You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
6.8 KiB

* options.ts
* Copyright (C) 2023 veypi <>
* 2023-10-07 20:21
* Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import { CherryOptions } from 'cherry-markdown/types/cherry';
const basicConfig: CherryOptions = {
id: '',
value: '',
externals: {
// echarts: window.echarts,
// katex: window.katex,
// MathJax: window.MathJax,
/** 预览区域跟随编辑器光标自动滚动 */
autoScrollByCursor: true,
forceAppend: false,
locale: 'zh_CN',
previewer: {
dom: false,
className: 'cherry-markdown',
// Whether to enable the editing ability of preview area (currently supports editing picture size and table content)
enablePreviewerBubble: true,
// 配置图片懒加载的逻辑
lazyLoadImg: {
// 加载图片时如果需要展示loaing图则配置loading图的地址
loadingImgPath: '',
// 同一时间最多有几个图片请求最大同时加载6张图片
maxNumPerTime: 1,
// 不进行懒加载处理的图片数量如果为0即所有图片都进行懒加载处理 如果设置为-1则所有图片都不进行懒加载处理
noLoadImgNum: 0,
// 首次自动加载几张图片不论图片是否滚动到视野内autoLoadImgNum = -1 表示会自动加载完所有图片
autoLoadImgNum: 3,
// 针对加载失败的图片 或 beforeLoadOneImgCallback 返回false 的图片最多尝试加载几次为了防止死循环最多5次。以图片的src为纬度统计重试次数
maxTryTimesPerSrc: 1,
// 加载一张图片之前的回调函数函数return false 会终止加载操作
beforeLoadOneImgCallback: (img: HTMLImageElement) => true,
// 加载一张图片失败之后的回调函数
failLoadOneImgCallback: (img: HTMLImageElement) => { },
// 加载一张图片之后的回调函数,如果图片加载失败,则不会回调该函数
afterLoadOneImgCallback: (img: HTMLImageElement) => { },
// 加载完所有图片后调用的回调函数
afterLoadAllImgCallback: () => { },
theme: [],
callback: {
afterChange: () => { },
/** 编辑器完成初次渲染后触发 */
afterInit: () => { },
/** img 标签挂载前触发,可用于懒加载等场景 */
beforeImageMounted: (srcProp: string, src: string) => {
return { srcProp: srcProp, src: src }
onClickPreview: () => { },
onCopyCode: (e: ClipboardEvent, code: string) => code,
changeString2Pinyin: (s: any) => s,
isPreviewOnly: false,
fileUpload: (f: any) => { console.log('upload file: ' + f) },
fileTypeLimitMap: {
video: "",
audio: "",
image: "",
word: "",
pdf: "",
file: "",
openai: false,
engine: {
global: {
urlProcessor(url: any, srcType: any) {
// console.log(`url-processor`, url, srcType);
return url;
syntax: {
autoLink: {
/** default open short link display */
enableShortLink: true,
/** default display 20 characters */
shortLinkLength: 20,
list: {
listNested: false, // The sibling list type becomes a child after conversion
indentSpace: 2, // Default 2 space indents
table: {
enableChart: false,
// chartRenderEngine: EChartsTableEngine,
// externals: ['echarts'],
inlineCode: {
theme: 'red',
codeBlock: {
theme: 'twilight', // Default to dark theme
wrap: true, // If it exceeds the length, whether to wrap the line. If false, the scroll bar will be displayed
lineNumber: true, // Default display line number
customRenderer: {
// Custom syntax renderer
* indentedCodeBlock Is the switch whether indent code block is enabled
* this syntax is not supported by default in versions before 6.X.
* Because cherry's development team thinks the syntax is too ugly (easy to touch by mistake)
* The development team hopes to completely replace this syntax with ` ` code block syntax
* However, in the subsequent communication, the development team found that the syntax had better display effect in some scenarios
* Therefore, the development team in 6 This syntax was introduced in version X
* if you want to upgrade the following versions of services without users' awareness, you can remove this syntax:
* indentedCodeBlockfalse
indentedCodeBlock: true,
fontEmphasis: {
allowWhitespace: false, // 是否允许首尾空格
strikethrough: {
needWhitespace: false, // 是否必须有前后空格
mathBlock: {
engine: 'MathJax', // katex或MathJax
src: '', // 如果使用MathJax plugins则需要使用该url通过script标签引入
// src: '/deps/mathjax/tex-svg.js',
plugins: true,
inlineMath: {
engine: 'MathJax', // katex或MathJax
emoji: {
useUnicode: false,
// customResourceURL: '${code}.png?v8',
upperCase: true,
toc: {
/** By default, only one directory is rendered */
allowMultiToc: false,
header: {
* Style of title
* - default Default style with anchor in front of title
* - autonumber There is a self incrementing sequence number anchor in front of the title
* - none Title has no anchor
anchorStyle: 'autonumber',
// toc: {
// tocStyle: 'nested'
// }
// 'header': {
// strict: false
// }
toolbars: {
showToolbar: true,
theme: 'light',
toolbar: [
// {
// strikethrough: ['strikethrough', 'underline', 'sub', 'sup', 'ruby'],
// },
insert: ['image', 'audio', 'video', 'link', 'hr', 'br', 'code', 'formula', 'toc', 'table', 'pdf', 'word', 'ruby'],
// toolbarRight: [],
bubble: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'sub', 'sup', 'quote', 'ruby', '|', 'size', 'color'], // array or false
// sidebar: false,
// float: false
customMenu: {
} as any,
drawioIframeUrl: '/cherry/drawio.html',
editor: {
defaultModel: 'edit&preview',
export default basicConfig