update v1

master v1.0.0
veypi 2 years ago
parent d3c994bb2e
commit f88ef1394e

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func Router(r OneBD.Router) {
MountFunc: userFileChecker,
log.Info().Msgf("start file server on %s", cfg.CFG.Host)
r.Set("/usr/", usrF.ServeHTTP, rfc.MethodAll)
r.Set("/usr", usrF.ServeHTTP, rfc.MethodAll)
r.Set("/usr/*", usrF.ServeHTTP, rfc.MethodAll)
// 应用存储文件
appF := fs.FS{

@ -63,5 +63,6 @@ func main() {
return nil
_ = app.Run(os.Args)

@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import router from './router'
import {store, key} from './store'
import OneIcon from '@veypi/one-icon'
import naive from 'naive-ui'
import './index.css'
import {Api} from './api'
import './index.css'
import './assets/icon.js'
import 'animate.css'

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import {ref} from 'vue'
export let Cfg= {
export let Cfg = {
token: ref(''),
uuid: ref(''),
host: ref(''),
@ -16,4 +16,7 @@ export let Cfg= {
BaseUrl() {
return this.host.value + this.prefix
userFileUrl() {
return (this.host.value || window.location.href) + '/file/usr/'

@ -21,22 +21,35 @@
<n-button @click="showModal=true" type="primary">获取挂载链接</n-button>
<n-modal v-model:show="showModal">
<n-card style="width: 600px;" title="模态框" :bordered="false" size="huge">
<template #header-extra> </template>
<template #footer> 尾部 </template>
<n-card style="width: 600px;" title="云盘挂载地址" :bordered="false" size="huge">
<template #header-extra>复制</template>
{{ Cfg.userFileUrl() }}
<template #footer> 挂载说明</template>
<hr class="mt-10" style="border:none;border-top:1px solid #777;">
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {createClient} from '../libs/webdav'
import {modelsUser} from '../models'
import {ref} from 'vue'
import {onMounted, ref} from 'vue'
import {Cfg} from '../api'
let showModal = ref(false)
let props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
usr: modelsUser
}>(), {})
let client = createClient('',
{headers: {auth_token: localStorage.getItem('auth_token') as string}})
onMounted(() => {
client.stat('').then((e) => {
}).catch((e) => {
<style scoped>

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<div style="height: 100%; width: 300px" class="core-right">
<transition appear enter-active-class="animate__slideInRight">
<div class="flex right-title animate__animated animate__faster px-3">
<div class="flex-grow text-left" style="font-size: 1.5rem">
<div class="flex-grow text-left" style="font-size: 1.2rem">
<slot name="title"></slot>
<div class="flex-grow-0 flex items-center h-full">

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import { toBase64 } from "../tools/encode";
import { AuthHeader } from "../types";
export function generateBasicAuthHeader(username: string, password: string): AuthHeader {
const encoded = toBase64(`${username}:${password}`);
return `Basic ${encoded}`;

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import md5 from "md5";
import { ha1Compute } from "../tools/crypto";
import { DigestContext, Response } from "../types";
const NONCE_CHARS = "abcdef0123456789";
const NONCE_SIZE = 32;
export function createDigestContext(username: string, password: string): DigestContext {
return { username, password, nc: 0, algorithm: "md5", hasDigestAuth: false };
export function generateDigestAuthHeader(options, digest: DigestContext): string {
const url = options.url.replace("//", "");
const uri = url.indexOf("/") == -1 ? "/" : url.slice(url.indexOf("/"));
const method = options.method ? options.method.toUpperCase() : "GET";
const qop = /(^|,)\s*auth\s*($|,)/.test(digest.qop) ? "auth" : false;
const ncString = `00000000${digest.nc}`.slice(-8);
const ha1 = ha1Compute(
const ha2 = md5(`${method}:${uri}`);
const digestResponse = qop
? md5(`${ha1}:${digest.nonce}:${ncString}:${digest.cnonce}:${qop}:${ha2}`)
: md5(`${ha1}:${digest.nonce}:${ha2}`);
const authValues = {
username: digest.username,
realm: digest.realm,
nonce: digest.nonce,
response: digestResponse,
nc: ncString,
cnonce: digest.cnonce,
algorithm: digest.algorithm,
opaque: digest.opaque
const authHeader = [];
for (const k in authValues) {
if (authValues[k]) {
if (k === "qop" || k === "nc" || k === "algorithm") {
} else {
return `Digest ${authHeader.join(", ")}`;
function makeNonce(): string {
let uid = "";
for (let i = 0; i < NONCE_SIZE; ++i) {
uid = `${uid}${NONCE_CHARS[Math.floor(Math.random() * NONCE_CHARS.length)]}`;
return uid;
export function parseDigestAuth(response: Response, _digest: DigestContext): boolean {
const authHeader = response.headers["www-authenticate"] || "";
if (authHeader.split(/\s/)[0].toLowerCase() !== "digest") {
return false;
const re = /([a-z0-9_-]+)=(?:"([^"]+)"|([a-z0-9_-]+))/gi;
for (;;) {
const match = re.exec(authHeader);
if (!match) {
_digest[match[1]] = match[2] || match[3];
_digest.nc += 1;
_digest.cnonce = makeNonce();
return true;

