img.src = this.createSvgDataUri(mxUtils.getXml(svgRoot)); }); this.loadFonts(done); } catch (e) { //console.log('src', e, img.src); this.handleError(e); } }), imageCache, converter); }; /** * Converts all images in the SVG output to data URIs for immediate rendering */ EditorUi.prototype.convertImages = function (svgRoot, callback, imageCache, converter) { // Converts images to data URLs for immediate painting if (converter == null) { converter = this.createImageUrlConverter(); } // Barrier for asynchronous image loading var counter = 0; function inc() { counter++; }; function dec() { counter--; if (counter == 0) { callback(svgRoot); } }; var cache = imageCache || new Object(); var convertImages = mxUtils.bind(this, function (tagName, srcAttr) { var images = svgRoot.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function (img) { var src = converter.convert(img.getAttribute(srcAttr)); // Data URIs are pass-through if (src != null && src.substring(0, 5) != 'data:') { var tmp = cache[src]; if (tmp == null) { inc(); this.convertImageToDataUri(src, function (uri) { if (uri != null) { cache[src] = uri; img.setAttribute(srcAttr, uri); } dec(); }); } else { img.setAttribute(srcAttr, tmp); } } else if (src != null) { img.setAttribute(srcAttr, src); } }))(images[i]); } }); // Converts all known image tags in output // LATER: Add support for images in CSS convertImages('image', 'xlink:href'); convertImages('img', 'src'); // All from cache or no images if (counter == 0) { callback(svgRoot); } }; /** * Converts all images in the SVG output to data URIs for immediate rendering */ EditorUi.prototype.createImageUrlConverter = function () { var converter = new mxUrlConverter(); converter.updateBaseUrl(); // Extends convert to avoid CORS using an image proxy server where needed var convert = converter.convert; var self = this; converter.convert = function (src) { // if (src != null) // { // var remote = src.substring(0, 7) == 'http://' || src.substring(0, 8) == 'https://'; // if (remote && !navigator.onLine) // { // src = self.svgBrokenImage.src; // } // else if (remote && src.substring(0, converter.baseUrl.length) != converter.baseUrl && // (!self.crossOriginImages || !self.isCorsEnabledForUrl(src))) // { // src = PROXY_URL + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(src); // } // else if (src.substring(0, 19) != 'chrome-extension://') // { // src = convert.apply(this, arguments); // } // } return src; }; return converter; }; /** * For the fontCSS to be applied when rendering images on canvas, the actual * font data must be made available via a data URI encoding of the file. */ EditorUi.prototype.loadFonts = function (then) { if (this.editor.fontCss != null && this.editor.resolvedFontCss == null) { var parts = this.editor.fontCss.split('url('); var waiting = 0; var fonts = {}; // Strips leading and trailing quotes and spaces function trimString(str) { return str.replace(new RegExp("^[\\s\"']+", "g"), "").replace(new RegExp("[\\s\"']+$", "g"), ""); }; var finish = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { if (waiting == 0) { // Constructs string var result = [parts[0]]; for (var j = 1; j < parts.length; j++) { var idx = parts[j].indexOf(')'); result.push('url("'); result.push(fonts[trimString(parts[j].substring(0, idx))]); result.push('"' + parts[j].substring(idx)); } this.editor.resolvedFontCss = result.join(''); then(); } }); if (parts.length > 0) { for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { var idx = parts[i].indexOf(')'); var format = null; // Checks if there is a format directive var fmtIdx = parts[i].indexOf('format(', idx); if (fmtIdx > 0) { format = trimString(parts[i].substring(fmtIdx + 7, parts[i].indexOf(')', fmtIdx))); } (mxUtils.bind(this, function (url) { if (fonts[url] == null) { // Mark font es being fetched and fetch it fonts[url] = url; waiting++; var mime = 'application/x-font-ttf'; // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2871655/proper-mime-type-for-fonts if (format == 'svg' || /(\.svg)($|\?)/i.test(url)) { mime = 'image/svg+xml'; } else if (format == 'otf' || format == 'embedded-opentype' || /(\.otf)($|\?)/i.test(url)) { mime = 'application/x-font-opentype'; } else if (format == 'woff' || /(\.woff)($|\?)/i.test(url)) { mime = 'application/font-woff'; } else if (format == 'woff2' || /(\.woff2)($|\?)/i.test(url)) { mime = 'application/font-woff2'; } else if (format == 'eot' || /(\.eot)($|\?)/i.test(url)) { mime = 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject'; } else if (format == 'sfnt' || /(\.sfnt)($|\?)/i.test(url)) { mime = 'application/font-sfnt'; } var realUrl = url; if ((/^https?:\/\//.test(realUrl)) && !this.isCorsEnabledForUrl(realUrl)) { realUrl = PROXY_URL + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url); } // LATER: Remove cache-control header this.loadUrl(realUrl, mxUtils.bind(this, function (uri) { fonts[url] = uri; waiting--; finish(); }), mxUtils.bind(this, function (err) { // LATER: handle error waiting--; finish(); }), true, null, 'data:' + mime + ';charset=utf-8;base64,'); } }))(trimString(parts[i].substring(0, idx)), format); } } } else { then(); } }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ EditorUi.prototype.createSvgDataUri = function (svg) { return 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(svg))); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ EditorUi.prototype.getFileData = function (forceXml, forceSvg, forceHtml, embeddedCallback, ignoreSelection, currentPage, node, compact, file) { ignoreSelection = (ignoreSelection != null) ? ignoreSelection : true; currentPage = (currentPage != null) ? currentPage : false; node = this.editor.getGraphXml(ignoreSelection); var graph = this.editor.graph; var result = this.createFileData(node, graph, file, window.location.href, forceXml, forceSvg, forceHtml, embeddedCallback, ignoreSelection, compact); // Removes temporary graph from DOM if (graph != this.editor.graph) { graph.container.parentNode.removeChild(graph.container); } return result; }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ EditorUi.prototype.createFileData = function (node, graph, file, url, forceXml, forceSvg, forceHtml, embeddedCallback, ignoreSelection, compact) { graph = (graph != null) ? graph : this.editor.graph; forceXml = (forceXml != null) ? forceXml : false; ignoreSelection = (ignoreSelection != null) ? ignoreSelection : true; var editLink = null; var redirect = null; if (file == null || file.getMode() == App.MODE_DEVICE || file.getMode() == App.MODE_BROWSER) { editLink = '_blank'; } else { editLink = url; redirect = editLink; } if (node == null) { return ''; } else { var fileNode = node; // Ignores case for possible HTML or XML nodes if (fileNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'mxfile') { // Removes control chars in input for correct roundtrip check var text = graph.zapGremlins(mxUtils.getXml(node)); var data = graph.compress(text); // Fallback to plain XML for invalid compression // TODO: Remove this fallback with active pages if (graph.decompress(data) != text) { return text; } else { var diagramNode = node.ownerDocument.createElement('diagram'); diagramNode.setAttribute('id', 'tapd-' + Editor.guid()); mxUtils.setTextContent(diagramNode, data); fileNode = node.ownerDocument.createElement('mxfile'); fileNode.appendChild(diagramNode); } } if (!compact) { // Removes old metadata fileNode.removeAttribute('userAgent'); fileNode.removeAttribute('version'); fileNode.removeAttribute('editor'); fileNode.removeAttribute('type'); // Adds new metadata