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { Layerr } from "layerr";
import { createDigestContext } from "./digest";
import { generateBasicAuthHeader } from "./basic";
import { generateTokenAuthHeader } from "./oauth";
import { AuthType, ErrorCode, OAuthToken, WebDAVClientContext } from "../types";
export function setupAuth(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
username: string,
password: string,
oauthToken: OAuthToken
): void {
switch (context.authType) {
case AuthType.Digest:
context.digest = createDigestContext(username, password);
case AuthType.None:
// Do nothing
case AuthType.Password:
context.headers.Authorization = generateBasicAuthHeader(username, password);
case AuthType.Token:
context.headers.Authorization = generateTokenAuthHeader(oauthToken);
throw new Layerr(
info: {
code: ErrorCode.InvalidAuthType
`Invalid auth type: ${context.authType}`

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import { AuthHeader, OAuthToken } from "../types";
export function generateTokenAuthHeader(token: OAuthToken): AuthHeader {
return `${token.token_type} ${token.access_token}`;

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
const hasArrayBuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer === "function";
const { toString: objToString } = Object.prototype;
// Taken from: https://github.com/fengyuanchen/is-array-buffer/blob/master/src/index.js
export function isArrayBuffer(value: any): boolean {
return (
hasArrayBuffer &&
(value instanceof ArrayBuffer || objToString.call(value) === "[object ArrayBuffer]")

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
export function isBuffer(value: any): boolean {
return (
value != null &&
value.constructor != null &&
typeof value.constructor.isBuffer === "function" &&

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import HotPatcher from "hot-patcher";
let __patcher: HotPatcher = null;
export function getPatcher(): HotPatcher {
if (!__patcher) {
__patcher = new HotPatcher();
return __patcher;

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import Stream from "stream";
import { extractURLPath } from "./tools/url";
import { setupAuth } from "./auth/index";
import { copyFile } from "./operations/copyFile";
import { createDirectory } from "./operations/createDirectory";
import { createReadStream, createWriteStream } from "./operations/createStream";
import { customRequest } from "./operations/customRequest";
import { deleteFile } from "./operations/deleteFile";
import { exists } from "./operations/exists";
import { getDirectoryContents } from "./operations/directoryContents";
import { getFileContents, getFileDownloadLink } from "./operations/getFileContents";
import { lock, unlock } from "./operations/lock";
import { getQuota } from "./operations/getQuota";
import { getStat } from "./operations/stat";
import { moveFile } from "./operations/moveFile";
import { getFileUploadLink, putFileContents } from "./operations/putFileContents";
import {
} from "./types";
export function createClient(remoteURL: string, options: WebDAVClientOptions = {}): WebDAVClient {
const {
authType: authTypeRaw = null,
headers = {},
} = options;
let authType = authTypeRaw;
if (!authType) {
authType = username || password ? AuthType.Password : AuthType.None;
const context: WebDAVClientContext = {
headers: Object.assign({}, headers),
remotePath: extractURLPath(remoteURL),
setupAuth(context, username, password, token);
return {
copyFile: (filename: string, destination: string, options?: WebDAVMethodOptions) =>
copyFile(context, filename, destination, options),
createDirectory: (path: string, options?: WebDAVMethodOptions) =>
createDirectory(context, path, options),
createReadStream: (filename: string, options?: CreateReadStreamOptions) =>
createReadStream(context, filename, options),
createWriteStream: (
filename: string,
options?: CreateWriteStreamOptions,
callback?: CreateWriteStreamCallback
) => createWriteStream(context, filename, options, callback),
customRequest: (path: string, requestOptions: RequestOptionsCustom) =>
customRequest(context, path, requestOptions),
deleteFile: (filename: string, options?: WebDAVMethodOptions) =>
deleteFile(context, filename, options),
exists: (path: string, options?: WebDAVMethodOptions) => exists(context, path, options),
getDirectoryContents: (path: string, options?: GetDirectoryContentsOptions) =>
getDirectoryContents(context, path, options),
getFileContents: (filename: string, options?: GetFileContentsOptions) =>
getFileContents(context, filename, options),
getFileDownloadLink: (filename: string) => getFileDownloadLink(context, filename),
getFileUploadLink: (filename: string) => getFileUploadLink(context, filename),
getHeaders: () => Object.assign({}, context.headers),
getQuota: (options?: GetQuotaOptions) => getQuota(context, options),
lock: (path: string, options?: LockOptions) => lock(context, path, options),
moveFile: (filename: string, destinationFilename: string, options?: WebDAVMethodOptions) =>
moveFile(context, filename, destinationFilename, options),
putFileContents: (
filename: string,
data: string | BufferLike | Stream.Readable,
options?: PutFileContentsOptions
) => putFileContents(context, filename, data, options),
setHeaders: (headers: Headers) => {
context.headers = Object.assign({}, headers);
stat: (path: string, options?: StatOptions) => getStat(context, path, options),
unlock: (path: string, token: string, options?: WebDAVMethodOptions) =>
unlock(context, path, token, options)

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export { createClient } from "./factory";
export { getPatcher } from "./compat/patcher";
export * from "./types";
export { parseStat, parseXML } from "./tools/dav";

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode } from "../response";
import { WebDAVClientContext, WebDAVMethodOptions } from "../types";
export async function copyFile(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filename: string,
destination: string,
options: WebDAVMethodOptions = {}
): Promise<void> {
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filename)),
method: "COPY",
headers: {
Destination: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(destination))
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath, getAllDirectories, normalisePath } from "../tools/path";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode } from "../response";
import { getStat } from "./stat";
import { CreateDirectoryOptions, FileStat, WebDAVClientContext, WebDAVClientError } from "../types";
export async function createDirectory(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
dirPath: string,
options: CreateDirectoryOptions = {}
): Promise<void> {
if (options.recursive === true) return createDirectoryRecursively(context, dirPath, options);
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, ensureCollectionPath(encodePath(dirPath))),
method: "MKCOL"
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
* Ensure the path is a proper "collection" path by ensuring it has a trailing "/".
* The proper format of collection according to the specification does contain the trailing slash.
* http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.5.2
* @param path Path of the collection
* @return string Path of the collection with appended trailing "/" in case the `path` does not have it.
function ensureCollectionPath(path: string): string {
if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
return path + "/";
return path;
async function createDirectoryRecursively(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
dirPath: string,
options: CreateDirectoryOptions = {}
): Promise<void> {
const paths = getAllDirectories(normalisePath(dirPath));
paths.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.length > b.length) {
return 1;
} else if (b.length > a.length) {
return -1;
return 0;
let creating: boolean = false;
for (const testPath of paths) {
if (creating) {
await createDirectory(context, testPath, {
recursive: false
try {
const testStat = (await getStat(context, testPath)) as FileStat;
if (testStat.type !== "directory") {
throw new Error(`Path includes a file: ${dirPath}`);
} catch (err) {
const error = err as WebDAVClientError;
if (error.status === 404) {
creating = true;
await createDirectory(context, testPath, {
recursive: false
} else {
throw err;

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import Stream from "stream";
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode } from "../response";
import {
} from "../types";
const NOOP = () => {};
export function createReadStream(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filePath: string,
options: CreateReadStreamOptions = {}
): Stream.Readable {
const PassThroughStream = Stream.PassThrough;
const outStream = new PassThroughStream();
getFileStream(context, filePath, options)
.then(stream => {
.catch(err => {
outStream.emit("error", err);
return outStream;
export function createWriteStream(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filePath: string,
options: CreateWriteStreamOptions = {},
callback: CreateWriteStreamCallback = NOOP
): Stream.Writable {
const PassThroughStream = Stream.PassThrough;
const writeStream = new PassThroughStream();
const headers = {};
if (options.overwrite === false) {
headers["If-None-Match"] = "*";
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filePath)),
method: "PUT",
data: writeStream,
maxRedirects: 0
.then(response => handleResponseCode(context, response))
.then(response => {
// Fire callback asynchronously to avoid errors
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
.catch(err => {
writeStream.emit("error", err);
return writeStream;
async function getFileStream(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filePath: string,
options: CreateReadStreamOptions = {}
): Promise<Stream.Readable> {
const headers: Headers = {};
if (typeof options.range === "object" && typeof options.range.start === "number") {
let rangeHeader = `bytes=${options.range.start}-`;
if (typeof options.range.end === "number") {
rangeHeader = `${rangeHeader}${options.range.end}`;
headers.Range = rangeHeader;
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filePath)),
method: "GET",
responseType: "stream"
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
if (headers.Range && response.status !== 206) {
const responseError: WebDAVClientError = new Error(
`Invalid response code for partial request: ${response.status}`
responseError.status = response.status;
throw responseError;
if (options.callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
return response.data as Stream.Readable;

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode } from "../response";
import { RequestOptionsCustom, Response, WebDAVClientContext } from "../types";
export async function customRequest(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
remotePath: string,
requestOptions: RequestOptionsCustom
): Promise<Response> {
if (!requestOptions.url) {
requestOptions.url = joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(remotePath));
const finalOptions = prepareRequestOptions(requestOptions, context, {});
const response = await request(finalOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
return response;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode } from "../response";
import { WebDAVClientContext, WebDAVMethodOptions } from "../types";
export async function deleteFile(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filename: string,
options: WebDAVMethodOptions = {}
): Promise<void> {
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filename)),
method: "DELETE"
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import pathPosix from "path-posix";
import { joinURL, normaliseHREF } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath, normalisePath } from "../tools/path";
import { parseXML, prepareFileFromProps } from "../tools/dav";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode, processGlobFilter, processResponsePayload } from "../response";
import {
} from "../types";
export async function getDirectoryContents(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
remotePath: string,
options: GetDirectoryContentsOptions = {}
): Promise<Array<FileStat> | ResponseDataDetailed<Array<FileStat>>> {
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(remotePath), "/"),
method: "PROPFIND",
headers: {
Accept: "text/plain",
Depth: options.deep ? "infinity" : "1"
responseType: "text"
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
const davResp = await parseXML(response.data as string);
let files = getDirectoryFiles(davResp, context.remotePath, remotePath, options.details);
if (options.glob) {
files = processGlobFilter(files, options.glob);
return processResponsePayload(response, files, options.details);
function getDirectoryFiles(
result: DAVResult,
serverBasePath: string,
requestPath: string,
isDetailed: boolean = false
): Array<FileStat> {
const serverBase = pathPosix.join(serverBasePath, "/");
// Extract the response items (directory contents)
const {
multistatus: { response: responseItems }
} = result;
return (
// Map all items to a consistent output structure (results)
.map(item => {
// HREF is the file path (in full)
const href = normaliseHREF(item.href);
// Each item should contain a stat object
const {
propstat: { prop: props }
} = item;
// Process the true full filename (minus the base server path)
const filename =
serverBase === "/"
? decodeURIComponent(normalisePath(href))
: decodeURIComponent(normalisePath(pathPosix.relative(serverBase, href)));
return prepareFileFromProps(props, filename, isDetailed);
// Filter out the item pointing to the current directory (not needed)
item =>
item.basename &&
(item.type === "file" || item.filename !== requestPath.replace(/\/$/, ""))

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { getStat } from "./stat";
import { WebDAVClientContext, WebDAVMethodOptions } from "../types";
export async function exists(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
remotePath: string,
options: WebDAVMethodOptions = {}
): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await getStat(context, remotePath, options);
return true;
} catch (err) {
if (err.status === 404) {
return false;
throw err;