fileNode.setAttribute('modified', new Date().toISOString()); fileNode.setAttribute('host', window.location.hostname); fileNode.setAttribute('agent', navigator.userAgent); fileNode.setAttribute('version', EditorUi.VERSION); fileNode.setAttribute('etag', 'tapd-' + Editor.guid()); var md = (file != null) ? file.getMode() : this.mode; if (md != null) { fileNode.setAttribute('type', md); } } else { fileNode = fileNode.cloneNode(true); fileNode.removeAttribute('userAgent'); fileNode.removeAttribute('version'); fileNode.removeAttribute('editor'); fileNode.removeAttribute('type'); } var xml = mxUtils.getXml(fileNode); return xml; } }; /** * */ EditorUi.prototype.saveCanvas = function (canvas, xml, format, exportHandler) { var ext = ((format == 'jpeg') ? 'jpg' : format); var filename = this.getBaseFilename() + '.' + ext; var data = this.createImageDataUri(canvas, xml, format); if (exportHandler && typeof exportHandler === 'function') { exportHandler(data, filename); } else { this.doDownloadFile(data.substring(data.lastIndexOf(',') + 1), filename, 'image/' + format, true, format); } }; EditorUi.prototype.getBaseFilename = function () { return this.editor.getFilename(); }; EditorUi.prototype.createImageDataUri = function (canvas, xml, format) { var data = canvas.toDataURL('image/' + format); // Checks if output is invalid or empty if (data.length <= 6 || data == canvas.cloneNode(false).toDataURL('image/' + format)) { throw { message: 'Invalid image' }; } if (xml != null) { data = this.writeGraphModelToPng(data, 'zTXt', 'mxGraphModel', atob(this.editor.graph.compress(xml))); } return data; }; /** * Adds the given text to the compressed or non-compressed text chunk. */ EditorUi.prototype.writeGraphModelToPng = function (data, type, key, value, error) { var base64 = data.substring(data.indexOf(',') + 1); var f = (window.atob) ? atob(base64) : Base64.decode(base64, true); var pos = 0; function fread(d, count) { var start = pos; pos += count; return d.substring(start, pos); }; // Reads unsigned long 32 bit big endian function _freadint(d) { var bytes = fread(d, 4); return bytes.charCodeAt(3) + (bytes.charCodeAt(2) << 8) + (bytes.charCodeAt(1) << 16) + (bytes.charCodeAt(0) << 24); }; function writeInt(num) { return String.fromCharCode((num >> 24) & 0x000000ff, (num >> 16) & 0x000000ff, (num >> 8) & 0x000000ff, num & 0x000000ff); }; // Checks signature if (fread(f, 8) != String.fromCharCode(137) + 'PNG' + String.fromCharCode(13, 10, 26, 10)) { if (error != null) { error(); } return; } // Reads header chunk fread(f, 4); if (fread(f, 4) != 'IHDR') { if (error != null) { error(); } return; } fread(f, 17); var result = f.substring(0, pos); do { var n = _freadint(f); var chunk = fread(f, 4); if (chunk == 'IDAT') { result = f.substring(0, pos - 8); var chunkData = key + String.fromCharCode(0) + ((type == 'zTXt') ? String.fromCharCode(0) : '') + value; // FIXME: Wrong crc var crc = 0xffffffff; crc = this.updateCRC(crc, type, 0, 4); crc = this.updateCRC(crc, chunkData, 0, chunkData.length); result += writeInt(chunkData.length) + type + chunkData + writeInt(crc ^ 0xffffffff); result += f.substring(pos - 8, f.length); break; } result += f.substring(pos - 8, pos - 4 + n); fread(f, n); fread(f, 4); } while (n); return 'data:image/png;base64,' + ((window.btoa) ? btoa(result) : Base64.encode(result, true)); }; EditorUi.prototype.crcTable = []; for (var n = 0; n < 256; n++) { var c = n; for (var k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if ((c & 1) == 1) { c = 0xedb88320 ^ (c >>> 1); } else { c >>>= 1; } EditorUi.prototype.crcTable[n] = c; } } EditorUi.prototype.updateCRC = function (crc, data, off, len) { var c = crc; for (var n = 0; n < len; n++) { c = EditorUi.prototype.crcTable[(c ^ data[off + n]) & 0xff] ^ (c >>> 8); } return c; };