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
import { Layerr } from "layerr";
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { fromBase64 } from "../tools/encode";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode, processResponsePayload } from "../response";
import {
} from "../types";
const TRANSFORM_RETAIN_FORMAT = (v: any) => v;
export async function getFileContents(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filePath: string,
options: GetFileContentsOptions = {}
): Promise<BufferLike | string | ResponseDataDetailed<BufferLike | string>> {
const { format = "binary" } = options;
if (format !== "binary" && format !== "text") {
throw new Layerr(
info: {
code: ErrorCode.InvalidOutputFormat
`Invalid output format: ${format}`
return format === "text"
? getFileContentsString(context, filePath, options)
: getFileContentsBuffer(context, filePath, options);
async function getFileContentsBuffer(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filePath: string,
options: GetFileContentsOptions = {}
): Promise<BufferLike | ResponseDataDetailed<BufferLike>> {
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filePath)),
method: "GET",
responseType: "arraybuffer"
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
return processResponsePayload(response, response.data as BufferLike, options.details);
async function getFileContentsString(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filePath: string,
options: GetFileContentsOptions = {}
): Promise<string | ResponseDataDetailed<string>> {
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filePath)),
method: "GET",
responseType: "text",
transformResponse: [TRANSFORM_RETAIN_FORMAT]
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
return processResponsePayload(response, response.data as string, options.details);
export function getFileDownloadLink(context: WebDAVClientContext, filePath: string): string {
let url = joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filePath));
const protocol = /^https:/i.test(url) ? "https" : "http";
switch (context.authType) {
case AuthType.None:
// Do nothing
case AuthType.Password: {
const authPart = context.headers.Authorization.replace(/^Basic /i, "").trim();
const authContents = fromBase64(authPart);
url = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, `${protocol}://${authContents}@`);
throw new Layerr(
info: {
code: ErrorCode.LinkUnsupportedAuthType
`Unsupported auth type for file link: ${context.authType}`
return url;

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import { prepareRequestOptions, request } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode, processResponsePayload } from "../response";
import { parseXML } from "../tools/dav";
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { parseQuota } from "../tools/quota";
import { DiskQuota, GetQuotaOptions, ResponseDataDetailed, WebDAVClientContext } from "../types";
export async function getQuota(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
options: GetQuotaOptions = {}
): Promise<DiskQuota | null | ResponseDataDetailed<DiskQuota | null>> {
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, "/"),
method: "PROPFIND",
headers: {
Accept: "text/plain",
Depth: "0"
responseType: "text"
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
const result = await parseXML(response.data as string);
const quota = parseQuota(result);
return processResponsePayload(response, quota, options.details);

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import nestedProp from "nested-property";
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { generateLockXML, parseGenericResponse } from "../tools/xml";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { createErrorFromResponse, handleResponseCode } from "../response";
import {
} from "../types";
const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = "Infinite, Second-4100000000";
export async function lock(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
path: string,
options: LockOptions = {}
): Promise<LockResponse> {
const { refreshToken, timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } = options;
const headers: Headers = {
Accept: "text/plain,application/xml",
Timeout: timeout
if (refreshToken) {
headers.If = refreshToken;
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(path)),
method: "LOCK",
data: generateLockXML(context.contactHref),
responseType: "text"
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
const lockPayload = parseGenericResponse(response.data as string);
const token = nestedProp.get(lockPayload, "prop.lockdiscovery.activelock.locktoken.href");
const serverTimeout = nestedProp.get(lockPayload, "prop.lockdiscovery.activelock.timeout");
if (!token) {
const err = createErrorFromResponse(response, "No lock token received: ");
throw err;
return {
export async function unlock(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
path: string,
token: string,
options: WebDAVMethodOptions = {}
): Promise<void> {
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(path)),
method: "UNLOCK",
headers: {
"Lock-Token": token
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
if (response.status !== 204 && response.status !== 200) {
const err = createErrorFromResponse(response);
throw err;

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode } from "../response";
import { WebDAVClientContext, WebDAVMethodOptions } from "../types";
export async function moveFile(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filename: string,
destination: string,
options: WebDAVMethodOptions = {}
): Promise<void> {
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filename)),
method: "MOVE",
headers: {
Destination: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(destination))
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
import { Layerr } from "layerr";
import Stream from "stream";
import { fromBase64 } from "../tools/encode";
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode } from "../response";
import { calculateDataLength } from "../tools/size";
import {
} from "../types";
declare var WEB: boolean;
export async function putFileContents(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filePath: string,
data: string | BufferLike | Stream.Readable,
options: PutFileContentsOptions = {}
): Promise<boolean> {
const { contentLength = true, overwrite = true } = options;
const headers: Headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"
if (typeof WEB === "undefined") {
// Skip, no content-length
} else if (contentLength === false) {
// Skip, disabled
} else if (typeof contentLength === "number") {
headers["Content-Length"] = `${contentLength}`;
} else {
headers["Content-Length"] = `${calculateDataLength(data as string | BufferLike)}`;
if (!overwrite) {
headers["If-None-Match"] = "*";
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filePath)),
method: "PUT",
const response = await request(requestOptions);
try {
handleResponseCode(context, response);
} catch (err) {
const error = err as WebDAVClientError;
if (error.status === 412 && !overwrite) {
return false;
} else {
throw error;
return true;
export function getFileUploadLink(context: WebDAVClientContext, filePath: string): string {
let url: string = `${joinURL(
const protocol = /^https:/i.test(url) ? "https" : "http";
switch (context.authType) {
case AuthType.None:
// Do nothing
case AuthType.Password: {
const authPart = context.headers.Authorization.replace(/^Basic /i, "").trim();
const authContents = fromBase64(authPart);
url = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, `${protocol}://${authContents}@`);
throw new Layerr(
info: {
code: ErrorCode.LinkUnsupportedAuthType
`Unsupported auth type for file link: ${context.authType}`
return url;

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { parseStat, parseXML } from "../tools/dav";
import { joinURL } from "../tools/url";
import { encodePath } from "../tools/path";
import { request, prepareRequestOptions } from "../request";
import { handleResponseCode, processResponsePayload } from "../response";
import { FileStat, ResponseDataDetailed, StatOptions, WebDAVClientContext } from "../types";
export async function getStat(
context: WebDAVClientContext,
filename: string,
options: StatOptions = {}
): Promise<FileStat | ResponseDataDetailed<FileStat>> {
const { details: isDetailed = false } = options;
const requestOptions = prepareRequestOptions(
url: joinURL(context.remoteURL, encodePath(filename)),
method: "PROPFIND",
headers: {
Accept: "text/plain,application/xml",
Depth: "0"
responseType: "text"
const response = await request(requestOptions);
handleResponseCode(context, response);
const result = await parseXML(response.data as string);
const stat = parseStat(result, filename, isDetailed);
return processResponsePayload(response, stat, isDetailed);

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
import axios from "axios";
import { getPatcher } from "./compat/patcher";
import { generateDigestAuthHeader, parseDigestAuth } from "./auth/digest";
import { cloneShallow, merge } from "./tools/merge";
import { mergeHeaders } from "./tools/headers";
import {
} from "./types";
function _request(requestOptions: RequestOptions) {
return getPatcher().patchInline(
(options: RequestOptions) => axios(options as any),
export function prepareRequestOptions(
requestOptions: RequestOptionsCustom | RequestOptionsWithState,
context: WebDAVClientContext,
userOptions: WebDAVMethodOptions
): RequestOptionsWithState {
const finalOptions = cloneShallow(requestOptions) as RequestOptionsWithState;
finalOptions.headers = mergeHeaders(
finalOptions.headers || {},
userOptions.headers || {}
if (typeof userOptions.data !== "undefined") {
finalOptions.data = userOptions.data;
if (context.httpAgent) {
finalOptions.httpAgent = context.httpAgent;
if (context.httpsAgent) {
finalOptions.httpsAgent = context.httpsAgent;
if (context.digest) {
finalOptions._digest = context.digest;
if (typeof context.withCredentials === "boolean") {
finalOptions.withCredentials = context.withCredentials;
if (context.maxContentLength) {
finalOptions.maxContentLength = context.maxContentLength;
if (context.maxBodyLength) {
finalOptions.maxBodyLength = context.maxBodyLength;
if (userOptions.hasOwnProperty("onUploadProgress")) {
finalOptions.onUploadProgress = userOptions["onUploadProgress"];
// Take full control of all response status codes
finalOptions.validateStatus = () => true;
return finalOptions;
export function request(requestOptions: RequestOptionsWithState): Promise<Response> {
// Client not configured for digest authentication
if (!requestOptions._digest) {
return _request(requestOptions);
// Remove client's digest authentication object from request options
const _digest = requestOptions._digest;
delete requestOptions._digest;
// If client is already using digest authentication, include the digest authorization header
if (_digest.hasDigestAuth) {
requestOptions = merge(requestOptions, {
headers: {
Authorization: generateDigestAuthHeader(requestOptions, _digest)
// Perform the request and handle digest authentication
return _request(requestOptions).then(function(response: Response) {
if (response.status == 401) {
_digest.hasDigestAuth = parseDigestAuth(response, _digest);
if (_digest.hasDigestAuth) {
requestOptions = merge(requestOptions, {
headers: {
Authorization: generateDigestAuthHeader(requestOptions, _digest)
return _request(requestOptions).then(function(response2: Response) {
if (response2.status == 401) {
_digest.hasDigestAuth = false;
} else {
return response2;
} else {
return response;

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import minimatch from "minimatch";
import {
} from "./types";
export function createErrorFromResponse(response: Response, prefix: string = ""): Error {
const err: WebDAVClientError = new Error(
`${prefix}Invalid response: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`
) as WebDAVClientError;
err.status = response.status;
err.response = response;
return err;
export function handleResponseCode(context: WebDAVClientContext, response: Response): Response {
const { status } = response;
if (status === 401 && context.digest) return response;
if (status >= 400) {
const err = createErrorFromResponse(response);
throw err;
return response;
export function processGlobFilter(files: Array<FileStat>, glob: string): Array<FileStat> {
return files.filter(file => minimatch(file.filename, glob, { matchBase: true }));
export function processResponsePayload<T>(
response: Response,
data: T,
isDetailed: boolean = false
): ResponseDataDetailed<T> | T {
return isDetailed
? {
headers: response.headers || {},
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText
: data;

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import md5 from "md5";
export function ha1Compute(
algorithm: string,
user: string,
realm: string,
pass: string,
nonce: string,
cnonce: string
): string {
const ha1 = md5(`${user}:${realm}:${pass}`) as string;
if (algorithm && algorithm.toLowerCase() === "md5-sess") {
return md5(`${ha1}:${nonce}:${cnonce}`) as string;
return ha1;

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
import path from "path-posix";
import xmlParser from "fast-xml-parser";
import nestedProp from "nested-property";
import { decodeHTMLEntities } from "./encode";
import { normalisePath } from "./path";
import {
} from "../types";
enum PropertyType {
Array = "array",
Object = "object",
Original = "original"
function getPropertyOfType(
obj: Object,
prop: string,
type: PropertyType = PropertyType.Original
): any {
const val = nestedProp.get(obj, prop);
if (type === "array" && Array.isArray(val) === false) {
return [val];
} else if (type === "object" && Array.isArray(val)) {
return val[0];
return val;
function normaliseResponse(response: any): DAVResultResponse {
const output = Object.assign({}, response);
nestedProp.set(output, "propstat", getPropertyOfType(output, "propstat", PropertyType.Object));
getPropertyOfType(output, "propstat.prop", PropertyType.Object)
return output;
function normaliseResult(result: DAVResultRaw): DAVResult {
const { multistatus } = result;
if (multistatus === "") {
return {
multistatus: {
response: []
if (!multistatus) {
throw new Error("Invalid response: No root multistatus found");
const output: any = {
multistatus: Array.isArray(multistatus) ? multistatus[0] : multistatus
getPropertyOfType(output, "multistatus.response", PropertyType.Array)
nestedProp.get(output, "multistatus.response").map(response => normaliseResponse(response))
return output as DAVResult;
export function parseXML(xml: string): Promise<DAVResult> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const result = xmlParser.parse(xml, {
arrayMode: false,
ignoreNameSpace: true
// // We don't use the processors here as decoding is done manually
// // later on - decoding early would break some path checks.
// attrValueProcessor: val => decodeHTMLEntities(decodeURIComponent(val)),
// tagValueProcessor: val => decodeHTMLEntities(decodeURIComponent(val))
export function prepareFileFromProps(
props: DAVResultResponseProps,
rawFilename: string,
isDetailed: boolean = false
): FileStat {
// Last modified time, raw size, item type and mime
const {
getlastmodified: lastMod = null,
getcontentlength: rawSize = "0",
resourcetype: resourceType = null,
getcontenttype: mimeType = null,
getetag: etag = null
} = props;
const type =
resourceType &&
typeof resourceType === "object" &&
typeof resourceType.collection !== "undefined"
? "directory"
: "file";
const filename = decodeHTMLEntities(rawFilename);
const stat: FileStat = {
basename: path.basename(filename),
lastmod: lastMod,
size: parseInt(rawSize, 10),
etag: typeof etag === "string" ? etag.replace(/"/g, "") : null
if (type === "file") {
stat.mime = mimeType && typeof mimeType === "string" ? mimeType.split(";")[0] : "";
if (isDetailed) {
stat.props = props;
return stat;
export function parseStat(
result: DAVResult,
filename: string,
isDetailed: boolean = false
): FileStat {
let responseItem: DAVResultResponse = null;
try {
responseItem = result.multistatus.response[0];
} catch (e) {
/* ignore */
if (!responseItem) {
throw new Error("Failed getting item stat: bad response");
const {
propstat: { prop: props, status: statusLine }
} = responseItem;
// As defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2068#section-6.1
const [_, statusCodeStr, statusText] = statusLine.split(" ", 3);
const statusCode = parseInt(statusCodeStr, 10);
if (statusCode >= 400) {
const err: WebDAVClientError = new Error(
`Invalid response: ${statusCode} ${statusText}`
) as WebDAVClientError;
err.status = statusCode;
throw err;
const filePath = normalisePath(filename);
return prepareFileFromProps(props, filePath, isDetailed);
export function translateDiskSpace(value: string | number): DiskQuotaAvailable {
switch (value.toString()) {
case "-3":
return "unlimited";
case "-2":
/* falls-through */
case "-1":
// -1 is non-computed
return "unknown";
return parseInt(value as string, 10);

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import { decode, encode } from "base-64";
declare var WEB: boolean;
export function decodeHTMLEntities(text: string): string {
if (typeof WEB === "undefined") {
// Node
const he = require("he");
return he.decode(text);
} else {
// Nasty browser way
const txt = document.createElement("textarea");
txt.innerHTML = text;
return txt.value;
export function fromBase64(text: string): string {
return decode(text);
export function toBase64(text: string): string {
return encode(text);

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { Headers } from "../types";
export function mergeHeaders(...headerPayloads: Headers[]): Headers {
if (headerPayloads.length === 0) return {};
const headerKeys = {};
return headerPayloads.reduce((output: Headers, headers: Headers) => {
Object.keys(headers).forEach(header => {
const lowerHeader = header.toLowerCase();
if (headerKeys.hasOwnProperty(lowerHeader)) {
output[headerKeys[lowerHeader]] = headers[header];
} else {
headerKeys[lowerHeader] = header;
output[header] = headers[header];
return output;
}, {});

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
export function cloneShallow<T extends Object>(obj: T): T {
return isPlainObject(obj)
? Object.assign({}, obj)
: Object.setPrototypeOf(Object.assign({}, obj), Object.getPrototypeOf(obj));
function isPlainObject(obj: Object | any): boolean {
if (
typeof obj !== "object" ||
obj === null ||
Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) != "[object Object]"
) {
// Not an object
return false;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null) {
return true;
let proto = obj;
// Find the prototype
while (Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) {
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === proto;
export function merge(...args: Object[]) {
let output = null,
items = [...args];
while (items.length > 0) {
const nextItem = items.shift();
if (!output) {
output = cloneShallow(nextItem);
} else {
output = mergeObjects(output, nextItem);
return output;
function mergeObjects(obj1: Object, obj2: Object): Object {
const output = cloneShallow(obj1);
Object.keys(obj2).forEach(key => {
if (!output.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
output[key] = obj2[key];
if (Array.isArray(obj2[key])) {
output[key] = Array.isArray(output[key])
? [...output[key], ...obj2[key]]
: [...obj2[key]];
} else if (typeof obj2[key] === "object" && !!obj2[key]) {
output[key] =
typeof output[key] === "object" && !!output[key]
? mergeObjects(output[key], obj2[key])
: cloneShallow(obj2[key]);
} else {
output[key] = obj2[key];
return output;

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { dirname } from "path-posix";
export function encodePath(path) {
const replaced = path.replace(/\//g, SEP_PATH_POSIX).replace(/\\\\/g, SEP_PATH_WINDOWS);
const formatted = encodeURIComponent(replaced);
return formatted
export function getAllDirectories(path: string): Array<string> {
if (!path || path === "/") return [];
let currentPath = path;
const output: Array<string> = [];
do {
currentPath = dirname(currentPath);
} while (currentPath && currentPath !== "/");
return output;
export function normalisePath(pathStr: string): string {
let normalisedPath = pathStr;
if (normalisedPath[0] !== "/") {
normalisedPath = "/" + normalisedPath;
if (/^.+\/$/.test(normalisedPath)) {
normalisedPath = normalisedPath.substr(0, normalisedPath.length - 1);
return normalisedPath;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import { translateDiskSpace } from "./dav";
import { DAVResult, DiskQuota } from "../types";
export function parseQuota(result: DAVResult): DiskQuota | null {
try {
const [responseItem] = result.multistatus.response;
const {
propstat: {
prop: { "quota-used-bytes": quotaUsed, "quota-available-bytes": quotaAvail }
} = responseItem;
return typeof quotaUsed !== "undefined" && typeof quotaAvail !== "undefined"
? {
used: parseInt(quotaUsed, 10),
available: translateDiskSpace(quotaAvail)
: null;
} catch (err) {
/* ignore */
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import { Layerr } from "layerr";
import { isArrayBuffer } from "../compat/arrayBuffer";
import { isBuffer } from "../compat/buffer";
import { BufferLike, ErrorCode } from "../types";
export function calculateDataLength(data: string | BufferLike): number {
if (isArrayBuffer(data)) {
return (<ArrayBuffer>data).byteLength;
} else if (isBuffer(data)) {
return (<Buffer>data).length;
} else if (typeof data === "string") {
return (<string>data).length;
throw new Layerr(
info: {
code: ErrorCode.DataTypeNoLength
"Cannot calculate data length: Invalid type"

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import URL from "url-parse";
import _joinURL from "url-join";
import { normalisePath } from "./path";
export function extractURLPath(fullURL: string): string {
const url = new URL(fullURL);
let urlPath = url.pathname;
if (urlPath.length <= 0) {
urlPath = "/";
return normalisePath(urlPath);
export function joinURL(...parts: Array<string>): string {
return _joinURL(
parts.reduce((output, nextPart, partIndex) => {
if (
partIndex === 0 ||
nextPart !== "/" ||
(nextPart === "/" && output[output.length - 1] !== "/")
) {
return output;
}, [])
export function normaliseHREF(href: string): string {
const normalisedHref = href.replace(/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+/, "");
return normalisedHref;

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import xmlParser, { j2xParser as XMLParser } from "fast-xml-parser";
export function generateLockXML(ownerHREF: string): string {
return getParser().parse(
lockinfo: {
"@_xmlns:d": "DAV:",
lockscope: {
exclusive: {}
locktype: {
write: {}
owner: {
href: ownerHREF
function getParser(): XMLParser {
return new XMLParser({
attributeNamePrefix: "@_",
format: true,
ignoreAttributes: false,
supressEmptyNode: true
function namespace<T extends Object>(obj: T, ns: string): T {
const copy = { ...obj };
for (const key in copy) {
if (copy[key] && typeof copy[key] === "object" && key.indexOf(":") === -1) {
copy[`${ns}:${key}`] = namespace(copy[key], ns);
delete copy[key];
} else if (/^@_/.test(key) === false) {
copy[`${ns}:${key}`] = copy[key];
delete copy[key];
return copy;
export function parseGenericResponse(xml: string): Object {
return xmlParser.parse(xml, {
arrayMode: false,
ignoreNameSpace: true,
parseAttributeValue: true,
parseNodeValue: true

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
import Stream from "stream";
export type AuthHeader = string;
export enum AuthType {
Digest = "digest",
None = "none",
Password = "password",
Token = "token"
export type BufferLike = Buffer | ArrayBuffer;
export interface CreateDirectoryOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
recursive?: boolean;
export interface CreateReadStreamOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
callback?: (response: Response) => void;
range?: {
start: number;
end?: number;
export type CreateWriteStreamCallback = (response: Response) => void;
export interface CreateWriteStreamOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
overwrite?: boolean;
export interface DAVResultResponse {
href: string;
propstat: {
prop: DAVResultResponseProps;
status: string;
export interface DAVResultResponseProps {
displayname: string;
resourcetype: {
collection?: boolean;
getlastmodified?: string;
getetag?: string;
getcontentlength?: string;
getcontenttype?: string;
"quota-available-bytes"?: any;
"quota-used-bytes"?: string;
export interface DAVResult {
multistatus: {
response: Array<DAVResultResponse>;
export interface DAVResultRawMultistatus {
response: DAVResultResponse | [DAVResultResponse];
export interface DAVResultRaw {
multistatus: "" | DAVResultRawMultistatus | [DAVResultRawMultistatus];
export interface DigestContext {
username: string;
password: string;
nc: number;
algorithm: string;
hasDigestAuth: boolean;
cnonce?: string;
nonce?: string;
realm?: string;
qop?: string;
opaque?: string;
export interface DiskQuota {
used: number;
available: DiskQuotaAvailable;
export type DiskQuotaAvailable = "unknown" | "unlimited" | number;
export enum ErrorCode {
DataTypeNoLength = "data-type-no-length",
InvalidAuthType = "invalid-auth-type",
InvalidOutputFormat = "invalid-output-format",
LinkUnsupportedAuthType = "link-unsupported-auth"
export interface FileStat {
filename: string;
basename: string;
lastmod: string;
size: number;
type: "file" | "directory";
etag: string | null;
mime?: string;
props?: DAVResultResponseProps;
export interface GetDirectoryContentsOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
deep?: boolean;
details?: boolean;
glob?: string;
export interface GetFileContentsOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
details?: boolean;
format?: "binary" | "text";
export interface GetQuotaOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
details?: boolean;
export interface Headers {
[key: string]: string;
export interface LockOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
refreshToken?: string;
timeout?: string;
export interface LockResponse {
serverTimeout: string;
token: string;
export interface OAuthToken {
access_token: string;
token_type: string;
refresh_token?: string;
export interface PutFileContentsOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
contentLength?: boolean | number;
overwrite?: boolean;
onUploadProgress?: UploadProgressCallback;
export type RequestDataPayload = string | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | { [key: string]: any };
interface RequestOptionsBase {
data?: RequestDataPayload;
headers?: Headers;
httpAgent?: any;
httpsAgent?: any;
maxBodyLength?: number;
maxContentLength?: number;
maxRedirects?: number;
method: string;
onUploadProgress?: UploadProgressCallback;
responseType?: string;
transformResponse?: Array<(value: any) => any>;
url?: string;
validateStatus?: (status: number) => boolean;
withCredentials?: boolean;
export interface RequestOptionsCustom extends RequestOptionsBase {}
export interface RequestOptions extends RequestOptionsBase {
url: string;
export interface RequestOptionsWithState extends RequestOptions {
_digest?: DigestContext;
export interface Response {
data: ResponseData;
status: number;
headers: Headers;
statusText: string;
export type ResponseData = string | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Object | Array<any>;
export interface ResponseDataDetailed<T> {
data: T;
headers: Headers;
status: number;
statusText: string;
export interface ResponseStatusValidator {
(status: number): boolean;
export interface StatOptions extends WebDAVMethodOptions {
details?: boolean;
export interface UploadProgress {
loaded: number;
total: number;
export interface UploadProgressCallback {
(progress: UploadProgress): void;
export interface WebDAVClient {
copyFile: (filename: string, destination: string) => Promise<void>;
createDirectory: (path: string, options?: CreateDirectoryOptions) => Promise<void>;
createReadStream: (filename: string, options?: CreateReadStreamOptions) => Stream.Readable;
createWriteStream: (
filename: string,
options?: CreateWriteStreamOptions,
callback?: CreateWriteStreamCallback
) => Stream.Writable;
customRequest: (path: string, requestOptions: RequestOptionsCustom) => Promise<Response>;
deleteFile: (filename: string) => Promise<void>;
exists: (path: string) => Promise<boolean>;
getDirectoryContents: (
path: string,
options?: GetDirectoryContentsOptions
) => Promise<Array<FileStat> | ResponseDataDetailed<Array<FileStat>>>;
getFileContents: (
filename: string,
options?: GetFileContentsOptions
) => Promise<BufferLike | string | ResponseDataDetailed<BufferLike | string>>;
getFileDownloadLink: (filename: string) => string;
getFileUploadLink: (filename: string) => string;
getHeaders: () => Headers;
getQuota: (
options?: GetQuotaOptions
) => Promise<DiskQuota | null | ResponseDataDetailed<DiskQuota | null>>;
lock: (path: string, options?: LockOptions) => Promise<LockResponse>;
moveFile: (filename: string, destinationFilename: string) => Promise<void>;
putFileContents: (
filename: string,
data: string | BufferLike | Stream.Readable,
options?: PutFileContentsOptions
) => Promise<boolean>;
setHeaders: (headers: Headers) => void;
stat: (
path: string,
options?: StatOptions
) => Promise<FileStat | ResponseDataDetailed<FileStat>>;
unlock: (path: string, token: string, options?: WebDAVMethodOptions) => Promise<void>;
export interface WebDAVClientContext {
authType: AuthType;
contactHref: string;
digest?: DigestContext;
headers: Headers;
httpAgent?: any;
httpsAgent?: any;
maxBodyLength?: number;
maxContentLength?: number;
password?: string;
remotePath: string;
remoteURL: string;
token?: OAuthToken;
username?: string;
withCredentials?: boolean;
export interface WebDAVClientError extends Error {
status?: number;
response?: Response;
export interface WebDAVClientOptions {
authType?: AuthType;
contactHref?: string;
headers?: Headers;
httpAgent?: any;
httpsAgent?: any;
maxBodyLength?: number;
maxContentLength?: number;
password?: string;
token?: OAuthToken;
username?: string;
withCredentials?: boolean;
export interface WebDAVMethodOptions {
data?: RequestDataPayload;
headers?: Headers;

@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ import {decode} from 'js-base64'
import {api, Cfg} from './api'
import evt from './evt'
import {modelsApp, modelsUser} from './models'
console.log('init oaer')
let shown = ref(false)
let emits = defineEmits<{
@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ let props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
isDark: false,
onMounted(() => {
@ -81,13 +79,11 @@ let self = ref<modelsApp>({} as modelsApp)
let token = computed(() => Cfg.token.value)
watch(token, () => {
console.log('sync token')
function fetchUserData() {
let token = Cfg.token.value?.split('.')
if (!token || token.length !== 3) {
return false

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"baseUrl": ".",
"skipLibCheck": true,
"paths": {
"@/*": [
@ -27,6 +28,6 @@
"exclude": [
